Me, Kemo Sabe
copyright(C) 07/04/11
Romantic, Humor?
18,413 words
Readers score 6.95
Brad and Melanie are married. They have
neighbors at the end of the street, Rich and Cindy.
Brad goes to reenactments as The Lone Ranger.
His pistols come into play. How about Annie Oakley?
“Hey Melanie, you must have your phone turned off. This is just a message to say I won't be getting home for your friend’s retirement party. I expect to be home by noon tomorrow, not this afternoon as planned. Have fun. Love you. Brad.
Melanie and I were a young couple in our late twenties. She was a grade school teacher and I worked in an office as an accountant. Melanie often said she wasn’t one to take life seriously. She was tall, and extremely attractive. Her breasts were just right for her, riding high and firm. She didn’t strut, but she came off as just a little arrogant.
Me? Well I was tall too, but was somewhat gangly. I could move fast and that was what prompted me to have a hobby. This was for weekends though. I was working toward becoming a Certified Public Accountant. It was going to take awhile for me to see the name Bradley Higgins on the certificate I wanted on the wall of my office, but I plugged away diligently.
Several times a year I went to reenactments of western shoot-outs. My fellow actors and I dressed as gunfighters or as characters from different television series. Some of us acted out short skits and scenes from the shows. I mostly entered the fast draw contests. I recently purchased a new outfit. This was a costume of the Lone Ranger. Melanie hadn’t seen it yet.
Melanie thought all of this was foolish and childish. I enjoyed it and she laughed at it and at me most of the time. If the dates were where she could go with me, she did sometimes finding she thoroughly enjoyed herself. She didn't mind my going, although she had one request. “I don’t want any of our friends to know about this and that is for positive, you promise?” I did promise.
Not long after I called telling her when I was coming home, the weather turned good and I decided to head for there instead of sleeping in the motel. It was two a.m. when I pulled my car into the garage and closed the door. The house was dark except for the nightlights on in every room. I assumed of course, that my wife was sleeping upstairs.
I didn’t turn any lights on, just going through the living room and setting my equipment in the hall. I still had on my western hat and gear. My twin holsters and guns that I carried in a satchel I set down on the floor by my suitcase. My mask was in my pocket and I headed for the bathroom. Relieved, I was just shaking it when I heard a vehicle pull up in front of the garage. It sounded like Rich Rockford’s ’68 Firebird. I heard a car door slam and in a few minutes the front door opened and slammed back against the wall.
Melanie was being supported and half carried in by Rich Rockford. Her golden hair was in disarray and her head didn’t appear to be attached to her neck, it flopped around so much. Rich appeared to be almost as drunk as she was. This pissed me off. Why in hell were they driving around at this time of night and drunk as they appeared to be? Melanie should know better. She knew my thoughts on being in a car with someone who had been drinking.
Understand, I didn’t care too much for Rich and had reason. I considered him an arrogant bastard who was not above belittling his neighbors. It was tough that he was a schoolteacher in the same system as Melanie. I had to put up with him to keep peace with my wife and I didn't like it or him. On occasion, he wasn’t above playing a practical joke and these were meant to hurt and were hardly ever comical.
For instance, a photograph of me naked had surfaced being circulated among our crowd. It had been doctored from me in a swimsuit to show me with it removed and I with the tiniest of sexual equipment. Melanie had laughed it off saying she knew better, but I had taken a lot of razzing and it all hurt. “Forget about it, it is just a joke,” was her comment.
We had a heated exchange over the incident. I even wondered where the original photo had come from and accused her of providing the original. This led her to refusing to have intercourse for a time. I declared a man with such a small tool as mine could not or would not satisfy her and I wouldn’t try. Eventually the hurt died down and we resumed normal relations, but it took several weeks.
Melanie wasn’t aware, but Cindy, Rich’s wife had come and quietly apologized to me. “I know Rich did this and I know someday he will run up against a person who will retaliate. When it happens, I’ll never say a word except, I told you so.”
All of this flashed through my mind as Rich and Melanie staggered into the living room. I also knew Melanie could only be a few minutes from passing out. She headed for the couch and flopped down on it. Her legs were splayed and Rich was looking directly at her undies. He removed his suit jacket before sitting in the chair across from her. He was so drunk it could only be a short time before he would pass out himself.
Suddenly he rose from the chair, staggered across to Melanie and fondled her breasts, running his thumbs over her nipples. They of course became erect. He just had to see them. He pulled her dress off her shoulders, and unclasped the front hook bra.
He stared at them displayed in all their glory. Melanie’s breasts were perfect for her and he must have admired them the same way every man did when they encountered her. Now they were right where he could touch them
He leaned down and took one nipple into his mouth. She batted at him, mumbling, “Go away!” I was ready to launch myself at him. He backed off and stood looking down at her.
Next, he turned and lifted her dress up. I knew she must have on the black lace panties that went with the dress. Was he going to rape her? Slowly he backed across the room and sank into the chair again, but didn’t take his eyes from either her breasts or her panties.
He was about to make a decision, yes or no. I could imagine what he was thinking. Here was a beautiful woman who was passed out and fully in his control. He had a very pregnant wife at home who was about to, or had denied him sex recently as she was about at term.
It was time I stopped this. I backed quietly down the hall, put on the Lone Ranger’s mask, dug my holsters and pistols out of the satchel and put on my Stetson. I put blanks in one pistol and returned to where I could observe what Rich would do next.
He was almost asleep and his head would loll to one side, but then he would open his eyes and stare. He made a decision. He pushed himself out of the chair and staggered over to Melanie. He reached for my wife’s panties and started to pull them down.
“Uh, uh,” I uttered. This stopped him. He turned to me, seeing a tall, slim, six-foot-one masked man with two gleaming pistols pointing right at him from about thirteen feet away. There was no light behind me and I was standing just back of entering the room. “Me, Kemo Sabe.”
“Oh God, don’t shoot!” I motioned him back to the chair he had been sitting in. He stumbled and went down. I waved the pistol again and he scrabbled like a spider until he reached the chair.
Before he could sit, I ordered in the worst western drawl ever, “Boots off. No man should die with his boots on. Wranglers and long johns go too. Off.” This he hesitated in doing. I fired the pistol. I thought he might crap his pants.
He hustled some now. I glanced at Melanie. She had hardly stirred as I figured. She had been around gunfire at the re-enactments and contests and was used to hearing it. When my eyes returned to Rich, he had everything below his waist off and he was kicking his pants from his bare feet. I could see how gray his face was and he was now shivering with fear.
I slowly raised the pistol without the shells and pointed at his head. I pulled the trigger. Only a click. “God damned ammo. No good at all.” I turned as if to get some shells out of my belt. I gave him a minute and he took the bait. The door banged open. I hurried across the room to see Rich fall in the driveway reaching for his car. He was going to have some serious scratches and abrasions.
He backed that Firebird out and took off wide open for home at the end of our street. 400 hundred horses in that Pontiac were galloping for all they were worth. He had a straight shot for home so I wasn’t worried. Now to decide about my wife.
Melanie knew I had serious issues with Rich and yet she tended to still be friendly with him. Not only that, she had put herself at risk by riding with him in his car. Who knows, Rich might even have raped her tonight if I hadn’t been here. There was also that niggling doubt that she might say he would not rape anyone, which would add another issue to hound me by her taking his side in all of this. She was believing in him more than in me.
I looked down at my passed out wife. I leaned down and planted a hickey on her left breast. I got a mumbled, “No Rich.” My name is Brad and this was my wife. I about went ballistic. I picked up one leg and planted a hickey high up on the inside of her thigh. It was not enough. I went to the refrigerator and got an egg, separating it and sending the yolk down the garbage disposal. The remainder I planted in strategic places.
Now to clean up and get out of here. I would be home when I said I would be later today. I picked up the wad from the blank shell that had flown across the room. I took Rich’s coat where he had hung it over the chair. His wallet was in it. I bundled up his shoes, pants and underwear and placed everything in a garbage bag.
All of my gear and equipment and his bag went with me out and into my car. I did get a clean set of jeans and a clean shirt from my bureau drawer. I checked everything and locked the house up.
When I backed out of my garage, I could see flashing police and rescue lights at the end of the street near where Rich lived. Oh well, I knew he was too drunk to drive. I hope he didn’t kill anyone ... or himself. I’m sure I would hear about it this afternoon when I got home. The motel I chose was kind of a dump, but I slept well.
I arrived home at the time I said I would. Melanie had not started her summer job yet, so she was at home. I had one more day before I went back to work. “Hi honey, did you have fun at your friend’s retirement party? You said it was for the teacher who had mentored you when you first started. I’ll bet you will miss her.”
“Hi Brad. Not much fun and haven’t had any today. I was bored at the party and I am kind of hung over. I guess I drank more than I usually do. I hope you aren’t planning on sex tonight.”
“No, of course not if you aren’t feeling well. Any other news? I’ve been gone four days and I had a great time. I came in second in the fast draw contest. I’m going to keep practicing and maybe next time I can get first prize. I’ll toss my dirty clothes in the hamper. I’ll even do the washing if you’re not feeling well.”
“I did it already. I had some things that need washing. You could make dinner tonight. Nothing heavy though. Oh, Rich Rockford was in an accident and is in the hospital with a broken arm. He hit that huge cement gargoyle on the edge of his driveway. He was drunk. He smashed up his favorite car pretty badly too. He crumpled the right front fender and did something underneath. One of the neighbors went down while the police were talking to him. He said Rich was going way too fast when he turned into his driveway.
“That isn’t all. He didn’t have any pants on and they are saying Cindy is pissed and embarrassed about it all. What made him take off his clothes, I wonder? I feel sorry for her. She is within a couple of weeks of having her first baby. The neighbor says Rich was talking crazy and said it was all the Lone Ranger’s fault. He was too drunk to make sense and acting weird anyway, especially when he won’t say why or where this happened. I always thought Rich had his head on straight.”
“I know you did.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing, really. You just took his side when he pulled that prank of the picture of me with the tiny dick.”
“I told you to get over it. Everyone else has.”
“I can’t. I felt he took my manhood from me.”
“I never felt that way. I tell you so often enough.”
“Let’s don’t fight Melanie, I know you aren’t feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. So Rich smashed his favorite toy up did he? Too bad.”
“You don’t sound sorry.” I shrugged and turned away so she couldn’t see me grinning.
Whether Melanie thought she had sex last night I wouldn’t know. The subject didn’t come up, and she didn’t get close to me for a few days. I let her. She kept away from mentioning Rich Rockford and his troubles never came up again. As far as anyone knew, Melanie and Rich were never together that night.
Rich was charged with DUI, fined and lost his license for thirty days. He also had to replace all of the items in his wallet. I was going to return it anonymously, but he had two photos of me in it. There was the original snapshot of me in the bathing trunks and the one that had been altered and then circulated.
Rich was barely able to retain his job and had to fight to convince the school board to renew his school contract for the year coming up. He was called before the school commissioners and they decided that the last school year was completed, so he theoretically was not under contract at the time.
In addition, the accident was on his own property, the damage done by him was his alone, and he was the only one to suffer for it. Besides that, they didn’t want a story about a bunch of teachers drinking to excess at some party.
Cindy’s baby came along right on time. Melanie and I went into the hospital to see her as good neighbors would. Two weeks later, we walked down with a hot dish. Rich was home, but kept out of our way.
On the way back up the street, Melanie asked, “Do you think Rich is crazy? Cindy is beginning to wonder. He tells her that he did drive me home the night I was so drunk. He said he sat down and then there was an image standing in the hallway and it fired a gun at him after making him remove all of his clothes.
“Brad, I honestly don’t even remember coming home. What do you think happened to make Rich tell tales such as this?”
“Maybe Rich was doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing and dreamed this because he feels so guilty.”
“You don’t really believe that do you? What would he be guilty of doing?”
“I couldn’t imagine. You and him were the only two people I know who were there in the house.” There was total silence from my wife the rest of the way home. A week later, she decided it was confession time.
“Brad, may I talk to you tonight after dinner? I think I have something to say. You aren’t going to like it and I think you are going to hate Rich more than ever.”
“Oh, I don’t think I’m going to be very mad at you, but I certainly would like to hear what you have to say. I love you, you know. I always have and I always will. I get upset with you sometimes, but I think our love is pretty strong.”
“I hope so, but I don’t see how you could forgive some of the things I’ve done.”
“Hold that thought, because I’m going to prove you wrong.” I received two kisses as I left for work. Melanie was very nervous when I got home. She had my favorite dinner prepared. She poured a glass of wine for me to drink as she was loading the dishwasher.
She brought in a large glass of wine and sat down on the far end of the couch from me. “Brad, that night I got so drunk at the party. Rich did drive me. I lied about not knowing how I got home. I must have been unfaithful when we got here. I just know that if I had been sober or just a little drunk it wouldn’t have happened. I feel so bad about it and I’m asking you to forgive me. It has bothered me for the last month and I can’t live with myself any longer without telling you.”
“I forgive you for what you feel was being unfaithful. If you find out you weren’t unfaithful how are you going to feel then?”
“I wish you could tell me I wasn’t. I would feel so relieved. You don’t know the hell I have been through.”
“Okay, I’ll tell you and relieve your mind. You were not unfaithful. I set you up and I’ll explain how and why. The why, remember last year when those pictures of me and my so-called tiny dick circulated? I was so hurt because you thought it funny. I thought for a long time you supplied the original to Rich. That part I still don’t know about, but I do know in two ways that he was responsible.”
Melanie broke in, “Brad, I would never do that to you. I don’t know where he got the photo. Honest!”
“You didn’t deny it strongly enough, though. Cindy told me that Rich did it and if she knew of someone who could play a prank on Rich to compensate for my embarrassment, she wouldn’t be mad at that person at all. I hope she still feels that way. Also, I know he did it because I have the original of me and the one he himself or someone else altered.”
“How could you have the original? I know there were some with the changed picture around because I saw two or three. I laughed at the people who showed them to me because I know what your equipment is and it is at least several times bigger than the picture.”
“It still hurt terribly. That is why I’m going to tell you how I know you were not unfaithful. Let me ask you a few questions first. Did you ever flirt with Rich enough to tease him into thinking he might get somewhere with you?”
“Maybe, but I never meant it to be taken seriously or intended to. I didn’t think he did either.”
“You must remember men and women see many things in a different way. Case in point, I was hurt about the picture and you couldn’t see it as nothing but a joke.”
“I’m so sorry Brad. I do see your point now. But where did you get the original?”
“It was in his wallet. The Lone Ranger got it for me.”
“You mean Rich’s rambling on about the Lone Ranger is true.”
I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. “Me, Kemo Sabe. Hi Ho Silver Away.” I hesitated now before continuing in the face of Melanie’s disbelief. “You’re going to be awful mad at me when you hear what really happened that night.”
“No I’m not. I have a feeling you got back at Rich good. Real good.”
“Yes, but remember, at the time I had a lot of resentment against you too. I did things to you I’m not at all proud of.”
“You forgave me, so I promise I am going to forgive you, no matter what.”
“I hope so. Here goes anyway. Melanie, I got home just minutes before you did that night. When you and Rich came in I was immediately pissed at both of you. You for getting drunk and he for driving you home in the condition where he was obviously intoxicated. Why on earth did you get in his car?”
“I don’t remember. Honest. I promise I won’t ever drink so much again.”
“Okay. Anyway, you made it as far as the couch and flopped down on it. Your legs were splayed indecently. Rich made it back to the chair and could look up your dress and see your pretty lace panties.” I paused and looked at Melanie. Her face was bright red with embarrassment for herself. “He was almost too drunk to stand, but finally he came over and fondled your breasts.
“Next, he pulled the top of your dress down and unclasped your bra. He leaned down and sucked on one of your nipples. I could have killed him right then, but he backed off and looked at your panties. He went back and sat down, still staring directly up your dress.”
“He put a hickey on one of my breasts didn’t he? I was so ashamed when I saw it and I knew it couldn’t have come from you. You never mark me. That and other things made me sure I had been unfaithful.”
“Did he put a hickey on you? We will get to that in a minute. Enter the Lone Ranger watching all of this. He put on his mask, his Stetson and buckled on his guns. When Rich reached to pull down your panties, the Lone Ranger spoke just enough to give Rich pause and to look toward the hall where the Lone Ranger was partially visible. The ranger spoke again. ‘Me, Kemo Sabe,’ letting Rich know he was in trouble ... real trouble.
“He was told to remove his shoes, pants and underwear because it wasn’t right to have to die with his boots on. Rich hesitated and the Ranger fired one gun one time. You never stirred because you were used to hearing gunfire at the shows. When the Ranger tried to fire off the shot that Rich knew was going to kill him and it did not go off, he saw a chance to run and he did. Exit, Rich.”
Melanie had pictured all of this as I spoke and I could see she saw humor in it. Then she realized that this wasn’t the end of the story, she sobered. “What about me? You are the Lone Ranger, so it was you all along that had sex with me that night. I’m so glad, but you could have told me weeks ago,”
“I didn’t do you, dear. Nobody did. Remember I was pissed at you. First, I put the hickey on your breast. When I did this, you mumbled, ‘No, Rich,’ which made me see red because my name happens to be Brad. That is when I lost it and put another hickey up high on your thigh.”
Melanie broke in, “I didn’t find that one for two days. God, I was so embarrassed. I knew if you saw it you would kill me.” It was getting to her now just what I had done. “It was you all along. I could hate you because I worked so hard to keep both hickeys hidden from you.”
“I remember. You wouldn’t let me anywhere near you. I got a chuckle or two from your antics until I was beginning to feel a little sorry. I promised myself I wouldn’t tell you how you got the hickeys until you confessed you thought you had sex.”
Melanie couldn’t believe I had been so mean. She thought back over everything I had said. I could see into her mind the minute she felt I had just cause. “I suppose there is some explanation for the stuff I found on me and in my panties. I can’t believe you could be so nasty that it came from you?”
“No dear, I may get mad at you, but I respect you more than to do that to you. One thing I did, and I suspect this will be the hardest for you to forgive me of doing is how could you know but what you had had sex? I have let you believe it all of this time. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Well get it over with. I guess I’m happy to find out it was all a hoax.”
“It was just egg white. Just one. Makes a big mess doesn’t it?”
I was waiting for my wife to blow her stack. I was surprised at the response I received. “You said men and women think differently about the same thing. Maybe because women have to clean up after men more than men do, is another case in point. I don’t see it as messy at all. In all ways, what you used and what you deposit on or in us has to do with eggs. Kind of funny in a way. Therefore, I forgive you. You better not be pulling anything more like this again. That goes along with me staying nearly sober from now on.”
Melanie came over to lay her head down on my lap. Looking up at me she asked, “Do you really have a Lone Ranger suit?”
“Yup. Just as soon as it gets dark, I will recreate what Rich saw. Next thing is what are we going to do about Rich? Cindy will be okay when she learns the truth, but I think we had better skip letting her know he touched you. We can lay it to you both being inebriated and he might not remember much of what he did that night.”
“You think she needs to know any of it? How about you? You seem pretty calm.”
“I worried almost as much about you finding out what I did to you as you did in thinking you had been unfaithful to me. We’ve forgiven each other. I guess we had better talk to Cindy first. I’ll explain everything including my feelings for both you and Rich about being drunk that night.”
“Let’s not worry about it tonight. I want to lay here and have you hold me. I’m so glad I've found out I wasn’t unfaithful.”
“I’m so glad you aren’t mad at me for making you think you were.”
“What about Rich fondling my breasts? It made you mad.”
“I know, but you told him no and you drunk or sober let me know they are mine.”
“You’re sweet. Would you like to see and feel them?”
“Right now.”
“Yes.” One thing led to another and before we knew it, we were making love. A while later Melanie lay stretched out almost asleep. I excused myself for the bathroom. I paused to look at her before heading down the hall. I sure loved that woman. I slipped into the bedroom where I had hidden my Lone Ranger gear. Hurriedly I donned it. It was dark enough.
I paused where I had stood that night when it was Rich whose attention I was intent on getting. Very gruffly, I said, “Me, Kemo Sabe.” I had both guns drawn. Melanie screamed and fell off the couch. She rose up to her knees trying to climb back on. “You’all better be getting up and head for that chair. Now!”
Just as she was almost to her feet, I fired a pistol. She ran and when she faced me, there was almost the same scared look as I had seen on Rich’s face. It was enough. I came out where she could fully see me, asking, “Are you okay?”
“I am now. I was sleeping or almost. If I was only partially drunk and you did that to me I would be having nightmares, and think you were going to kill me. Boy, I think of the two pranks that have happened, you are way ahead of Rich. Hey, at the next re-enactment, can I be your Tonto and run around saying, Me, Kemo Sabe?”
“You can do anything you want to. Tomorrow is Saturday. I think I should talk to Cindy. You know, I thought Rich was a total asshole, but we haven’t had any cops here investigating about him being naked. He couldn’t have told anyone where all of this happened. He has taken a lot of heat about everything and yet your reputation is just as clean as can be.
“He is either afraid of Cindy finding out he was here or he is thinking of keeping you out of it. Either way, I applaud his discretion.”
“I never thought I would hear you say something in support of Rich.”
“I never thought I would either, but I have to be fair. Especially where you are concerned.”
“Let’s go to bed. All this talk of trouble and forgiveness makes me tired.”
“Okay Tonto.”
“Cindy, can we meet sometime today without Rich being present?”
“Come on down and I’ll put the coffee on. Rich is following his buddies around on the golf course. What’s this about?”
“I have some things of Rich’s. I don’t know whether to return them or keep my mouth shut. I guess I’ll lay it all out before you and let you decide.”
“This I have to hear. Coffee will take ten minutes. I’ll expect you. Will you be wearing your Ranger badge?” This question startled me.
“Not today.” I surmised Rich had done some major confessing to his wife. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.
“Coffee is poured. First, I have to tell you Rich has told me everything that he remembers about that night. It took him two days before he concluded that you must have been the Lone Ranger. To be honest, you almost scared him to death. He is still leery of you. Some of it is lingering guilt over him taking Melanie’s bra off. Is that all he did?”
“I was there. Yeah, that was it. Truthfully, I was madder at the two of them being in a car and being so drunk. She for getting in with him and of course, he for driving the car.”
“Well he got payback for that. He is still crying over the damage to his Firebird?”
“Does he blame me for that?”
“No, and I won’t let him either.”
“He must be pretty upset about the embarrassment of being naked.”
“He is, but I tell him to suck it up. It is just payback for what he did to you. How come you want to talk to us at this time?”
“I had some major issues with Melanie. She did some confessing last night and I thought maybe we all could get beyond this, so I called you.”
“Brad, be honest now. Did Rich do more with Melanie than what he told me he did?”
“Absolutely not. I was there the whole time. I landed on her and set her up to believe she had been unfaithful that night. She was so drunk she didn’t even remember coming home so that part was easy. If you and Rich would come for dinner tonight, you can ask her what I did to her. She forgave me and that is why I’m here. I’d like to apologize to Rich. I’ll do that tonight if you would come.”
“We’ll be there. Count on it. What about the other thing that started all of this?”
“Rich has earned my forgiveness on that. You know if he had told anyone, including the police, where he had left or lost his pants that night, Melanie would have been tarred with scandal. I respect him for doing this for her. He didn’t mention her and that is why I want to get back on track as just being good neighbors.”
“You’re a big man, Brad. I still have hopes for Rich, and with you noting his keeping Melanie out of the spotlight, I think he is going to make it. It is all something positive without any more pranks that will do it. What time for dinner?”
“About six.”
“We’ll be there.”
Melanie asked, “How did it go?”
“They’ll be here about six. I had a good talk with Cindy. Rich confessed all that he could remember. He remembers unhooking your bra, but didn’t say anything about touching you. I concurred that he hadn’t.”
“But you said he did kiss one of my nipples.”
“I’m cutting him some slack. He kept your name out of this whole affair and that means a lot to me. It should to you too.”
“Maybe you lied when you said he touched me.”
I grinned, “Go with that. There is only Rich and the Lone Ranger that know for sure and Rich was drunk. What are you serving for dinner?”
“I have a roast ready to go in the oven. That should do it.”
Chapter Two
I took an hour nap in the afternoon. I took time to lay out my Lone Ranger suit. I had a feeling someone might want to see me dressed that way. We met the Rockford’s at the door. Cindy handed the baby to Melanie to coo over. Rich shook my hand and eyed my wife closely. She smiled at him saying, “I’m glad you came to dine with us.”
“Have a beer, Rich?”
“I shouldn’t but sure, I’d like one. I’m not driving yet. I can manage the cast on my arm, but I don’t have my license back yet.”
“I’m sorry you lost it. I mean that.”
“Yeah, I should have known better than to get drunk and trying to drive. Not your fault.”
“Thanks for saying that. Maybe we will wait until after dinner to talk about things. How does it feel being a new father?”
“It is great. A big responsibility. Makes a man want to stop doing foolish things. ’Course a few have been curtailed all ready. Cindy has seen to that.”
Dinner was fun and Rich and Melanie both told about funny things that happened to them and others in school. I had a few anecdotes to relate myself about the accounting business. The baby cried when we were clearing the table. She was hungry. “Does anyone want to watch me feed Annie? Brad, how about you? It would seem only fair.”
I thought before answering. “No, but thank you for the offer. I’m not going to do anything that would cause friction between any of us, so it is better to refuse.” Melanie looked at me and I knew I was going to get lucky tonight.
She surprised me by declaring, “Brad, I’m glad you turned Cindy down. You will be seeing some full breasts on me in a few months. I’m hoping to get pregnant soon. This is why I have been so insistent in putting our problems behind us and smoothing things out for a happy future ahead.” I immediately rose and hugged Melanie. She followed Cindy in and Rich and I sat over coffee.
“Where do we stand, Rich?”
“I’d kind of like my suit coat and my wallet back. There are a few things in it that I could not replace. I guess this is the time I should apologize directly to you about that picture. I think we both got our licks in, but I know I am sorry for starting it.”
“I can accept that. What I did to you certainly turned out more harshly than I anticipated and I’m sorry about that as well. You know, your car and all. I’ll go get your things.”
"Uh, could you put on that Ranger outfit and stand where you were when you first got my attention? I want Cindy to see you just as I saw you.”
“Sure, but I won’t shoot my gun with the baby here.”
“Good thinking. Both women would kill us if you did and knew I suggested it.”
Rich’s wallet was in the cupboard here in the kitchen. I handed it to him. He opened it, saw there was still money in it and then asked, “Did you see the pictures of yourself?”
“Yes. Where did you get the photo of me in the mini bathing trunks that you used for the other one? Did Melanie give it to you?”
“No, of course not. I kind of stole it. I was in the Rite Aid drug store and I guess you were having some film developed. The clerk was busy. Just as she took the pictures out of the processor, another clerk asked her something. She piled the pictures on the counter. One slid off the top and onto the floor right at my feet. When she wasn’t looking, I picked it up and put it in my pocket.
“I forgot about it for a few days and then at the poker game with my buddies I remembered it. Tim Jenkins suggested I doctor it up as a joke. He even told me how to do it. I made a half dozen copies and they were spread around the neighborhood. I wish now I had handed the original back to the clerk when I picked it up. I’m damned sorry about all this.”
“It is in the past, so I guess we better drop it. Melanie kept saying just forget it. That hurt more than anything you did. I mean I felt she should be really pissed off about me being dissed. I almost came to believe she had supplied the original snap to you. This was about my manhood and it was taken from me.”
“I understand though, that just the opposite of the image in the faked picture is true.”
“And how would I prove that? I’m not going to have a real picture of me naked floating around out there for the public to see.”
“Maybe a real image of you did get out. Stop and think how quick people stopped referring to you as having a needle dick? Why was that do you think? Suppose there was such an image? Who would have one and what would she do with it?”
I stared at Rich. It slowly got through to me who and what had been done in my interest. I got up and went to the door of the living room. “Melanie, remember when we were fooling around with the camera and we took pictures of each other? Where are those pictures?”
“Brad, I destroyed them.”
“Let me ask you a more specific question. Did you happen to show the picture of me naked to anyone?”
“I don’t want to answer that. If I did it was totally in your interest.”
Cindy spoke up, “I saw it. Melanie is a very lucky woman.”
I looked at my wife. “Is she the only one who looked at it?”
I heard a faint “No.”
“So you broadcast a picture of my genitals all over the neighborhood, is that correct?”
“Just to the wives of the men who saw what you call a needle dick. Most of the men are envious and the women are all jealous of me. I did it for you dear. I made them all promise that they would not show it to their husbands. I knew you wouldn’t want any man to see you that way.”
“Well thank you for that. Gees’, I don’t know what to think now.”
Cindy giggled, “Be proud. I know Rich would have been.”
“We’ll talk about this later.” I turned back to the kitchen, shaking my head.
Rich was grinning. “It is hard to keep ahead of a woman, isn’t it?” Now I grinned a little at the situation, myself.
“Open us another beer. I’m going to go put on my outfit.” I went out and around to the deck and came into my bedroom from there. I donned the whole outfit and was dressed just as I was the night that Rich was here. I positioned myself and I could see Rich lounging in the doorway. I could see the baby was asleep on the couch between the two women. I nodded to him.
In a loud voice, he exclaimed and pointed, “Look Cindy.”
I spoke in a gruff voice immediate after he had the words out of his mouth. “Me, Kemo Sabe.” Cindy ducked and rolled onto the floor. Melanie knew what to expect at some point, but she still flinched. Both pistols were drawn and I held that pose until Cindy was sitting on the couch again. Then I walked out into the room. With my Stetson on, I must have looked larger than life.
“Cindy, just think if you were pretty drunk and you looked up and saw him standing there, and then he fired one of those big pistols and ordered you out of your clothes while saying you were going to die. Do you wonder I was rattled enough to smash up my car?”
“Cindy, believe it. He did almost the same thing to me. I about peed my panties.”
“I can believe it.”
Rich and Cindy didn’t stay late. Cindy wanted to get the baby home and to bed. I tackled Melanie when they had gone. “You actually took one of those nude pictures of me and showed it to some women. What in hell were you thinking?”
“Brad, I just wanted you to get beyond what was bothering you. It worked. The women all got after their husbands about it. As I said before, I was proud of what you had and wanted other people to know it was all mine.”
“If that asshole hadn’t altered the photograph in the first place, it wouldn’t have been necessary.”
“Damn it, don’t go back to that. You forgave him and that ended it.”
“I did, but I still think he is an asshole. I don’t like him any better now than I did before. I only did it to save you from some scandal. Think about this, how about I take some nude pictures of you and show them around to the men. How would you feel about that?”
“Go ahead, I’m not ashamed of my body. In fact I’m proud of it.”
I was shaking my head in disbelief. Melanie and I had been married four years. Right now, she didn’t seem like the same person she was when I married her. I decided to tone it down. “What’s this about us planning a baby? I thought you didn't want children until you were past thirty. I was tickled to hear you say that.”
“I haven‘t changed my mind. I just said that as a way to stay in the conversation. No way do I want my boobs all stretched out the way Cindy’s are. I may decide not to have any kids at all. If you want kids, you should be married to Cindy. She claims she wants at least three and wouldn’t mind four. Poor Rich didn’t want this one, but Cindy went off birth control without telling him. She’ll be lucky if he is around for the second one.”
“Poor Rich ... that sounds as if you were in agreement with him. I’ll tell you this. You stay away from him. I don’t like him and I don’t want you near him.”
“I’ll be around him if I want. You may be my husband, but you can’t tell me who to be friends with.”
“You’re entirely too friendly with him already. No more.”
“Says you!” Melanie stomped into the bedroom and I heard the door slam. When I went up after the late news, I found the door locked. I went into the other bedroom and went to sleep. In the morning, Melanie was waking me up.
“Brad what you must think of me? I locked the door and then I fell asleep. I am so sorry and I will think about having a baby sometime. I really am sorry and I didn’t mean to shut you out. Would you like to fool around? We usually do on Saturday night. We just missed this one.”
So, we fooled around. Nothing was settled, and I was sure with Melanie being so adamant last night about not having children, I probably would never have any. I didn’t bring up the subject the rest of the day on Sunday. We did profess that we loved each other and we both went out the door to work on Monday. Something between us had changed, but it was something I couldn’t define. Time will tell.
Melanie’s summer job ended 20 August. I took a week’s vacation and at the end of the week, I had another reenactment. We were together until then and had a wonderful time together. Melanie said she guessed she would skip it, as she had to get her school clothes ready. This time I won first prize in the fast draw contest. School commenced and we settled into the routine the same as we always did.
“Honey, would you mind if I rode back and forth with Rich? We finish class at the same time. Then we spend an hour or so getting our class ready for the following day. We often come out the front entrance the same time.”
“What does Cindy say?”
“It was at her suggestion.”
“I guess it is okay. Sure go ahead.”
I always got home an hour before my wife. If it was a good day, I grabbed a beer and sat on the front porch. Cindy usually was pushing Annie up to the little grocery on the corner about this time. Eventually she would stop and talk and soon she was picking up the baby and sitting on the porch with me. I offered her a beer, but she declined.
A couple of times she was still there when Rich and Melanie arrived from school. They joked about us hanging out together. Rich had got his Firebird repaired and there was not room enough to put the stroller in it. “Offer me a beer and I’ll push it down after dinner.”
“You’re on.” Melanie showed a jealous streak and accused me of flirting with Cindy.
“Never happen. It is a long walk to the store and she is tired when she is on the way back. It gives her a chance to rest for a minute.”
“Well you watch out, Buster.”
This soon ended as Cindy inherited her folk’s house when they downsized. She and Rich moved twenty-five miles away. Rich kept his job and commuted the distance. Melanie was out of sorts over this, saying she never bonded with other teachers and didn’t have someone to joke with anymore. Why did Cindy have to spoil things?
I didn’t say anything, but I missed the easy camaraderie I had with my neighbor Cindy, as well.
It was warm for a day in October. I was on the porch having a beer. My cell chirped. “Me, Kemo Sabe.”
I recognized the voice. “Hi Cindy. I can’t break the habit. I’m right where you saw me the last time. Want a beer?”
“I wish I was there and I’d drink one with you. Brad, I wanted to talk to you. Is Melanie coming home from school the same time she used to?”
“Pretty much. She is late an hour or sometimes two, one day a week. Something about a class she has to attend on disciplining the students. Why do you ask?”
“I found faint lipstick on Rich’s shorts when I was doing the wash this week. Rich and Melanie have always had a thing for each other so I was just wondering.”
“Let me guess you washed on Wednesday.”
“Her late day is always on Tuesday. What are we going to do about it if they are getting together? We don’t know it is Melanie even.”
“I know. You know the last car rally is Saturday, November 3. Rich is going with his Firebird and it is in your town. Can you watch and see if they pair up?”
“I can’t Cindy. I’m going to be out of town that weekend at a conference.”
“Damn, that kills that plan. I’ll have to think of something else.”
“You think they will pair up?”
“I don’t have any proof, but, yes I do.”
“Cindy, I hope not. What would you do if we found out they were cheating?”
“Divorce his ass, most likely. I would be all right financially. I have money in my own right that Rich can’t touch. What about you? It will just about kill me if he is cheating.”
“If I went through a divorce, I’d lose half of everything, I believe.”
“I’d just have to share with you then wouldn’t I?”
“Cindy, don’t joke around. Anyway, I’m sure you are wrong about our spouses.”
“I hope so. I’ll call you tomorrow if I think of some way to find out about them.”
Cindy called and had no plan. “Cindy if you think they are really cheating, I can have the bedroom bugged.”
“I do think they are and I’ll pay.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“I wish you were home where we could catch them together.”
“I can’t get out of this conference. I tell you what. Would you like to borrow my Lone Ranger suit? I can lend it to you as an excuse to be here in town. I’ll send you a key to the house and you can pick it up at your convenience. That way you could come in check for both of us.”
“The guns, too?”
“Yes, but there are only blanks in the shell belt. Even those are dangerous if you are too close or hit someone in the face.”
“I’ll remember that.”
I mentioned in passing to Melanie that someone was coming by to borrow my Lone Ranger suit, but I didn’t know when. I was turning away from Melanie so she wouldn’t question who I had lent it to.
I mailed Cindy a copy of my house key the next day and called a friend to put a camera lead in both bedrooms and a sound pickup in the living room. The receiver was in the cellar to record the action if there was any. I hoped I would only get Melanie preparing for bed--alone.
A week before I was to leave, there was a half-page ad about the Classic Car Rally. I asked Melanie if Rich were coming to the rally. “That Firebird of his might win a prize.”
“He hasn’t said that he was. Do you want me to ask him if I see him?”
“Naw. I won’t be here anyway. That is the weekend I’m away.”
I left home on Friday morning very early. I had no idea what Cindy’s plans were or if she even had any.
I found out at 11:02 Friday night. My phone chirped just after I had crawled into bed. “Is this Mr. Bradley Higgins?”
“Yes, what is the problem?”
“This is Officer Thompson. We are investigating a disturbance at your residence. A woman has apparently entered your home and used your Lone Ranger pistols to shoot at your wife and the man she was entertaining. The woman says her name is Cindy Rockford and she had permission to enter and retrieve the outfit. Is this a fact?”
“Yes it is. I mentioned to my wife that I had lent it to someone. I don’t remember if I mentioned if it was Cindy. Was anyone injured?”
“Her husband has three bruises on his nether region where the packing from the blank shells hit him. Your wife is uninjured. I believe eleven shots were fired from the two weapons. I understand shots have been fired previously in your home too, but this time there were so many, we were called to investigate when the neighbors complained. Mrs. Rockford, who created the disturbance, is going to be charged with disturbing the peace.”
“May I have a word with my wife, please?”
Melanie was sobbing when she answered. “Oh Brad, I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”
“I don’t think I can this time. Did Cindy catch you in the act of cheating?” I heard a faint yes. “We’ll talk about it when I get home. Is this the first time you have been unfaithful?”
“I’ll explain when you get here. The cop is putting cuffs on Cindy.”
“You didn’t answer me if this was the first time. Where is Rich?”
“In the bedroom. He doesn’t want to be out where Cindy can see him. She tried to kill him, I think.”
“I don’t think so. I warned her about using the guns. She knew they were dangerous, but not deadly. I feel sorry for her.” I did not say more and finally Melanie hung up the phone without saying more herself.
What I suspected had now been confirmed. I was going to have much to deal with when I reached home. Melanie, my cheating spouse for one. The police would be asking me questions, that’s another. Cindy might be calling me about what we both were going to do in the future about our cheating spouses. Then I had a mental picture of Cindy walking into the bedroom with guns blazing. She had definitely usurped my position as the Lone Ranger. I went to sleep smiling.
I woke up in the morning sad about the changes that were dictated for the future. I had turned my cell off. There were three calls listed. Two from Melanie and one I did not recognize.
I called the unknown one at noon. “This is Cynthia Rockford’s attorney, Jonathan Roberge. Just an update. Her mother bailed her out and she is home. She wanted you to know that the police have your Lone Ranger pistols. She feels you two shouldn’t have any contact in the near future. If you need to contact her, please do it through my office during the week. I’m in the book.” I didn’t get a chance to reply.
I took Melanie’s call just before I sat down to dinner. “Brad, I know you are very disappointed in me, but I know we can get beyond this. I feel terrible about what I have done. Damn it, why did you lend Cindy your guns? Why did she come here at that time of night?”
“Why not? She said she wanted to make a costume and wanted to use mine to pattern it after. I told her I was going to be away this weekend and if you weren’t home, she could come in and get it. I had no idea she would find you and Rich together.”
“I don’t believe you. You knew there was going to be a car rally and he would be in town.”
“Okay, I suspected something. I’ve reached the point where I don’t trust you. I had to find out if something was going on. Cindy did go a little far and you said the cops put cuffs on her and took her to the station.”
“They did take her to jail. Rich wouldn’t bail her out so her mother did.”
“So you have been in contact with Rich today?”
“He came by at the end of the rally. He took a prize.”
“Is he there now?”
“Thank you for that. It doesn't sound like he is too concerned about his personal affairs. Why didn’t he bail out his wife?”
“She didn’t ask him to. He was going to let her rot in jail anyway.”
“Not for me to advise you, but I can’t see why you still like him.”
“He is a friend and has been for a long time.”
“Okay, I’ll get off the subject and let you get on with your life.”
“You are coming home aren’t you?”
“I think it best if I move out until I talk to an attorney. I’ll get some of my things when I get home to tide me over for a few days.”
“Well, screw you.” The phone slammed down. There was going to be no reconciliation, I could see that. I also could see she had already made up her mind for her future and I wasn’t part of it. She had asked me to get over this just to find out whether she should keep on asking me what I was going to do. She couldn't wait for a final decision from me.
That night I thought about the relationship I had with my wife. The special feeling that I had when we married was missing and had been ever since that photograph had surfaced. Maybe I was too sensitive, but then Melanie didn’t seem to care one way or the other. Time to cut my losses ... and I knew there would be some.
Melanie wasn’t home when I got there after work. I beat it down cellar and retrieved the video and the cassette tape. I would look at them later. I hurriedly packed some fresh clothes. I put my travel clothes in the washer and started it washing. My Lone Ranger suit was thrown in the bottom of the closet. At least she hadn’t destroyed it. I changed my mind when I picked it up. The Stetson was under the pants and shirt. All had been stomped flat. I hoped that I could have the hat re-blocked.
Melanie was coming in as I was carrying my suitcases out. “Brad, please don’t leave.”
“I have to. I know it is going to cost me a lot, but I just don't see any future for us together. Your cheating on me was just too much.”
“It was only the one time. Rich means nothing to me.”
“You would know more about that than I would. You knew I was going to be out of town and you took advantage of it. If I stayed with you now, every time I had to leave, I would suspect you would be cheating on me. It is a matter of trust and I don’t have it for you anymore.”
Melanie brushed roughly by me. “You’re right about one thing. This is going to going to cost you.” She turned and faced me. “I’ll bet you are going to leave here and go shack up with Cindy, aren’t you?”
“No, I wouldn’t think of it. You are attributing your cheating ways to mine and I don’t think that way. Cindy used to be our friend. I’m hoping she still is mine, but I doubt she is one of yours. I am going to see a lawyer soon. He will be contacting yours if you have one. Let me know who. Bye Melanie.”
I reserved a room for the next week in a motel. It had television and I turned it on. I can’t say I remember what was on the screen as I sat planning for the days ahead. I had no idea what the tapes I had in my suitcase would reveal. I would leave it to my attorney to discover.
In the morning I would see about getting my Lone Ranger outfit back into shape. The police should let me have my pistols back when they ascertained that they were chambered for blanks only. I did have separate cylinders for each type of ammo. One set for live and one set for blanks. I could exchange them easily depending on what sort of meet I was going to be attending.
The house was a rental, but we had been saving for a down payment. That amount would be split evenly. I owned my car and Melanie owned hers. Both had been financed, so not much difference there. We both worked and there was not that much difference in our incomes. I just might come out of this not too badly. Of course, there were the lawyer’s fees. I possibly would be stuck with hers.
I saw my attorney (Sarah) Monday morning at eleven. I asked her to represent me as I wished to divorce my wife for infidelity. I explained everything to her and she asked me what I had for evidence. I said that the spouse of who my wife was with had caught them in bed and had taken steps to retaliate. She had been charged with disturbing the peace in the ensuing confrontation. The police would verify this.
I had talked to my wife during the time the officer was present. In addition, I had some suspicion earlier and had taken steps to gather more evidence. I turned the video and the audio tapes over to her. “Have you seen these, she asked?”
“No I haven’t. I was getting them from my home and shortly thereafter, my wife came in. I don’t have the equipment to view them where I’m living.”
“I do. Give them to me and we will see what you have.” She played the audio tape first. Boy did Cindy and I get trashed. It sounded like each was trying to outdo the other with the complaints we heard about us. After the worst and the clearest bitching, all we could hear was a jumble. They had taken their conversation into the bedroom and therefore not clear.
I handed Sarah a video. It was blank, because it came from the spare bedroom. The second one though, laid it all out. Rich was pulling off his shirt as the tape started and Melanie was unhooking her bra as she came through the door. Both were now nude. They started slow, after all as far as they knew they had one full day and two nights to have sex together.
We could clearly see the clock on the nightstand. It was just a few minutes past ten when Cindy came through the door with guns blazing. She wasn’t masked, but she was wearing my Stetson. Rich’s butt was a perfect target. You could see all three wads from the blanks bouncing off it.
He withdrew from my wife rapidly and whirled to face Cindy. Melanie was wide open there for the entire world to see when Rich jumped off her. Cindy took to heart the fact someone could be injured and she tipped the barrels of the guns up and kept firing. Soon recriminations were flying both ways and I didn’t hear any “I’m Sorrys” from either Rich or Melanie. Cindy stayed near the entrance to the bedroom effectively blocking their exit by waving the pistols around.
Suddenly the head of the police officer appeared over one shoulder and told Cindy to drop her weapons. She immediately did and he and another officer guided her out of the room. Rich and Melanie proceeded rapidly to put clothes on. His outer clothes were tossed through the door. Melanie got a robe out of her bureau. He sat on one side of the bed and she on the other, neither speaking. The cop came through the door. “Mrs. Higgins, your husband wishes to ...” The screen went black because the tape had run out.
“You have a case. If you want to share this with Mrs. Rockford, it would bolster her case as well.”
“I believe I will. It was she who gave me the indication that something might happen this weekend.”
“Okay. I will make a copy for her and turn it over to her attorney. Do you know who is representing her?”
“Jonathan Roberge. He called me and said she had asked me not to call her. I don’t know why?”
“That is his trademark. Keep all parties apart even those with the same complaint. I don’t think it wise to call her either and especially, do not call Mr. Rockford.”
“I’ll guarantee I’ll not be talking to him. I cut him some slack a while back and this is what it gets me.”
“You better tell me about it.” I did. I think I told Sarah everything about my life with Melanie. “If you bring suit, I don’t see that she can hurt you too badly. The only thing is if she won’t accept your terms and continues to fight it for a time it will be costly for you both.”
“I know it might be considered blackmail, but couldn’t you let her know that we would release some of the pictures of her to the authorities at school. Both are identified in the tape. Wouldn’t that make her come around to our way of thinking?”
“Would you release them?”
“No, of course not. That would reflect on my being husband to Melanie and humiliated as such.”
“Okay, I’ll suggest that you might do that to her lawyer. Actually this is pretty cut and dried if your wife doesn’t fight it. She is coming out of it pretty good and you will be too. You just won’t be married anymore.”
“I can live with the situation.”
I left the attorney’s office and went down to the police station to try to get my pistols back. I asked for Officer Thompson at the front desk. “He’ll be right with you.”
I waited about five minutes. “Mr. Higgins, I’m glad you stopped by. I have a question for you. This is not the first time we have had the Lone Ranger mentioned on your street. His name came up a few months ago. The party that was involved in the incident at that time was drunk and raved about the Lone Ranger making him take off all of his clothes. Would you explain that?”
“All I can say is that I own an outfit and I do wear it sometimes. Not often while I am home. I wasn’t even in town this Friday night.”
“We know all of that. I’m trying to determine if there is any connection.”
“Was my name brought up about me having it on?”
“Then I have nothing to say. I thought the authorities resolved the incident at that time. Rockford was charged and as far as I know paid a fine and now has his license back.”
“That’s true. Now I think you want your pistols back. They are dangerous weapons and we are trying to decide if we should return them to you.”
“They aren’t dangerous the way they are now.”
“What do you mean?”
“The way they are they will only fire blanks. The cylinders that will hold live ammo are separate and they are in a safe at the firing range. If you will get the guns I will show you what I mean.”
I waited until he laid them on his desk in front of me. I had taken one live round and one blank round from my pocket. I picked up the live one. “Here, try to load this.” The round would not fit. “Now try this one.” The blank cartridge slid in easily. “I do not ever keep the cylinders that will take live ammo on my premises.”
“Okay, you’ve proved a point.”
“Now, I never expected Mrs. Rockwell to handle these weapons. However, she did know they were with the outfit she came after. She did know there was some danger if they were fired at a person in a vulnerable spot because it was a discussion we had several months ago.”
“Yeah, I would say about the time Rockford was drunk and raving about the Lone Ranger.” Officer Thompson looked at me and I grinned. He grinned back at me. “Okay, you get your weapons back. I would suggest you keep them away from both of the Rockfords and it might be a good idea to restrict your wife’s access to them as well.”
“I’m not living there anymore. I’ve moved out.”
“May I have your new address?”
“Sure, but it is just temporary. If you need to get in touch with me, call my attorney. She is handling a divorce for me.” I left him her name and walked out with my pistols. I did get three hours work in that same afternoon. After work, I went back to the house to get more of my things.
Chapter Three
Melanie was there getting dinner. “Have you eaten?”
“Not yet. I’m just here to get more of my stuff. I left some things being washed and I’ll need them before the week is out.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night so I finished them and put them into your bureau. I have spaghetti with canned sauce. There is more than I will eat. I will heat up the rest of the garlic bread too. You might as well eat with me.” I shrugged my shoulders and sat down.
“Brad, are you really going to divorce me? We’ve been together for several years.”
“Melanie, it is back to my manhood and you destroying it. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror otherwise if I didn’t.”
“I was afraid you would feel that way. You are taking Cindy’s word about what happened last Friday, I suppose?”
This was a question.
“I haven’t talked to her. However I do have an explicit depiction of what went on here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have an audio of everything that was said in the living room and I have an hour’s worth of video of what went on in the bedroom. Both are very damaging to your case and of course to my manhood.”
“You snuck around and spied on me?”
“Yes. Cindy told me a week before this took place that Rich was going to be in town over the weekend. I knew I was going to be out of town and I didn’t trust you or him to keep away from each other. I wired the place. My lawyer has the tapes. I think she will be sharing them with your attorney. I imagine Cindy will want a copy as well.”
“So where does that leave me?”
“It leaves you without much wiggle room. I am hoping you will not contest or string out our divorce. It would be terrible if a copy of the tapes surfaced and your school board saw them.”
“You would have to hate me more than I think you do to show them to anyone.”
“I don’t know as I hate you as much as I’m disappointed in you. We could have had a wonderful life together.”
“Not likely. You are just too damned serious. With me I’m more inclined to treat every little thing as a joke.”
“I know, but I have had enough and cheating isn’t a joke for anyone.”
“So what now?”
“I have set the terms of how we are to settle everything. We both won’t come out owing too much if you sign the papers after you are served.”
“I guess I’ll have to. What about the lease on the house?”
“I hadn’t thought of that. We have two months left don’t we? One of us should take advantage of that. Do you want to stay here and pay for it until it runs out or do you want me to?”
“I will. I can swing it. Maybe I’ll get a roommate to help with expenses. It could be you.”
“I’ll pass. There is always Rich.”
“Hell, he won’t have any money. Cindy will nick him for child support and probably alimony. He is worried about it.”
“Tough.” I went about loading my car with stuff. Melanie promised me the entertainment center if she could have all of the kitchen pots, pans and the dishes. I agreed. I would be eating out anyway as I did not cook. I would have to store the music center until I got a more permanent place.
Sitting across the table from my soon-to-be ex-wife, I knew I was going to miss her in several different ways. However the trust was gone and there was no way she was going to get it back from me. I hugged her when I got ready to leave. “Stop by for a meal anytime.” I promised I would. She was still standing in the doorway as I backed out onto the street.
I hadn’t heard a word from Cindy. I knew her lawyer had shared what was on the tapes with her. I suppose it was hard for me to let Melanie go. I did go over and avail myself of a dinner one night a week and she always invited me for the Sunday noon meal. There were other things open, but I decided sitting across the table from her during a meal was enough. In return, I gave her lease money for one of the two months left on the lease.
The fourth week when I arrived on Wednesday there was another female teacher present and I was introduced to her. She was Melanie’s new roommate. She was pleasant, older, quite nice appearing and just widowed less than a year ago. Her name was Linda. It was explained that both women were lonely, this was a trial period, and that they might or might not end up together when the lease was up. It had been discussed that the two might renew.
Melanie shared openly with Linda why the two of us were getting divorced. I made myself amiable and I was again invited back for the next Sunday dinner. If Melanie had only chosen this teacher to be friends with instead of Rockford, we might still be married. Too late now.
I had moved out of the motel less than three weeks after my breakup with Melanie. I secured a small one-bedroom apartment. It was quiet and just right for me to study for my Certified Public Accountant exam. I hoped to try for a license in the spring, but I would really have to concentrate.
Cindy was sitting in her car in front of my apartment one afternoon about six weeks from the last time I spoke with her. “Hi Brad, new digs, huh?”
“Yeah this is home. Can you come in? I haven’t heard how your life is going. You can fill me in.”
“That is what I am here for. My attorney said you lived at this address, so I drove over to look you up. Do you like it here?”
“Not really. I am busy ... end of the quarter coming up you know. I am also studying for a test. I don’t even eat here unless it is cereal for breakfast.”
“Tough and you can blame Rich for all of it.”
“I could, but I don’t. It takes two, but he gets the lion’s share. What’s up?”
“I understand you and Melanie are getting a divorce. I saw the tapes and I heard the audio cassette. They really did trash us.”
“They did. I assume you are getting a divorce as well.”
“That is why I came over. I think I need to explain something. You deserve that much after all that has happened.”
“Okay. Would you like a beer? On the other hand, I can make a cup of tea. I use instant coffee which is terrible so I won’t offer that.”
“Nothing for me please. Brad, we have always been friends. I guess I’m trading on that friendship to ask a favor of you. As I said, I have seen the video of Rich and Melanie. I would like to have them suppressed so they do not get back to the school. It would destroy Rich.”
“I know it would. Explain why you don’t want them to surface.”
“This may sound crazy to you, but I decided not to divorce Rich. I could and I could get everything I asked for from the suit. I have weighed my options and I have decided I still love him. There is Annie to consider as well. She is just old enough to where she is getting some personality. Rich adores her. That is a lot of it. I remember my father never paid me any attention at all and I don’t want that for my daughter.
“You know I have money of my own so I could walk away anytime and still be okay financially. I will if he strays or does not live up to the promises he has made to me. This is why I didn’t want you to contact me. I had to sort this out for myself. He almost screwed up. He went and talked to Melanie right after the incident. She pretty much told him she wanted nothing more to do with him.”
I stared at her. She had placed a lot of faith in Rich. I wouldn’t have, but then she lived with him and knew him better than I ever would.
“Say something, damn it.”
“Cindy, you’ve heard me say Kemo Sabe haven’t you? Do you know what it means?”
“It is what Tonto calls the Lone Ranger isn’t it?”
“Yes, and he says it to Tonto too. However, it is more than that. In the native tongue, it means ‘My Trusted Friend’ or ‘Most Trusted Friend.’ I think I will be your Kemo Sabe and do as you ask. If I had met you before Rich did, I think you and I would have made a great couple. It is not to be, so I will become your most trusted friend. If for any reason I’ll also be your Lone Ranger and gallop off to save you.”
“Brad, I can’t ask for more. I do have love for you, but not the kind I could act on.”
“I’m not asking you to.” Cindy gave me a hug and left shortly. I didn’t feel like going out to eat so I had a bowl of cold cereal. I sat at the table wondering if this is the way the Lone Ranger felt after saving someone from a bunch of outlaws. I was sad and so alone. Who was, and where was my Kemo Sabe?
I would be taking my Certified Public Accountant exam the day my divorce from Melanie became final. I would learn the results of the test within two weeks. Talk about being anxious. I had been promised a raise immediately on passing the test. That would certainly help me forget my marriage to Melanie.
Before this happened, Melanie and I had a row when she learned Cindy had taken Rich back and wasn’t divorcing him. She could not understand why if Cindy took Rich back, then why wouldn’t I drop our divorce before it became final. I stated, “Cindy is apparently more generous and forgiving than I am,” I stalked out and missed the Wednesday night dinner that next week.
“Hi Brad, this is Linda, Melanie’s roommate. Would you be coming to Sunday dinner this week? I’m inviting you.”
“Where is Melanie on this?”
“Well after she finished calling you an intractable bastard she burst into tears. I guess it is because she still loves you and wishes she had made different choices. Is there any hope at all for her?”
“I wish there was, but honestly, there isn’t. I miss her too, you know, but I cannot get over seeing her with Rich on tape. There were some things that she said about me that bothers me as well. It was too much.”
“Okay, I can understand and she will come to it. Please come to dinner. I miss seeing you almost as much as she does. I know we can all get back to a relationship as friends before this last little blowup.”
“For you, I will come to dinner.” So I did go. Melanie had given up hoping. At least I think she did. The winter progressed. I studied and went to dinner every week. Sex was never mentioned and we kept our conversations light. Melanie occasionally went to school functions and I believe she had a few dates. I never inquired, as it was none of my business. For myself, I did not take the time to date.
I ran into Cindy on the street one day as she was in town shopping. Little Annie was in the stroller. “Come, sit in my car while I feed her. Then we will go get a coffee.”
I had been offered the chance to see Cindy nurse the baby many months ago and had turned it down. I watched this time. There was nothing sexy about it at all. Annie kept her eyes on me while working the first nipple. The second one she attacked at a slower pace and soon her eyes closed and then opened again. She would suck furiously a couple of times and then her lips would relinquish the nipple. Soon she was satisfied and asleep. “This is the best part of being a mother. No woman for you on the horizon yet?”
“Not yet. After April, I will have time to look for someone. I’ll be single and can concentrate on something besides studying. I am going to have time to go to some meets and reenactments this summer. They start in this area the middle of May. I’m pretty rusty as I haven’t done a bit of practicing.”
“Are there women who go to these things?”
“Sure all the time. Melanie used to go sometimes. Not too many can handle a shooting iron.” I grinned, “You’d be good and you’ve had some practice.”
Cindy laughed aloud at this. “God, I was so angry and didn’t know what I was doing. It cost me a hundred dollars in fines. It was well worth it, I must say. Rich found out I was not a wife to fool around on where he was concerned. Brad, Rich has turned into the best husband. We are planning another baby in another year.”
“I’m glad for you.”
“Are you sorry you are divorcing Melanie?”
“Sometimes, but not often. I see her twice a week now and I think we are going to be friends, but never more than that.”
“That’s too bad, but I understand.”
I did pass the CPA exam and with high marks, too. The next week I received a substantial increase in salary. It figured out to a little more than $10,000 for the coming year.
I went to the first shooting contest. I was rusty and came in seventh in the fast draw contest. I sat on the bleachers and watched some marksman shooting. This was with live ammo, of course. There was one woman who was a standout. She was billed as Annie Oakley. I think it was mostly because of her size, but she was an excellent shot. She was only a bit taller than real Annie Oakley at five feet one.
I couldn’t tell how old she was. She was small, but she was all woman. She was not overblown in any way, just nicely proportioned. She was also quick and lively. From where I was sitting, I could see her smiling until she faced a target and then she was all business. At the end of the shoot, she came in third. She plopped her butt down beside of me while we were waiting for some skits to begin.
She started the conversation. “Hi, I’m Ramona. You’re Brad Higgins, aren’t you? I saw you shoot and win last fall. What happened today?”
“I put my guns up for the winter. I passed my CPA exam six weeks ago and now I’m back to doing a few things I enjoy.”
“That’s interesting. Who do you work for?”
I named my company as Bascomb’s. “I’ve been doing tax prep and payroll accounts. I just moved into the auditing section and have only been involved with one major audit so far. My boss praised me and said I was a big help.
“This is real praise, for the boss has real pride in all of us doing quality work. If one is found doing sloppy work, they do not last long. We all strive not to let him down as well. It is too bad he is old enough to retire. He talks about retiring some. We’ll probably be bought out by some company who doesn’t have the customer’s best interests at heart like he does.”
“That is interesting. Here comes Matt Dillon and Kitty in a skit. I saw it at an indoor show during the winter. Between you and me, he is good, but she is god-awful. What he needs is a tall, well proportioned, beautiful woman who can at least act a little.”
“I should get my ex-wife involved. She is a school teacher and needs a Matt Dillon worse than the real Kitty did.”
“What happened between you two?”
“She was caught cheating on tape. The other party and his wife were friends of ours. She did not divorce her husband, but I did my wife. My ex cannot understand why they didn’t divorce and yet I needed to. We have now reached an amicable relationship. Nothing sexual at all, but friendly. We are both in the market for someone new. Oh, hell, why am I telling you this?”
“Because I’m interested and I asked. Wow, look at that. I told you she is terrible. Miss Kitty must be rolling over in her grave. Is your ex-wife pretty?”
“Very pretty. She could pass for Amanda Blake any day of the week.”
We watched a skit of “Have Gun, Will Travel,” which was good. I went to find coffee for the both of us. When I came back, Ramona handed me a script. “I got this from Matt Dillon and if it will help, he is single. Bring your ex-wife to the next meet. That will be in Samsonville in two weeks. How about you, don’t you want to try being in a skit sometimes?”
“You’d make a great Frank Butler. That was Annie’s husband and they were married for forty years. You with your fast gun and me with my marksmanship, we would make a couple. Maybe I could be Tonto to your Lone Ranger. Think it over.” She bounced off the seat and I watched her stride away. Um, very interesting.
Over coffee the next day, Linda and Melanie finished clearing the table after our usual Sunday dinner. “Melanie, I haven’t asked too much of you since our breakup. If I asked you to do a couple of things for me, would you?”
“I might.”
“The first thing I ask is, would you go to Samsonville in two weeks when I have another meet? Linda should go too.”
“I guess so. We haven’t been anywhere together.”
“One more thing. You produce some plays at school and enjoy it. Would you perform in a little skit with Marshal Matt Dillon? You are Miss Kitty, owner of the Long Branch Saloon.”
“Oh God, I don’t think so. I wouldn’t know what to say.” I produced the script and handed it to her. “One thing about Matt Dillon is that he is way more handsome than I am and a hundred times more handsome than the real one. You already have a suitable dress. It is that low cut one that has the ruffles on it.”
“You would never let me wear it when we were married.”
“I know, but you weren’t a dance hall madam and saloon owner back then. You were my wife.”
“Linda, help me get it out so I can put it on.” Both women went rushing into Melanie’s bedroom and I heard the closet door bang open. I heard giggling and some happy exclamations. Finally, “It still fits perfectly. I finally get to wear it.”
Melanie came out. God she was beautiful. “Matt Dillon doesn’t stand a chance. As far as I knew, he and Kitty never kissed on television, but from the script, you might want to ad lib at the end.”
“We don’t have to stick to the script?”
“No one ever does. Many of these people forget their lines and sometimes that is a lot of fun in itself. The Miss Kitty that has been doing it was terrible. Everyone knew it including her. She swore she wouldn’t do it again. Here is an opening for a new career, Miss Kitty.”
Melanie stared hard at me. “Brad, you do still love me a little don’t you?”
“Yes Melanie and I always will. Thanks for a wonderful dinner as always. I’ll see you both Wednesday evening.”
“You could stay for a bit you know.”
“I know, but I think I had better leave before I do something I would regret.”
“Well hug me anyway. Linda wants a hug too.”
When I reached my apartment, I could look back a little more objectively on today. I was glad I did not entangle myself again with Melanie, but God, for a little while I wanted to strip her naked and ravish her. She still had a hold over me that was for sure. I turned thoughts back to her being Miss Kitty. She should have her hair done. I would suggest it if she didn’t think of it herself.
Suddenly, my mind turned to Annie Oakley. She was so small. I wondered what it would be like to make love to a woman as small as she was. Um, interesting. She must be a full twelve inches shorter than me.
There was a directive from our owner of the company that came around Monday after lunch was over. Please organize your cubicles and work areas. There has been an outside interest in purchasing this company. The prospective buyer will be doing a walk through tomorrow morning. First impressions are everything. I do not need to tell you that. The buyer is Skittles and Company. They have as good a reputation as we do, and they are at least twice as big as we are. Thanks, Bascomb.
We knew this was coming. I hoped it wouldn’t affect my advancement. I did have my certificate and could get on somewhere else if I was terminated.
Two men walked through the next day. One older, obviously the father of the younger man. The younger one stopped at my cubical. I had my desk covered with a pile of account books and several were open. I would mark down a figure and then open another book to check to make sure it was listed correctly. He watched me for a few minutes. I glanced up at him and said hi, but returned to what I was doing. “Have you been working at this long?”
“No, actually less than two months, but I studied hard and aced my exam.”
“It looks as if you must have. That company you are auditing has a complicated accounting system. You seem to be on top of it. I’ll move along and not bother you longer.” I smiled up at him and returned to my books.
Now that I had the time by not having to study at night, I worked on perfecting my fast draw skills. I wanted to do better than the seventh I pulled at the last meet. Linda called me and wanted to make sure I was coming for dinner on Wednesday. I assured her I was. I mentioned that Melanie should have her hair done in the style of Miss Kitty sometime before we went to the meet.
“It is all ready in the works. Melanie is excited by all of this. She has been quiet since you started the divorce. She has now concluded that you and she will never get back together. Not only that, it is you who thought enough about her to do something to make her take her mind off you. It could have been anything, but this is perfect. She has cried a lot of tears over what she did.”
“I cried a few myself.”
“I can believe it. I wish I was twenty years younger and I’d try to dry your tears.”
“You’re a good friend to both of us, Linda. I’ll see you Wednesday.”
The three of us arrived in Samsonville early Saturday morning. Melanie was nervous. She had worn a lightweight bathing cover-up over her Miss Kitty costume. Her hair had been done in the style of a century ago. The weather was fair and it was not warm this early in the day. My meet was at ten in the morning and directly following mine, I saw that Ramona was posted for the sharp shooting event. There was a barbecue for lunch. The afternoon would be given over to various skits.
There was a large crowd here. Many followed these re-enactments from town to town. It was an inexpensive way to enjoy yourself for a day. Prizes were ribbons and no one received any money.
Ramona walked by me, as I was getting ready for my contest. She waved and wished me luck. She was in her costume of Annie Oakley. I of course was wearing my Lone Ranger getup. I recognized Matt Dillon and approached him.
“Ramona suggested if I knew someone to fill the bill of Miss Kitty, that I should bring my ex-wife. Would you like to meet with her? She knows the words of the skit.”
“God yes. I was going to have to skip my skit if I couldn’t find someone to at least read the words.”
I guided Matt back to the bleachers where Linda and Melanie were sitting and introduced them. I was up next so I left them to be acquainted. I glanced back once. Melanie was standing with her cover-up wide open and Matt was appearing mesmerized. She was something to look at!
I took the third ribbon in my contest. I hung around and watched Ramona. She did no better than she had two weeks ago, but as she said, the season was young. All of us went to the barbecue together. On the way, an old gent who named himself as Gabby Hayes joined us at the behest of Matt. He immediately started talking like the original and we thought he was great and so funny. Linda took him for her own escort the rest of the day.
“Ramona, do you know that I don’t even know your name or what you do? For some reason I have thought a lot about you in the last two weeks. I suppose some of it was because I was getting Melanie ready for this skit.”
“All easy to answer. My name is Ramona Cameron. I am an accountant like you and I work in the family business. I have a question for you, now. Are there any openings where you work? Working for family as I do isn’t particularly rewarding.”
“We are always short-handed. Do come in for an interview. I would love to have you working in the next cubicle beside me.”
“I’ll have to think about it. Shall we watch Miss Kitty and Matt Dillon now? They are getting ready.”
The skit was hilarious. Melanie was good--Damn good! She hammed it up and the last scene was perfect. Matt was lying on the floor after having been shot by an outlaw. Miss Kitty was cradling his head in her lap. “Sweet Miss Kitty, I don’t know if I am going to make it. All of these years we have been friends and I have never had your lips on mine. I know if I could just kiss you, I would fight so hard to live for you.”
“Oh Matt, I have so wanted to kiss you. I will give you life.” Melanie leaned down and kissed the dying marshal. It was no surprise to me when the kiss continued longer than necessary--much longer. We heard a few chuckles at first and when the two did not immediately break apart, the audience started clapping. Both were red-faced when they stood and took bows.
I was smiling and Ramona saw it. “What’s so funny?”
“That my dear is how to get rid of one ex-wife in one easy lesson and still keep her as a friend. I coached her last Wednesday. I suggested the kiss at the end. It wasn’t in the script.”
“So what makes you think they will hook up?”
“His name was on the script. We Googled him and he had a bio we could read. Melanie is definitely interested. He is a tenured teacher, never married, but looking for the right woman. Melanie wasn’t right for me and it started long before the last time we had trouble. I have faith she has changed and will be true to a different man. I’m betting he can be the one.”
“That leaves you free to cast around for someone for yourself, doesn’t it?”
“That’s correct. Are you interested?”
“Interested enough to accept a date with you if I was asked.”
“Okay, I’m asking. Now, where do you live so I can come get you?”
“I only live about fifteen miles from you. Is that too far?”
“Not for a first date with a beautiful lady. How do you feel about a date for Sunday evening?”
“I understood you usually go to dinner at your ex-wife’s on Sundays?”
“I used too, but it is time for a change.”
“For our first date, why don’t you just take me with you and we’ll still go there?”
“Why would you want to do that?”
“I want to find out all of your deep dark secrets and who knows them better than an ex-wife. You can take me over to your apartment so I can see where you live after dinner.”
“That’s dangerous. I haven’t been with a woman for about a year.”
“Brad, if we were doing something and I said no or stop, would you.”
“Of course, I would.”
“I don’t think I am in any danger then. Therefore, you pick me up, we will have dinner with your friends and then we will go to your place, talk, and get to know each other. That’s better than going to a movie or some place where we can’t converse.”
“Melanie usually serves about four. I’ll pick you up a little before three.”
“Make it at two. We might do a little talking before we leave my apartment.”
“Okay.” We did think to exchange phone numbers. We watched a couple of more skits and it was time to leave. On the way home, Melanie informed me that Sam was coming for dinner.
I queried if I was still invited. “Of course, Sam wants to pick your brain about me. That shows how much I trust you by letting him talk to my ex-husband.”
I burst out laughing. “May I invite Ramona? She wants to pick your brain about me. I thought you would say I was still invited, so I have already asked her.” The dates were set for tomorrow. I had not been this excited since I asked Melanie for our first date five years ago. In one way, we were still together and in another, we couldn’t be further apart. I hurried home and cleaned my apartment. I wondered if Ramona was doing the same. Nah, she probably kept a clean house.
I rang Ramona’s doorbell at exactly two. She answered wearing jeans and a tee shirt. Across the front was some lettering, “I may be small, but I pack a mean punch.” She stuck out her chest so I could read it.
“Come in. Somehow, I knew you would be here when you said you would. That is the accountant in you. Everything has to be correct. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Just a soda if you have it.” I looked around. “Your apartment is much the same size as mine. Just right for a single person.”
“I haven’t been here long. My boyfriend and I had a bigger one, but we split up a few months ago. I moved in with my parents, but once you leave, it is hard to go back. Actually, this is too far from where I work. That is why I asked if there were any openings at your place. If I worked with you, it would eliminate twenty miles round trip.”
“I’d like it if you worked with me.”
“You may see me. I’m taking tomorrow off and coming in.”
“Do you want me to speak to Human Resources for you?”
“That would be nice.” Talk drifted to our weekend activities and soon it was time to leave for Melanie’s.
I clarified one thing. “You may think it odd that I’m still friendly with Melanie. We came to the conclusion that at one time I loved her more deeply than she did me. Everything was a joke with her. I tend to be more serious and I suppose sensitive. Some things happened and there had to be forgiveness and promises made on both sides. I kept my part and promises, but she did not. That doesn’t stop me from enjoying being around her, but I can’t be married to her.”
“That’s nice. Once someone makes a promise and then breaks it repeatedly, there isn’t much hope. I couldn’t be that friendly with my ex-boyfriend, because he never intended to keep his promises.”
“Someday you will meet the other half of the equation that cased us to split. Her name is Cindy. She was my friend before she was married to Rockford. She stayed with her husband when he and Melanie cheated on us. We have spoken a couple of times. She came to me and said we were Kemo Sabes, which you know means trusted friend. Her husband never will be that to me, but she loves him and I can understand her staying married, with them having a child.”
Marshal Dillon (Sam Bristow) shook my hand. “I understand you and Melanie were married at one time. She tells me she cheated on you and that is why you are divorced. As beautiful as she is, I don’t see how you could let her go.”
“We were married. I do not think we were too deeply in love at the time. That is until after things happened. I still have love for her and I know she feels the same about me. We can’t go back, though. We are both wiser than we were back then. If she made me a promise now, I know she would keep it, but the hurt was too deep for me. I’m moving on and I hope she is too.”
“Brad, that is a really nice thing to say about me. I do still care for you, but as you say, it is time to move on. Ramona, if you and Brad start a relationship, you will be one lucky woman.” We got off the subject of Melanie and me. “I have wine poured for us women and you guys can have a beer. We will eat in another twenty-five minutes.”
Sam and Ramona had known each other for years and they told anecdotes about each other. Melanie and I did the same about our married time together. She even related how Cindy had caught her out and what Cindy had done at the time. I had the feeling that Melanie wanted to get all of this behind her so she could start fresh with Sam. Sam had never been married, but I took it he had had an active social life. He also related some of his own mishaps with women.
When I arrived back at Ramona’s apartment, she asked, “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
“I want to, but I’m not going to. I may see you tomorrow at the office?” I made this a question.
“I’m going to hang around and have lunch at noon with you. How long will they keep me waiting before I know if I’m hired?”
“It will depend on when they can reach your references and check your qualifications. It won’t be long. They will want to put you to work as soon as possible. We need you. I wish you luck.”
“For luck kiss me, because I feel that will make it happen for certain.” I started to bend down, but she reached up and dragged my head down the rest of the way. It seemed awkward to me, but I knew I could get used to this tiny compact package if I received kisses like this. I hummed for the fifteen-mile drive all the way back to my apartment.
She was standing by my car at noon. “I’ll buy you lunch. I got the job and I start Wednesday. I did use your name, because I was asked if I knew anyone who worked here. I said our relationship was just social and on weekends.”
“I know, I left word with Human Resources. They came by a few minutes ago and said you had an extensive work history and were hired.”
“I have worked at it ever since I started part time while in school for my uncle.”
It was six weeks later while coming home from a meet, Ramona announced, “I packed my toothbrush and some clean underwear. I didn’t pack any pajamas. I am staying at your apartment tonight and I am in your hands. Do with me what you want to.” She was small and feisty, and I knew before the next morning I had someone I wanted to make mine forever.
It was while we were dancing at Melanie and Sam’s wedding that I proposed. We halted right in the middle of the dance floor and kissed. My proposal was accepted.
Melanie was more or less going out of my life. She had applied for and been accepted in the same school system as Sam taught in. She was moving there before the new school year commenced. Other changes came along. One of them floored me.
A directive came down from Mr. Bascomb saying he had accepted an offer for the same accounting firm who had done a walk through several months ago. He would be staying on until the first of the year. All of the top management would be replaced, which consisted of Bascomb and his assistant.
“The new manager will be Mark Skittles and he will have his cousin as his assistant. Not known until now, our own Ramona Cameron is cousin to Mark Skittles and she has chosen Bradley Higgins to not only be partner in her new position, but in life as well. An October wedding for them is planned. I wish them the best.”
I took a lot of razzing of course about marrying the boss to get ahead, but both of us had our co-workers’ respect. We being this close was news, for we had kept our work and social life entirely separated. The news to me was that Ramona was who she was. I had met her parents, the Camerons several times and I knew she had worked at the Skittles’ firm in the past but never thought to make the connection.
How Ramona laughed that evening when the surprise wore off a little. “I knew it would bother you to find out your fiancée was more than you thought she was, so I had the family play it down until after you proposed to me. The look today on your face was every bit of what I thought it would be. Are we okay with this?”
“Ramona, I’m okay with anything as long as you are soon to become my wife.”
“You know don’t you, that when we start making babies you are going to replace me as assistant to Mark?
What a change this was from two years ago when I was married to a cheating wife. I was just an accounting clerk at the time, and a CPA want-to-be, but couldn’t concentrate enough to even think about taking a test.
Mark Skittles and I got along extremely well and the firm improved under his management. The Skittles and Company Accounting Firm expanded again and Ramona and I were in charge to manage the old Bascomb firm. She did take time from her duties to have two children, a boy and a girl. We love them very much as expected. Melanie and Sam have two, only months apart from ours and we see them not often, but we do get together sometimes.
Cindy, my Kemo Sabe, is still that. I still harbor a dislike of Rich so it is a rare occasion when I see him. Cindy and Ramona would be friends, but with the situation with Rich, they will never get a chance to. Linda is my new Kemo Sabe. As a joke on me, she made a Tonto outfit of deerskin and appeared suddenly at my side in the middle of a fast draw contest. I was laughing so hard I came in last. Of course, my half-pint wife put her up to it.
I think my life will be good until the day I die.
The End
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