Business Deal
Copywright (11/10/13)
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Readers score 7.65
Nora was divorced and lost custody of her twin sons. Her reputation was destroyed and she was destitute ... then she smashed up her car. She had needs of a new life. The wrecker operator who retrieved her car, had needs too. He offered her a deal. It was business at first, but soon became more.
I received a call from Randy Smith of the sheriff’s department, “Hey Jack, I’ve got a crash for you just beyond three mile curve. Some stupid ass woman hit the guard rails when the tire blew. All four tires are bald so no wonder. Anyway I cited her and told her you would be picking up the car. She is sitting in it. There are other things I’m sure I could find wrong with the vehicle, but I feel a little sorry for her. I have another call so she gets off this time.”
I could hear him accelerate since his radio was still on. “She hurt?”
“She have any money?”
“I didn’t ask.” Randy laughed. He was a friend, but thought it a joke if I got stuck with someone not paying the towing charge. This was possibly one of these times. He poured it on. “You and those two other guys with wreckers take turns. That’s in your contract. Your turn to pick up this one.”
“How bad is the car? Is it worth anything?”
“It’s junk. You might get $50 salvage out of it.”
“Great, my charge is $115.”
“Hey, you have a wrecker and you wanted the business. You had better use the car carrier or you’ll be scattering pieces all the way home.”
I was a widower, losing my wife two years ago. I owned a junk yard and wrecking service and hired three full time workers in the business. I was tall, good looking and kept myself well. Jamie, my wife, and I had purchased the business from my father the year I turned twenty-five. At that time we lived in a little cottage behind the junk yard. When my folks moved out west, I bought their house and Jamie and I moved into it.
I had always worked at the yard. It paid well and there were always interesting vehicles coming in from the wide area that we serviced. Sometimes a car would come in that was totaled for insurance purposes, but was fixable. I partnered with an auto body shop to fix these up. Some of the older muscle cars, if they weren’t in too bad shape, I put them up on blocks and threw a canvas over them. They were lined up along the fences that surrounded the property. The property consisted of a little over twenty-five acres. This was a sizable operation.
With the wrecking service you could be called out all hours of the night to go pick up a vehicle that was in an accident or broken down. Thankfully this one was daytime and didn’t have anyone injured. I had seen some horrible sights over the years from deaths and destruction of these accidents. Many accidents were so preventable, if people had just used their brains and paid attention.
I didn’t hurry. I had seven miles to go up and three back before I could get into the lane the vehicle was in. Then it was four miles back to my yard. I pulled around the car and tilted the flatbed. I went about hooking up the winch to pull it up onto the carrier. The woman sat in the driver’s seat and didn’t get out. She looked resigned to what happened as if she couldn’t expect otherwise so I went about the chore just glancing the woman’s way. I had to move the car quickly as Randy had left cones in front and back as a warning there was an obstacle on the side of the road.
When I was hooked up, but before I winched it, I told her she had to get out of her car. “No passenger can ride in the car while on the bed. Get in the cab. This won’t take long.” She still didn’t say anything. I just knew she didn’t have any money.
I was right. When I was all set to go, I climbed into the cab. She sat way over next to the door. Her first words were, “I don’t have any money to pay you. That damned sheriff cited me and I’m supposed to appear to pay by Friday morning. I guess I’m headed to jail.”
“Where are you staying?”
“I’m sleeping in the car.”
“You might have been up until now, but I lock up the yard at night. You can’t stay there. Too late to hitch-hike from here today, too. Where were you headed anyway?”
“I have an Aunt Mary, who lives about thirty miles south of here. I was hoping I had enough gas to get there. If I ran out, I would have coasted to the side of the road and left the damned piece of junk. Oh well, I almost made it.”
“Where are you from?”
“A hundred miles back up the highway.”
I named a small city of twenty thousand about that far away. She nodded that was where she was from. I had watched her when she walked around her car and got into the wrecker. She looked to be about my age of thirty-five. Her clothes weren’t that bad as they fit pretty well and weren’t too worn out. I would guess she was five feet, five inches tall. She had brown hair, a decent shape, nothing spectacular, but attractive. Maybe she was just a person down on her luck.
“What’s your name?”
“Nora, Nora Roberts.”
“Oh yeah, you write novels.”
“Not that Nora. I’m the broke, the just divorced, just lost my kids and my home, Nora Roberts.”
“That’s probably more than I need to know.”
“All men are curious when they meet a woman down on her luck. You’ve been asking one question after another since you came. I doubt you will stop.”
“Against men too, I take it?”
“I knew it, another question, but that I can answer. Yes, I am against some men. My former husband especially. He didn’t leave me with anything. No money, I’m barred from seeing my two boys, and he called me a prostitute. I’m not and I believe I was set up, but I couldn’t prove that I am innocent. He would never listen to me.” She paused, and then continued, “But then you are a man and you have no reason to believe me.”
“All of us aren’t like that.” I had to defend my gender.
“May be, but I was married to one who was.”
We pulled into my wrecking yard. I got my clip board and filled out the bill for picking up Nora’s car. I handed it to her, $115.00. She looked at it and started taking off her blouse. “What are you doing?”
“I told you I don’t have any money. The only thing I have is my body so you’ll have to use it until the bill is paid.”
She looked at me. I could tell she was hoping I would refuse her offer. I was the type of person who wouldn't take advantage. “You are quite attractive, and I’d probably enjoy getting paid that way, but I’d rather have you pay me in some other form.”
“Like how?”
“Let’s make a business deal out of this. I need my house cleaned. It will take you a week or longer. I’ll pay you $60 a day and room and board and I’ll allow you $40 for your junk car. If we go forward with this deal, I’ll take you to a nice restaurant for dinner tonight.”
“Does that go on my bill as well?” I shook my head, no. “How many rooms are in your house?”
“Eight not including the two bathrooms. There are things in the yard that you could do too if you are so inclined.”
“Will you pay my citation on Friday?”
“Sure, but that comes out of your pay.”
“I’ll have a room of my own?”
“Do I cook for you?”
“Yes, especially that.”
“Do I have to sleep with you?”
“No, you don’t have to.”
“So you say. I feel there is a ‘but’ in there somewhere isn’t there?”
“I suppose there is, but it is more hope than anything. I wouldn’t demand that you do.” I was hoping, but this made me uncomfortable. “We can leave here now. I need a shower and we’ll get changed to go out.”
“Jack, I’m going to take the deal. It is the best I can do in the present situation. You just might restore my faith in men. Not all of them, but some. I’m at the point where I have to trust someone. I do pay my bills when I am able and this will be the way I can.” She reached over and shook my hand.
“How did you know my name?”
“Jack Spangler, of Spangler Wrecking Company. It is on your bill and on the door of the wrecker.”
“Nora, do you want to call someone to tell them where you are and who you are with?”
“No, for some reason I trust you and we shook on it. That’s good enough for me.” Nora had made a snap judgment about me. I would prove she wasn’t mistaken.
My home was pretty unkempt. The lawn needed mowing and the flowers my wife took such pride in were grown up with weeds and the flowers had all but disappeared. One shutter had come loose on the house and I was going to fix that. That was six months ago, but I would get to it yet. When we went inside Nora walked around looking at everything. I did work at keeping the kitchen and one bathroom up because that is where I spent most of the time at home. I used one bedroom, but I used a sleeping bag on top of the spread to sleep in.
I informed Nora I was going to take my shower, “You may want to use this one after I get out. I don’t know what shape the other one is in.” I came out of the shower and stumbled over a pile of linen in the hallway. This included the sleeping bag. My bed must be made up and I was going to be sleeping between sheets tonight.
Nora came down the hall with a towel around her. “I found sheets. I made your bed. You didn’t expect to sleep in that fart sack when there are clean sheets around and a woman to put them on your bed did you?” Hey, I think I am going to like this business deal I made. I had more out of it already than I expected. I wasn’t going to press for more, not yet anyway. Who knows I might even get the house cleaned before Nora wanted to move on?
It had been two years since my wife of thirteen years had passed away. I had come to grips with the fact that I had one love and that would be my allotment in this lifetime. I didn’t take life too seriously after I had arrived at that decision. I wondered if the woman I had picked up today hadn’t come to a like decision and looked on life the same way I was. I hadn’t seen any tears yet, but they might come.
Nora had on a different blouse and slacks when I next saw her. She looked really neat. This was going to be strange for me, but I was looking forward to time with this woman. I asked, “What and where for dinner? There is a beef house, and a fish house. You can get chicken in both.”
“Fish I think. I used to serve it at home when my husband wasn’t home. He didn’t like it at all. I used to fish with my grandfather many years ago before he died. I miss him and I miss the fresh caught fish. A lot of people don’t like to smell it cooking, but I do. I make a fish chowder to die for.” In the back of my mind fresh caught fish was going to be on my plate some day.
In the restaurant while waiting for our meal, I asked, “Do you want to talk about your life? You must have taken a horrible hit from your husband to leave you in the situation I found you in today.”
“I’ll tell you all about it sometime. What happened has been a horrible experience and it kept getting worse as time went on. Let’s just say I think that I was set up and my husband wanted to get rid of me so he could marry another woman. I think he set out to ruin me, my reputation, and take all the esteem a normal person needs to hold her head up. At least he didn’t have the balls to kill me. The other woman possibly would have if she could have.
“Can we enjoy this meal now? I’m thinking so far, I don’t mind being in debt to you.”
When we got home, we watched a show on the History Channel and then I got ready for bed. “Go to bed, Jack. I’ll make up the room across the hall.”
It had been two years since I had a woman in my bed. It was pure laziness on my part. I wasn’t that bad looking and I cleaned up good even if I did run a junk yard. My wife had insisted I change my work clothes every day and I continued even though she wasn’t here to see that I did.
I liked my hair short and I had it trimmed every two weeks into a flat top. I did own my own business and I got hit on often enough, but no woman so far could compare to the wife I still missed. Not one in my bed tonight either, but I had a feeling.
Nora for some unknown reason, appealed to me. Maybe because she had it rough and needed a shoulder to cry on. She hadn’t yet, cried I mean, but I felt she was right on the edge.
She was asleep when I woke at 5:30, my time to get up. I went down and made coffee. I came back upstairs and got dressed. I stepped into her room. Her eyes were now open looking at me. “Coffee is done or you can sleep in. I’m crunching cars this morning and have extra help so I have to be at the yard by seven. There is a car in the garage with the keys in it.”
I dug out my wallet. “Here is a couple hundred dollars. Would you get some groceries and anything you need if you do cleaning? The store is two streets over and down a block on the left. I’ll have lunch at the yard, but if you are still here I would look forward to a home cooked meal.”
“What would you like?”
“Surprise me. I’ll eat anything.” I turned and went downstairs. Five minutes later she came down. She had on one of my wife’s robes that had been hanging in the closet. She looked natural in it and I didn’t mind at all. I said, “Sit and I’ll take time for coffee with you.”
“I should have been up and made the coffee.”
“You can tomorrow morning. You will know where everything is by then.”
“You didn’t have a chance to eat this morning either.”
“I’ll catch something on the way in. We can eat together tomorrow morning unless you like sleeping in.”
“No, I’m a morning person. I always needed to get my two boys ready for school.”
Tears appeared suddenly. The first I had seen since I had met this woman. I just stuck out my arms and she came into them. She hid her face in my shoulder and sobbed a little. She reached up, wiped her eyes and backed away. “You must think I’m a baby?”
“No, I understand. Kiss me and I’m off.” I had no idea why I said this. But that is how I left Jamie every day when I headed for work. I was only going to peck her on the cheek, but I received a real kiss on the lips, albeit quick. I smiled down at her and turned to the door. She was standing in the open door when I swung into my pickup. I waved and she waved back.
I could barely keep my mind on my work. I didn’t know this woman, but I certainly was attracted to her. She said she was labeled as a whore, but wasn’t. How could that be? If she had lost custody of her two sons, she must have done something damned serious. She didn’t seem to be hiding it. I just hadn’t had time to learn what it was.
I came home and showered immediately. Whatever was cooking for supper smelled delicious? I changed into shorts, a polo shirt, and boat shoes, getting comfortable. As I entered the kitchen, she hit me with, “You didn’t tell me your car was a Mercedes. Some different from my car which I hope you crushed today.”
All I said was, “Business has been good lately. The car was an insurance total. When it came in, I thought it was good enough to have repaired. I like it.”
“I like it too. It makes me feel like a queen riding in her chariot. We’ll be eating in the dining room. I dusted and polished everything in there.” Yes she had, and this included the floor. Again she spoke, “I see you drink beer for a beverage. The glasses are frosting in the freezer. I like beer myself, if it is cold.”
I sat as directed. Nora brought in two frosted glasses and the beer. I asked, “What are we having for supper?”
“Chicken fried steak, baby potatoes, and baby carrots. We will have strawberry shortcake for dessert.”
“Nora, how did you know every bit of what you named is my favorite dinner?”
“I found your wife’s notes in her cookbook. Stuff yourself.” I did. The strawberries had come from a farm stand and picked this morning. Nora had sugared them lightly, just enough to get the juices to flow. She had whipped real cream to top the cake with.
“Jack, do you want to hear my story tonight?”
“Yes. I also promise to listen with an open mind about what you tell me. Even if I can’t find myself believing you, you have a home here as long as you wish.”
“Fair enough and I hope you do believe me. I won’t lie. To start, I have to go back fifteen years to the year I got out of high school. I was attracted to this handsome guy and aware he had a big ego. The world was his oyster. That was fine with me. I was satisfied to travel in his shadow. I was in love and we did the breaking my cherry thing. He planned to be an attorney and I loved him so I agreed to help him become one. We married and I went to work at a hardware store near my home and he went off to college.
“I missed the sex while he was away. I wasn’t too careful about my birth control. I would take it when I knew far enough in advance when he was coming home. Of course I screwed up and got caught getting pregnant when he came home one time earlier than expected. I begged him to pull out as I wasn’t safe, but he didn’t bother. Within a few months I was bigger than a whale and couldn’t work. I moved in with his parents. I of course was blamed for getting pregnant. His parents expected we would wait until he was out of college for children.”
“How far apart are the boys and you might tell me your husband’s name?”
“They are twins, two minutes apart, named Peter and Paul. My ex-husband’s name is George”
“I went back to work as soon as possible and I worked every day. George’s parents cared for the boys. George was always after me to send money, so I kept little for myself. The boys were six when George passed the bar. He immediately found a place as an attorney starting on the bottom in a large firm. We rented a house near his folks and he expected me to continue working until he was established. There were the student loans too that needed paying off.
“George controlled my life before he became an attorney and afterward as well. I was proud of what I had done for my husband. To be honest Jack, I do enjoy sex and for a few years, George was there for me and I was happy. That began to change three years ago. The sex dropped off and I had to ask for what I needed. Sometimes I demanded that he make love to me. Hey, I had put him through college and I deserved something for it didn’t I?
“You know I looked nice when we went to functions at his law office on Christmas and New Years. There were always the summer pool parties as well and I was never ashamed of what I looked like in a bikini. Two years ago, George told me I wasn’t invited to the Christmas Party. He would be going without me. He said it was just a chance for him to smooze with the other attorneys. I was disappointed because I looked forward to this yearly event. I never did care much for the New Year’s bashes as it was mostly a drunken brawl.
“I found out more about the Christmas party some time later that year. I met one of the attorney’s wives in the mall one day. She came up to me asking, ‘Nora, do you really enjoy having an open marriage lifestyle? I couldn’t even consider it for myself, but I can see where it might be fun on occasion. The rumor is that George has to put up with you because that is what you want and he loves you so much so he lets you do your thing.”
“I was crushed because George was saying things about me that was totally false. I went home with fire in my eyes. He admitted that he might have implied to some of his friends at work I had messed around outside of our marriage. He wouldn’t admit he was being unfaithful and I halfway believed him. I now know it was him who was messing around.
“George was my loving husband again for about a month. Then I got an anonymous note in the mail one day addressed for my eyes only. It was from three wives of the attorneys who worked with George. It was a warning to stay away from their husbands. I didn’t socialize much after I got that. Last July fourth I did go to the pool party. That was a mistake. The head attorney of the firm where George works appeared at my side and asked me politely to leave.
“I asked why. He handed me a picture of me having sex with two men. My face was clearly identifiable. I was so humiliated, I left immediately. Jack, I swear on a stack of bibles that I had never been unfaithful, but the picture of me was there to be seen.
“I confronted George when he came home. He said I was getting too much of a reputation and it was transferring over into his job and hurting his chances. He might have to leave and go out on his own. He declared he couldn’t stay married to me any longer and wanted a divorce. From then on it got worse and worse.
“He wanted to have custody of the twins transferred to his mother and father. He said they raised them as their own the last few months while I was off doing my thing. Hell, I was working every spare minute all those years. Someone had to care for them because he never had anything to do with them. Custody wasn’t for himself, but for his parents because he never bonded with the boys at all. I don’t think he wanted to pay their support to me. There is more. I lost my job the next week for having an inappropriate lifestyle that my company didn’t condone. How they thought that, I can only guess.
“George always handled the money and I didn’t have but little of my own. I engaged a lawyer. He was fresh at the bar and cheap. He was all I could afford and I counter sued. I was warned to just let the suit against me go forward. I was stubborn. Two weeks later I was pulled over and my car was gone through. There were drugs found under the front seat.
“I spent two nights in the jail, before I could get out. There was not enough to charge me with dealing, but within hours I was barred from seeing the boys and had an unfit mother charge lodged against me.
“The last nine months have been hell for me. I paid my attorney the last money I had because he gave it every effort, but he was up against too many experienced lawyers. My last hundred dollars I gave to the kid next door for his junk car and to have it registered. When the plates arrived, which was three days ago, I got in it and headed for my aunt’s house.
“You know the rest. In the small case I have with me are just a few keepsakes from my family. You know pictures and stuff. George took anything of value, which wasn’t much.”
“What about your home?”
“It was nice, but a rental. George refused to pay the lease any longer after I lost the boys. I was going to be evicted this Friday. It seemed that when I did find work, it wasn’t long before I was terminated. I was lucky if I had two consecutive week’s work before my reputation caught up with me.”
“And your boys, did you get a chance to say goodbye?”
“Yes, I had an hour to talk to them. I asked them to not forget me. They have promised me they wouldn’t. They will be of age in four years. I can see them once a month until then, but it has to be supervised. You know I think my husband was pushing so hard that at the very last the judge wondered if there was more behind the suit that wasn’t brought out. My lawyer didn’t present anything to refute the evidence, so here I am. I’m thankful I didn’t get jail time.”
“Quite the story. What was behind it all? You must have some idea. Someone went to a lot of trouble.”
“I believe it is one of the women attorneys named Phyllis Burbank. She saw George and wanted him. She has him now. They are living together. According to my mother-in-law, he has asked the woman to be his wife. They are trying to get enough money together to go out and start a small firm on their own. I think they were glad when I informed George I was leaving town.”
“That picture of you, do you have it?”
“I have only one. There are some more copies in my file at the family court.”
“Did your attorney ever have it examined to see if it was photo-shopped?”
“I don’t think so. What do mean, photo-shopped?”
“That is where someone attaches an image of part of you onto an image of some other person. Just one crack in all of the evidence against you would make the rest of it suspect. It might clear your name.”
“I don’t think there is much hope of that. I don’t have any money to explore it further.”
“I’ll back you in it. After all we are in business together.”
“Jack, what are you doing here this fine Friday morning?”
We were at the courthouse and I had looked for Randy, hoping he would be there. Randy had been my friend all my life. When he joined the police department, we often ran into each other. “Hey Randy, you gave this lady beside me a citation. I came in with her while she pays it. I was hoping to run into you. While she is paying the clerk can I talk to you?”
“Sure, what’s on your mind?”
“If I wanted a photo examined, who would I approach to see if it was altered or changed in any way?”
“We have a person in the department that could tell … maybe. She is damned good. What are you getting into?”
“The woman I hired to clean my house is the woman that has the problem. She had some problems with her husband. He used this photo I’m talking about to prove infidelity. She says it never happened. Her attorney didn’t have it examined and it was entered into evidence without question. Needless to say she is now divorced.”
“Get it to me and I’ll have someone look at it.”
Nora walked up to us. “Seventy-eight dollars and twelve cents is what that citation cost me.”
“You’re the woman with the bald tires. Are you paying off your towing charge by cleaning the pig pen this guy has been living in?”
“That’s right and he gave me a job so I could pay off a citation some deputy sheriff presented me with.”
“Well, I would say you must be something special. He hasn’t had anything to do with women for the last two years.”
“Nothing special about me, but he does need his house cleaned. He likes my cooking too.”
“I’d guess so. He brags about his grilled hotdogs. Anything would be better than those as a steady diet. Say, Jack said you have had some problems in your life recently. He tells me you have a photograph that he thinks should be examined. Do you have it in your possession if I can find someone to look at it?”
“I have it my room.”
“I’ll swing by after work some day when I can arrange to have a person with me who would know what to look for. It may take awhile, but we’ll come as soon as we can. She has a camera and can she take a picture with you posing in the same position?”
An emphatic, “No,” exploded from Nora’s lips. “Nobody is taking a picture of me doing what the picture shows that person is doing or anything near it.” Randy and I both laughed. She went on, “But I don’t need to worry, Jack and I have a business deal and something like that will not be a part of it.”
Randy picked up on that immediately. “Jack, tell me about this business deal you have with this woman.”
I shook my head that I wouldn’t. Randy smiled and didn’t push further. I was thankful for that. He and I knew when to stop kidding about something such as this and this is what made us friends.
Chapter Two
Leaving the courthouse, Nora and I went over to the junk yard and into the office. “It’s filthy in here! How can you stand it?”
“Hey, it is more organized than it looks. It is no different than when I bought it from my father, just more parts and stuff. I’m not paying someone to clean it up, especially when I know where everything is. As long as I have enough room on my desk for the paperwork that I have to do, I’m fine.” Just then a man and his teenage son came in.
“Would you have a carburetor for a ’67 Firebird?”
“I might, let me look.” I started moving boxes of junk parts that were stacked nearly to the ceiling. When I got down to the next to last box, I uncovered it and sorted through a dozen carburetors. I handed him one.
“That’s it, just what I need. How much?”
“Fifteen bucks would cover it. If it doesn’t work, bring it back and I’ll give you your money back. That’s the only guarantee I can give you.”
“Fair enough.” The teenager looking happy was the one to hand the money to me. I took the ten and the five and put it into my pocket. The guy and his son left.
Nora asked where my account book was located so she could enter the transaction. “It’s already entered. The part wasn’t on inventory and the money won’t be either.”
“That’s illegal.”
“Not to me it isn’t, that is if you don’t squeal on me. Understand, I try to save something from every car I crush. The car that it came off of was crushed in the early 80’s. There are a few more parts located here and there from the same vehicle. That kid might need something more to restore the car and his father is helping him do it. They could pay $125 for a rebuilt carburetor, but then they might not be able to afford to finish the project and then they wouldn’t be working together. I’m just helping a little.”
“I suppose you saved something from my car?”
“I did. That battery over there on the bench is yours and it just came off the charger. It’s holding a charge so far. I can get $5 for the lead in it or I can sell it for $8 to someone that needs one and can’t buy new for $65. If the battery is still up after a week, I’ll sell it.”
“So under our business deal you overcharged me by eight dollars, is that it?” Nora was grinning and I grinned back at her.
Two weeks later, Randy came to the house after I had just finished eating a wonderful pot roast dinner. The aroma was still there. The woman with him, Dixie, commented on it and Randy wiggled his eyebrows. After some small talk, the woman asked to see the photograph.
Dixie looked at it. “Okay Nora, tell me why you think this isn’t real?”
“I have always been faithful and I wouldn’t do that with anyone. That’s gross, especially with two men at the same time. I look as if I’m enjoying it. My expression is all wrong. Remember, I was only ever intimate with my husband.”
“Fine, let’s look at some other elements in the picture. How about the room? Is that your bedroom?”
“Yes, that is our bedroom.” Nora examined it closely. “Wait, that picture hasn’t been on the wall for three years. It got broken when I was dusting it. That quilt on the floor is years old too.”
“Good, we know this is your face and it is your room. How about how your hair is arranged? Is that the same way you had it when the picture was on the wall?”
“No it isn’t, I had bangs at that time. I had them cut off a year ago.”
“Let’s look at your body or what we can see of it. Is there anything there that would make you think it belonged to someone else?” We were all looking at the picture. It was of a woman on the bed with two men. One man was beneath her and one man on top. We could see the whole left side of her, leg, thigh, waist, one breast, and left arm which was lying limply along beside the man on the bottom.
We could not see the faces of either man. The more you looked at the images, you had the feeling it was staged. No way to tell, but the way the people were positioned there might not be any penetration at all. Nora spoke up, “I had a scar on my left knee at the time the picture of the room was taken. It never faded very much. Would that have shown up?” Dixie asked to look at Nora’s knee. It was definitely there and a portion of it should have shown in the picture.
“Why didn’t you point out at least some of this to your attorney?”
“I couldn’t bear to look at it and I never studied it like this. I suppose he saw what was meant to be seen. Except for the scar not being there the body could be me.”
“Randy, it is my considered opinion that this picture has been manufactured. The woman, or what there is of her showing, must know what Nora looks like or maybe it was someone who was hired to model for the picture.”
Randy and I both agreed. Dixie stated, “There you have it.” We talked a little more about how this was accomplished. She asked Nora, “What are you going to do now? Nora shook her head as she had no idea. “Well think about it and if there is anyway I can help, let me know.”
“Thanks Randy and Dixie, how about a drink?”
Randy jumped at this, “I’m fine with that.” Dixie was too. After they left Nora came into my arms for a hug. She knew I believed that she was a good woman, not like she was portrayed in the picture.
“Jack, what can I do? It is so hopeless. I don’t care about what happened to me that much, but my boys think I’m a terrible mother. You should have heard them complain when they were told I couldn’t see them for a long time.”
“Calm down, we’ll think of something.” It was a depressing weekend until Sunday late afternoon. Nora was outside working on a flower bed, when the phone rang.
“Hey Jack, it’s me, Randy. I was thinking about that picture. Nora looks as fine as the woman we saw in the picture, you had better keep her around. How come you hired her anyway?”
“She was broke and I needed my house cleaned. We’re both happy.”
“If I was into porn pictures, I’d have that picture framed and put it on my bedroom wall.”
“Yeah, Sarah would like that wouldn’t she.”
“Damn, I’m married aren’t I? Look, I’ve been thinking about more than the picture. You know Dixie told me that whoever did the work on it, must know Nora and what she looks like. Probably it is someone who has been around her. Nora could spot the problems when she looked close enough, but whoever did the work on the photos wouldn’t have been told what it was all about. The photo geek who did the work just did as he was asked.”
“How is that going to help her?”
“If you want to spend a few bucks, I know a private investigator up in the city who might find the person that did the photo work. If you supply the money, I’ll contact him. He might think it was a police investigation at first. That would get you started anyway.”
“Good, do it for me. I won’t tell Nora until we learn something. What’s the investigator’s name?”
“Sam Jenkins. He was a cop in the city and took an early retirement when the chance came. He knows everyone or who to ask if he doesn’t.”
“How much money are we talking?”
“Probably $350 a day. If he doesn’t know after three days, he won’t find him. What’s behind all of this? You have never explained.”
I gave Randy the story that Nora had told me. “Randy, I believe every word of it. No woman should lose her kids. Especially after putting her husband through college and then being dumped when he wanted to trade up.”
“You’re hooked on this woman aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess I am. She is no Jamie, but she could be.”
“She does seem nice. I felt the same way when I gave her the citation, but the car she was in shouldn’t have been on the road. Good luck. I’ll be in touch.”
Nora came in and went up and showered. When she came down, she asked. “Who were you talking to on the phone?”
“It was Randy. He thinks he might know how to find out who set up that photograph that destroyed you. I told him to go for it.”
“What good does that do me?”
“Do you want your husband back? It might help if we can prove he wasn’t involved.”
“I absolutely don’t want him back. I’ve lost all faith in him. I do want my boys back or at least I want them where I can visit them any time I want to.”
“We’ll see if we can’t make it happen.” I headed east in the morning with the photograph. I handed over the photo to Sam Jenkins. I explained what Dixie had said about it. I also handed over $1,000 (cash) and he put it in his pocket. No receipt was offered. Maybe he used the same bookkeeping system that I was using.
“Jack, I have a pretty good idea who might have done this. I’ll hit a couple of other places that do camera work before I hit the one I’m thinking of. Word travels fast that I’m nosing around. I’ll hint there might be a few bucks in it if he can prove it was him who did the work. If it is him, I’ll try to get a statement on paper. I might even get a name of who he was to doing the work for.”
“Fair enough. If you need more money let me know. I’ll make it available.”
I had a great uncle Nathan who lived here in the city. My great aunt had passed away five years ago. I came up once a month to see how he was doing. My father and mother had moved out to California, so it was left to me to keep track of the old man. He was a retired judge, retiring when he was required to at age seventy. I took Uncle Nathan out to lunch.
I gave all the information about Nora to him. How I met Nora and everything she had told me. He knew Randy through me and I told how he had brought Dixie to nail down the changes in the photo we suspected had been faked. He held his hand up as I was talking and asked, “Are you making love to her?”
I never hesitated and answered him, “Not yet, but I hope we are headed that way.”
“Good, you won’t ever forget Jamie, but she would be happy for you.” I nodded and went back to what I was saying. I explained what Nora had done for her husband and how it had been his parents who had taken care of the twins and now had custody. Her husband had demanded she keep working. Nora wasn’t too close to her in-laws, but she was thankful it was they who had the care when they were taken from her.
“Which judge handled the divorce?” I told him. “She is good and usually fair, but in family court the guidelines don’t leave very much leeway as to disposition of children. But then they aren’t quite as formal either.” He stopped speaking and then after thinking said, “I can still practice law. I’d like to represent this Nora of yours. Do you have the address where the boys are living?”
I gave it to him. Then he said, “Bring the lady up later this week, I need to hear everything about this in her own words.”
“Thanks, Uncle Nathan. Nora really misses her kids. Is there any chance she can see them when I bring her up?”
“There will be a good chance of it. I still hold a little sway in the system. If need be I will ask to be appointed an advocate for the boys. I have done that for others.”
I sat down to roast pork, squash, potatoes, and lemon pie when I returned from the city. I told Nora all about my day while we were eating dinner. As dinner was being finished, I sprung this on her, “Nora, I think you will be able to visit Peter and Paul on Thursday.”
I had a happy woman raining kisses all over my face. “You mean I will be able to see my kids this week?” I nodded yes.
More good news when Nora called me at the junk yard about ten Wednesday morning. “Sam Jenkins, the investigator, wants you to call him.”
I called. “Hey, I got everything I said I would, except the name of the person who the work was done for. When will you be coming this way again?”
“Tomorrow, late. Would you put everything into an envelope and drop it off at my attorney’s house?”
“I can do that. Uh, I had to put out another hundred dollars. Where do you want the bill sent?”
“Tell my lawyer. He will give it to you without question. No need for a receipt or paid in full either.”
“Good, I like the way you do business. Who is your attorney?”
“Judge Nathan Spangler. He is my uncle.”
“I’d say you know some powerful people. I never met the judge personally, but when I was on the force I had perpetrators in front of him. So, sure I’ll do what you want. When you talk to him put in a good word for me.” I agreed I would.
I called Nora and told her that Sam had found the person who had rigged the photo that started everything which ended her divorce. “My attorney will have everything when we get there tomorrow afternoon. I wouldn’t be surprised if we will go see your boys shortly after we arrive.”
I let that sink in and then I said, “Boy did you ever get a good deal when you blew that tire and smashed up your car. You get a place to sleep, a deputy to help out with advice, a private investigator and a judge to fight your battles for you.”
“What do you mean a judge?”
“Nathan Spangler. He is my great uncle. That is why I think you will be seeing Peter and Paul. All this is just one more part of the good deal you cut with me. Who got the best out of this business deal anyway, you or me?”
There was silence and then Nora said, “I was beginning to hope it was more than a business deal.”
“Of course it is more than a business deal and it is spilling over into something more.”
“Jack, I hope you are serious. I’ll even it up if it takes the rest of my life.”
“Just so you are with me in the morning. Nora, listen to me. You are on my mind all day long and you are sneaking into my dreams.” This was getting mushy and if I was going to say them I wanted to be next to Nora. “Hey, I’ll talk to you more when I get home. I have a customer waiting on me."
I didn’t have a customer, but my association with Nora was moving awful fast. This would be going somewhere if I wasn’t careful. But then again she was on my mind and that was no lie. The dreams I was having were not at night either, I was having them in the daytime with my eyes wide open.
My uncle was waiting for us when we arrived in the city Thursday afternoon. “Come in please.” After we were comfortable he said, “Mrs. Roberts, I understand your life has been torn apart in the last year? Tell me about it.”
Nora related all that had happened and then Uncle Nathan said, “Sam Jenkins gave me the file of what he found during his investigation. I have made some phone calls. I have permission to take you to your former in-laws so you can speak to your sons. It seems as if you have been the victim of some malicious intent resulting in the divorce from your husband and the loss of your sons.
“I have spoken to John Roberts, your father-in-law and his wife. They do love their grandsons very much and Peter and Paul are reasonably comfortable living there with them. I was informed the boys miss you, and that is as they should. However, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts do have custody for the time being. If you intend to sue for the return of custody it will take some time to resolve this. It also will upset the grandparents terribly and they may fight for the boys.
“I would say if we can prove that you were a victim, you should have a good chance of regaining custody of Peter and Paul. Their father apparently has taken no interest in them whatsoever.” He turned to me, “I am not certain yet if George Roberts, the ex-husband was a party to the fact of you becoming a victim.
“I do believe that the attorney, Phyllis Burbank, whom George is so enamored with, is in fact the instigator of all of Nora’s problems. But then, he hasn’t been helping himself, by not looking into what his wife was charged with. It is as if he wanted to get rid of Nora in any way he could.”
“I can attest to his treatment of me.”
“Nora, if you could contribute to your children’s care in any way; that in itself would look good when I take this into family court on your behalf.”
“Judge Spangler, I am employed now and I am well paid for what I do. I could give most of my wages to my sons’ care. Can I see them today?”
“We’ll go there now. They are expecting us.”
We rode in my Mercedes. Nora sat in back with my uncle sitting next to me in front. “Jack, would you stay in the vehicle while Nora is meeting with her sons. I’ll make sure there is no friction and then I’ll come back and talk with you while Nora visits.”
I turned to Nora; “When we get there, take all the time you want. Uncle Nathan and I can go somewhere and have a beer.”
“I’ll let you know how long I am going to be.”
I watched my aged uncle and the woman I was becoming attracted to go up the walk. Suddenly the door burst open and two young teenage boys ran out and hugged their mother. All went inside and I reclined the seat and turned the radio on. I was half asleep when the passenger door opened. Thinking it was Uncle Nathan, I hadn’t opened my eyes.
“Hi, I’m John Roberts, Nora’s father-in-law, or I was.” I sat up. The man, in his late fifties was standing outside.
“Sit inside. Are the boys happy to see their mother?”
“Ecstatic. This has been a terrible time for them. For Nora too, I guess.” I didn’t agree or disagree. “Say, Mr. Spangler, Nora said you might be interested in something I have. I have worked in an auto parts store for all my life. I was let go a couple of months ago and I can’t find a job. I’ve got my grandsons now and my son isn’t paying any support. Damn it, I didn’t see that Nora was that terrible, but George said she was. Truth to tell, I’m having a hard time making ends meet. I think George just unloaded the boys on us and didn’t plan to pay any support like he promised.
“Anyway, I’ve got some things you might find handy in your business. Nora said you run a junk yard and wrecking company. I have a bunch of old auto parts catalogs. They were distributed periodically and when one was replaced I brought the old ones home. I have a shed full of them. Nora said you had parts scattered and stored in several buildings around your yard. These books might be of use to you. I’d like a few bucks for them if you could find them useful.”
“How far do they go back?”
“There are a few from the 1930’s and 40’s. I’ve got the real early Ford ones, both for the K and the T model. There are three or four for the A model. There is a couple for the B too. That’s for the years 32 through 34. There was an earlier Ford model B developed shortly after the turn of the century, but I have nothing on that.
“I got them when the place was remodeled and they were throwing out everything old. You understand these are hardbound copies with a lot of history and how to repair printed in them. The early ones even tell how to replace the parts. I guess there weren’t many car mechanics back then.
“Books weren’t changed as frequently because the models weren’t changed as often. Some of these companies changed the numbers after a few years and so did the after market, but these have the original part numbers. The newer catalogs have both if they didn’t drop the old numbers. There are some dealer brochures showing the different models and makes. Some of manufacturers have disappeared. It makes interesting reading.”
“How many are there?”
“You might get them into my full-sized pickup.”
“How much are you asking for them?”
“I was hoping for $100. I sure could use the money.”
“That sounds pretty reasonable to me. I’ve got one building that my father stored all old early model car parts in. Over the years just about everything shows up to be junked. Do these catalogs have exploded views of say a grill or fender chrome and things of that sort? A lot of stuff in the buildings doesn’t have numbers on them and I would have no idea what vehicle they would go to so they need matching up.”
“Yep, everything. I’ve got a pickup I could deliver for gas money.”
“That wouldn’t give you anything for your time. Would Nora’s twins be coming with you if you delivered the catalogs?”
“They could. That would give them a chance to see Nora again.”
“That was my thought.”
“How about this Sunday? The wife goes to church and she doesn’t like to ride in the pickup.”
“That would be good. Come early and we can unload before dinner. I’ll have Nora cook up something.”
I dug out my wallet. “Anything before 1950 is worth $200 to me. Another $150 for the more recent ones. I mostly know what I have in the later years. Sixty dollars for cost of traveling. Three hours each for you and the boys loading and unloading at $10 an hour. I’ll round it off to $500. How’s that, fair enough?”
“Why are you doing this, I mean giving me so much?”
“Nora gave me the idea the first time she came into my office. I know the parts I pull off different cars before I crush them, but the early stuff my father had, I don’t know what or which model vehicle they go to. With these catalogs, I can figure it out. I could then advertise some of it when I identify the different items.”
“Well okay, if you’re happy, I’m damned happy. Different subject, where did Nora get hold of that old attorney? He seems to know his law and how the courts are run.”
“That’s my great uncle. He used to be a judge. He likes to keep his hand in.”
“Well, I’m glad for Nora and the boys. When he first called, he told us that the evidence against Nora was probably not true and not to believe what was heard in court and if we had seen any pictures, they have been manufactured. I did see a picture of Nora with two men. That was so disgusting.”
“It is. Here comes the judge now.”
My uncle didn’t get into the car. “Jack, Mrs. Roberts wants us to have coffee. You should meet the twins too. What have you been talking about?”
“John sold me some old catalogs. He is bringing them down on Sunday.”
“That’s good. Will he have room for Peter and Paul to come with him?”
“Yes, they will help load and unload them.”
“Mr. Roberts, would it upset you too much if I instituted proceedings so Nora can have joint custody of the boys with you? I know how much you love them and you wouldn’t be giving up that much to have her as co-custodian.”
“She would be as liable for their support as much as the Mrs. and me?”
“That’s correct. She is working now and between the three of you they should be well taken care of.”
“That would solve some of the money problems I’ve been having. I don’t know when I’m going to be working again.” We went in and had coffee. Mrs. Roberts looked at me with disfavor, but when she learned that John had sold me the catalogs, she sweetened up some.
I whispered to Nora, “You owe me.” She giggled. I guess it had been a long time since the Roberts (in-laws and kids), had heard Nora laugh because they just stared at her. She covered it well.
“I’m just so excited that I’m going to have my children in my custody again.”
Mrs. Roberts spoke up, “Do you intend to take them away from John and me?”
The room felt like a refrigerator door had just opened. It felt like a cold wind had just blown through. Nora answered, “Mother Roberts, please don’t let us fight. I know how you feel about Paul and Peter, but you must know what I have been going through. They were literally ripped from by bosom and I have been barred from living with them and under only certain conditions am I allowed to see them. We will figure out how we both can care for them and be happy.”
This calmed the woman somewhat. “Okay, but you must know how much I love them.” Nathan was taking all of this in. I felt he would come up with some kind of an equitable solution.
John announced to his wife that he was delivering the books he had sold me. The two boys would help him. “Nora, we will see you boys Sunday. Thank you, Mr. Spangler, for paying me to deliver. The extra money is welcomed.”
Mrs. Roberts spoke sharply to John, “You aren’t leaving the boys down there are you? I won’t allow it.”
My uncle answered, “No, they’ll be coming back with Mr. Roberts. I can promise you they will. Nora doesn’t have custody until the court says she does. Remember she isn’t going after full custody either and is sharing it with you. She wants you to be in their life the same as you have been. She appreciates you caring for them when she couldn’t, but she needs to be able to see them more.”
I hadn’t said much, but I was getting an idea how this could come together. My idea wasn’t just for the boys, Nora or the Roberts either. It might just make my life a lot more pleasant too.
The boys clung to their mother when we got up to leave. Nora went to Mrs. Roberts and hugged her, promising to see her and the boys again the Sunday after next. John was handing his wife the money I had paid him as we went out the door.
My Uncle Nathan invited us in, but I declined saying we had two hours on the road. “Jack, I can see you have something in your mind to straighten this out. Do you want to tell me what it is?”
“I’ll call you Sunday after the books I bought are delivered. What I have in mind, I have to think of how I can present it to the Roberts. You just keep working the case so Nora can have her kids with her legally when the time comes. If you need Sam Jenkins for anything more, don’t be afraid to bill Nora.”
“She is paying for all of this I take it?”
“That’s right, we have an agreement. Nora is putting the house back into shape like it was when Jamie was alive. I’m helping her get to see her boys and it looks good so far.”
“Okay then, I may need Jenkins. He can ask questions where I wouldn’t be able to find out the facts about Nora’s husband and this woman who we think is behind it all. Have a safe trip home.”
We pulled away. Nora said, “I love your uncle. I think his nephew is something too. Jack, why didn’t you say business deal when you said you and I had an agreement?”
“Because I had the feeling that agreement was a more appropriate description than business deal.”
“Jack, we’ve known each other for a month. Are you implying what we have together isn’t just a business deal any longer?”
“I would rather think of us as two adults who have fun together. We help each other in any way we can. In saying we have a business deal might imply something other than the association between you and me.” Nora’s hand came over and let it lie on my leg. “With the problems you have we want to stay away from any implication of that sort.”
“You are helping me a lot more than I’m doing for you. But then, we are certainly trading favors.”
“It all balances out so what’s the harm?” My leg received a squeeze this time. “I noticed you handed Mrs. Roberts an envelope. Did you give the boys something, too?”
“A little, all I had anyway.”
“Tell me how much you gave Peter and Paul.”
“The last cent I had, but that is okay. I get paid Saturday. I could just keep house for you because you pay for everything. I really don’t need any money. You are taking care of me beyond what you have to. It felt wonderful though, to be able to give the boys a few dollars.”
“I might have something more for you to do by next week where I could bump up your wages a bit.”
“What doing?”
I smiled and wouldn’t answer at first, but then I said, “Just something I’m working on in my mind. I might have another house for you to clean. I’m not sure about that yet.”
Nora changed the subject. “Aren’t my sons something? They still love me even when they were told I was a horrible mother. They told me today they didn’t believe I did all the things I was accused of doing. I’m so happy working for you and I don’t want to leave. Jack, if I get custody, can they live here with me?” I glanced sideways at Nora.
This situation was moving forward a fast clip. I wanted to make sure I got something out of it. I wouldn’t push that hard until we were both comfortable, but I had to know. “Nora, I’m going to ask you something. What would you say if I invited you into my bed tonight? You are getting your feet back under you. I feel we know each other and are close enough so I don’t think you will be hurt if I ask. If we continue as we are now it is bound to happen at some point.”
“Jack, I have been waiting for you to make a move. I swear I am not a loose woman, although the record shows that I am. I wish I hadn’t started to take my blouse off that first afternoon. I can see now it was the wrong thing to do. I do get the idea that you are a very good person from the way you are treating me. Just lying next to you would be fine the first night. I want to think about how much better my life is now than it was a month ago.”
Nora got into bed on the far side. She had on a short nightgown. It had bottoms and she did it so quickly I didn’t see much of her. I had on boxers and a tee shirt. I slid in and turned the light over the bed off. The light was on in the hall and I hadn’t closed the door all the way. I could see the outline of her face, but not her features.
“Jack, we have got this far. What is next? I don’t know you well enough to read you yet. You haven’t told any dirty jokes, you haven’t really mentioned sex. I’ve offered to be your prostitute by removing my blouse that one time, but you haven’t treated me as if I am. You haven’t told me much about your life either. You know some of the bad things in my life already and I have promised to share the rest, but I don’t want to go any further in that direction tonight. Talk to me, please?” We were lying there side by side, not touching.
“Okay, you must realize I haven’t been much of a homebody recently. That’s because I lost my wife a couple of years ago. She was sick for less than a year. We knew early on that it was hopeless for her. But it was a good time for us as we stayed close all the way to the end. The way I’m living now isn’t what she would want for me. I realized right off you were in a tight spot. I was trying to show you not to worry and that I would give you a hand."
“May I spoon against you?”
“Please.” I rolled over and put my arm over her. It felt so right. Would this be the only night I was going to be able to do this? I hoped not. I felt Nora relax and then she sighed, squirmed a little and pulled my arm tighter. My hand was on her breast, but I didn’t move it. Then her hand came up and placed it over mine.
“You did surprise me when you started to disrobe. I want you to know I am not one to take advantage of a person. Suggesting that you clean the house was a spur of the moment decision.”
“Jack, I’ve cleaned most of your rooms. It doesn’t seem enough for what you are doing for me.”
“Okay, but let’s be clear. That has nothing to do with our business deal. This is just two adults who are attracted to each other and looking forward to being comfortable with each other.” We went to sleep cuddled up as close as we could be.
Chapter Three
Sunday morning before we got out of bed, Nora was extremely nervous. “What should I cook for the boys and John for dinner on Sunday?”
“Keep it simple. You have that shoulder roast. Roast it in a pot. There is a large cast iron kettle way in the back of the cabinet on the bottom. You can cook all the veggies in it the last three-quarter hour.”
“Good, I just couldn’t think that is all. Of course if you would stop fooling around and keep your hands away from where they are, I could think better. Leave me be or you’ll be in trouble and you’ll never get over to the yard and the roast will never get on the stove.” I looked at the time. Nora was right, it was getting late. “What time do you think they will get here?”
I knew we were putting off being intimate, but it wouldn’t be too many nights before we were. It was going to be a big change for both of us because I needed to put the woman I had loved behind me. Nora needed to find trust in a man again. It would be just that much sweeter for the two of us when it happened.
“Nine, nine-thirty I would think. I’m going to meet them at the wrecking yard. We’ll be back to the house just before noon. We’ll eat and then we’ll spend some time together before they head home.”
“I wish they could stay. I’m going to hate to see them go back.”
“Keep the faith that they won’t always have to go. Hey, are we going to spend all morning in bed? I need coffee.”
John Roberts pulled into my wrecking yard just a little after nine. He did have a full pickup load of boxes. There was enough weight from the thirty-four boxes in the truck that it sagged the springs. I had purchased a garden shed and put it on some level gravel next to my office. The boys helped unload the boxes. They seemed anxious to please and really hustled. All the boxes were marked with the year the catalogs covered. It didn’t take very long to unload.
“Let’s walk around and I’ll show you my operation. My father set this up forty years ago. I bought the business ten years ago. It looks damned disorganized, but it really isn’t. I have an area for stripping the cars as they come in. I keep three men busy doing various chores. If the windshield on a vehicle is good, I have a man who pulls it. I don’t crush every day. Usually when I get ten junks ready, I hire one extra part-timer to help me.
“There is a mountain of paperwork. I never buy any vehicle without checking the VIN number. I have some standing orders for parts, so if I get a car in that matches what a customer wants, I check it out the best I can. I always sell with a money-back guarantee. I have a list of things that are desired by shops that rebuild parts too. Starters, alternators and sometimes water pumps are rebuilt. Transmissions and rear ends too.
“These buildings you see scattered around next to the fence are full of fenders, bumpers, glass, hoods, engine parts, and whatever. That building over there has frames stacked five high. I think there are ten piles of them in there.”
“Who would want a frame?”
“Peter, good question. Hot rodders mostly, but occasionally someone wants to customize his favorite jalopy. You can’t believe how many people start on something and screw it up. By that time they have too much money into the project so they come in looking for a replacement. That big building down on the end is the one my father built and put the oldest items in that he thought were too good to throw away.”
“Such as?”
“Come on, Paul, I’ll show you most of a 1934 Pierce Arrow. Everything ahead of the cowl is missing. It was bombed by a gang of crooks trying to move into a different territory. The whole front end including the engine is gone and the frame was chopped off as not salvageable. Some day someone will come along and want it.”
I opened the door and we walked in. Pa had built bins down the length of one side for the smaller items. On the other side were fenders, doors and even spare tire carriers that graced many of the old cars on their rear seventy or eighty years ago.
Paul spoke to his twin, “Look at the different dashboards. Look at some of them are made out of wood. They are beautiful.”
When we came out of the building I asked if they had ever seen a car crusher work. They hadn’t so as I had a rusty old ’70 Chevy ready, and knowing they would be interested, I ran it through. How the boys laughed when it came out ready to be transferred along with several others onto a flatbed to be transported to a smelter.
“John and you boys, there is a small cottage out back of this building. We can sit on the porch for a few minutes. I have a proposition for you.”
We went around a corner, through a gate in the ten foot high board fence, and a couple of hundred yards away a neat little cottage came into view. I had mowed the lawn Friday evening. It did need paint, but it hadn’t been too many years since some had been applied. Off to one side there was room for a garden and behind it were some mature trees. Further back still there were woods with trails throughout.
“This has a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, and a nice bathroom. John, here’s the deal. You bought those catalogs and you know what’s in them as you have probably used most of them. You’ve seen the spare parts I have stored here. I need someone to match things up and put it together and make an inventory list. I need someone who can handle selling as well. In other words when someone comes in looking for a part I want to be able to say ‘go see John.’ Is that a job you would be interested in?” John was definitely looking interested.
“I own this cottage. It isn’t very elegant, but it is solid and comfortable and it would be cheap to live in. I’d rent it pretty reasonable. What I’m getting at, is that Nora would have her boys and you and Trudy would still be in their lives. I have a big house and room for the boys. I’d ask that you live with me, but it isn’t big enough for two families.
“One other thing, as long as you work for me you would have hospital and doctor’s insurance. I provide that for the men who work for me. I have to carry workman’s comp too. I’ll open the door and you look it over. I want to talk to Peter and Paul while you do.”
John hadn’t said a word … maybe because I hadn’t given him a chance. I opened the door and John went in. “Peter and Paul, I want you to know my intentions for your mother. Right now she is keeping house for me. You need to know a little more about me. My wife died two years ago from cancer. I’m pretty lonely. Your mother is too. She has been terribly hurt over the divorce from your father and is now single just like I am. She’ll feel much better if John takes my offer of a job and you can move down here.”
I waited to see if the boys had anything to say. The boys looked at each other. It was Peter who said, “You said you and Mom were both lonely. That tells me you two are pretty friendly. I guess if you treat her better than my father did, I’m okay with it. Paul and I talked about it when we heard Mom giggle at home the other day and decided you might be sleeping together. We are okay with it if it will keep on making her laugh.”
I shook their hands as John came through the door. “Considering everything, I think Trudy would live here. I’ll have to talk to her before we decide. You said Nora was coming up next weekend. I’ll let you know for sure then.”
“Good enough. Let’s go see Nora. Dinner will be on the table at noon.”
Nora was more relaxed today than she had been on Thursday. The house shined, as she had worked on it without stopping. There was still one room upstairs that needed doing, and the mud room at the back entrance hadn’t been straightened up as of yet. I directed the boys to where they could wash their hands upstairs. John and I used the other one off the living room “You have a beautiful home here.”
“You wouldn’t have thought so if you had seen it before I hired Nora. There are still a few corners she hasn’t got to yet, but it won’t be long.”
John shared with me that Trudy wasn’t Nora’s biggest booster and never had been. “They never seemed to hit it off. Nora was always working and she left the boys for us to raise. I’m not saying she neglected them, but it seemed they were always with us.”
“Nora said that and she told me why. She said at first George was in law school and she put him through seven years of education. After he got a job he demanded she continue because he needed money for a front until he was established. That was why she went back to work so soon after the twins arrived. Weeks ago I found her sitting in a piece of junk that she had spent her last dollar on. I couldn’t believe she hadn’t made out better in the divorce from your son than she did.
“Her story was that she never had any money of her own because she deposited her wages into George’s account as directed. When her troubles started, she had no money to hire a competent attorney. She sold what personal items she had to pay him although he wasn’t able do much in court for her.”
John was silent before saying, “George and Nora never discussed their living arrangements with us. I’m beginning to get the idea that George has always been just for himself. I guess you know he has never paid us the support he is supposed to. I didn’t know Nora was left without anything either. I supposed she was getting alimony.”
“I don’t think so. I have never seen any evidence of it. I believe Nora has been totally honest with me.”
“You like her, I take it?”
“Very much so, and I’m going to continue. Some day I hope for more.”
“I had the idea you were already getting more.”
I grinned at him just saying, “Let’s go eat.”
John was quiet and not saying much. I could tell he was thinking about my job offer. I took it he had always worked and being laid off was bothering him.The meal was delicious and filling. Nora brought pop for the boys and coffee for us before dessert. John looked at me. “Have you told Nora about offering me a job?”
“Would you tell her now? I want to hear it all again.” Nora looked at me expectantly.
“Nora, you know I jumped on buying those catalogs that John and the boys delivered this morning. You also screamed at me for keeping parts piled up in boxes. I offered John the job of putting together an inventory of everything. Most of the engine parts have numbers and he can match the parts and numbers together. I’ll know what I have and can begin to sell a lot of it. I’m fast running out of room.
“I bought the lot behind the yard a few years ago, thinking I would expand. It has a small cottage on it. John thinks Trudy might agree to live there. The rent would be cheap. His wages would match what he has been making and he would have health insurance. The boys could live here with you and see their grandparents whenever they wanted too. He is going to let me know when you go up to see Trudy next Sunday.”
“The boys would live here with me?”
“That seems logical, but with Trudy having equal custody with you, something can be worked out even if you chose to disagree. At least you wouldn’t be living more than two miles apart.”
“I wouldn’t disagree as long as I can see and be with them every day.”
“Mom, are Paul and me going to be able to hang out at the junkyard? That would be over the top for us.”
“You’d have to abide by whatever rules Jack sets, but I would say you could.”
“I don’t see why not. I might even find some work for you. You couldn’t be around machinery, but maybe sorting stuff with your grandfather.”
John spoke up, “Jack, can I use your phone? I want to call Trudy and tell her what is going on. The more I think about this, this is what I want to do and this is where I want to be.”
“Why don’t you call the judge first and make sure it can happen legally. I was going to call him later, but he can tell you and I won’t have to repeat it.”
“I’ll pay some of your moving costs if that is what it takes to have the boys with me.”
John went into the other room and dialed the judge. He talked with him and then we heard him call Trudy. He stuck his head back in the kitchen. “The judge says we could move here, but the boys would have to live with us until the custody is changed.”
“Okay, we’ll make room here in the house for all of you for a short time. There are bedrooms enough. The bathrooms might be a little crowded. Tell Trudy she is welcome.”
“Thanks Jack, We would move out to the cottage as soon as we could. It may take a while to get organized so we might not even have to move in if the judge has his way. I was just making sure.” He went back to the phone. We heard him laugh once, so we guessed Trudy was okay with John working for me.
He soon came out and asked if Nora would talk to Trudy. “She wants to know about the house you are living in. I told her all about the cottage, but she wonders if there really is room enough here until it is ready for us. Jack, I’m going to be heading home shortly. I have to plan my move. I think I’ll put our house on the market. Trudy and I don’t have any retirement savings. We don’t owe much, but we have been going backwards financially, so it would be a good change for us.”
“Good thinking.” John hung around until Nora got off the phone. The boys clung to their mother saying they hated leaving her. Nora hugged John. I suspected there hadn’t been much demonstrative association between the two before this. We waved as the pickup pulled away.
Nora was crying when she turned to me. I spoke, “They’ll be back and if the judge has his way it won’t be long. You can stop crying.”
“I’m not crying because they are leaving. I’m crying because you are making me so happy.” We went into the living room and sat on the couch … well actually we laid on it. I stretched out and Nora got on top of me. “Jack, I’m so far in your debt I don’t know how to thank you. Tell me how I can pay you.”
“I’ll tell you the same way Peter and Paul said. They said it had been so long since you were happy enough to giggle I must be doing something right. They told me they thought it was because we were sleeping together. They didn’t seem to mind at all. John asked me the same. I didn’t say we were either, but I didn’t deny it. It didn’t seem to bother him or the boys.
“So I’m going to do everything to make you happy and that includes sleeping with you. Remember I’m not only doing this for you alone since there is a lot of this for myself. Peter and Paul need to be happy too. They need their mother. A mother they can be proud of … and they will be. How about John and Trudy? Haven’t they suffered through all of this and then on top of it all John lost his job. This has left him no way to take care of his responsibilities toward the boys.”
“You said you were sleeping with me again tonight.”
“Yes, and looking forward to it.”
“Would you carry me across the threshold to your room? This will be more fun than last night for you, I promise.” We both were keeping it light, knowing this might be the beginning of something solid.
Just before I picked Nora up I took her in my arms and kissed her. She clung to me and when I looked at her there were tears in her eyes. I then raised her off the floor and carried her in, laying her down on the bed. I lay down beside her. It was awkward and difficult to remove a person’s clothes when the person was kissing you continually. We made a game of undressing each other. I did persevere and made it as difficult for her when she was trying to get me out of my clothes.
Clothes were scattered all over the room. I had just given her underwear a fling. Nora started laughing really hard. I looked to where she was pointing. Her panties were draped over the ceiling light. Our foreplay was long and loving, and so was the final act.
John called Nora on Tuesday about noon. She waited to tell me when I got home what he said. “John said George had come to the house and tried to borrow money from them. He claimed he and Phyllis Burbank were setting up a law firm of their own and he needed another twenty-five thousand dollars so they could be equal partners.
“John told him he didn’t have it. It had cost him too much to take care of his boys and he hadn’t worked for more than two months. He then asked George to pay his child support. George left in a huff. He also left without even speaking to Peter and Paul. Why am I’m not surprised at that?”
“Did John tell George he had a new job and would be moving?”
“No, he said George would hound him for money if he found out he was selling the house. He said George didn’t mention me at all and he didn’t ask if I had tried to see the boys.”
“John is definitely planning on moving here?”
“Yes, and Trudy is all excited about it. You know, I just might get along with her. She is terribly disappointed in George and anxious to get away from him. Your uncle is making sure it is okay. The custody change is going to take some time, but I don’t care as long as they are here. The family court wants to meet both of us Friday at ten to make sure the boys are cared for appropriately and John really does have a job.”
“I see the fine hand of my uncle in all of this.”
“I know. If it is okay with you, Trudy will be coming back with us Friday after court. John and the boys will come down Saturday morning in the pickup loaded with some personal things. We are counting on your Uncle Nathan to have the okay from the court.” She hesitated before asking, “You must feel that we are taking over your life, don’t you?”
“Nora, I can’t imagine going back to living alone. You were alone for several months. I was alone for two years. Would you want to go back to living that way?”
“I think we are good then. Let’s work toward making this deal permanent.”
Wednesday and Thursday evenings Nora and I went over to the cottage and cleaned up the bathroom and kitchen. It wasn’t really that bad and it hadn’t been lived in for three years. I hadn’t worried about it very much because I thought I would have it torn down so I could expand my wrecking and salvage yard. We had time so we washed the windows before leaving.
We were a little nervous about our meeting at the courthouse Friday morning. We left early and I intended to see my uncle first, but he had left his house already. His car was in the courthouse parking lot when we got there. “We’ll go in and find him. He may want to coach us what to say to the judge.” We looked at the building directory. The family court was on the second floor.
We went into the waiting room. There was a clerk there, telling us to wait, saying Nora’s attorney was with the judge in her chambers. We hadn’t been there but a few minutes when Sam Jenkins, the private investigator, arrived. He shook my hand as I asked, “Sam, what are you doing here?”
“Judge Spangler asked me to be here to explain about the photograph that caused Mrs. Roberts so much grief. The man who did the work on the photo will be here too. I think Mrs. Roberts’ ex-husband is to be present as well.” John and Trudy came in and Trudy and Nora got together in the corner. Nora was telling her more about the cottage.
John asked me what was happening, “I have no idea. I haven’t spoken to my uncle for a couple of days. Where are the boys?”
“They are outside in the car. I told them I didn’t know how long we would be, but they have books with them. They’re happy.” Another man came in and went to sit beside of Sam. This had to be the person who had photo-shopped the images.
The door opened again and this tall, handsome, well-dressed man came in. He stood looking around. He saw his mother talking with Nora. He hesitated and then sat down next to John.
He said to his father, “Nora’s trying to get the kids back I take it?”
“That’s right.”
“Why am I here? You and Ma are the ones who have custody.”
“Yes, but we need help. I haven’t worked for awhile. Your mother and I aren’t giving up the boys. This session today is for the court to decide if Nora can be with them without restriction.”
“She is an unfit mother. Why would the social services even consider letting them near her?”
“It is because her attorney has come up with what he thinks is proof the evidence that was used against her is suspect. Her attorney is with the judge at present.”
“I saw the photograph. Pictures don’t lie. Drugs were found in her car too. The police testified to finding them.”
“Well it must have been something because they allowed Nora to come visit them a week ago at the house with her attorney. It was a good day for me too. I was able to sell the man who was the attorney’s nephew all of the catalogs that were parked out back in the shed. He paid me and I delivered to him.”
“Who bought them?”
“Jack Spangler. This is him right here. Jack, meet my son, George.”
“George.” I reached across John and we shook hands.
He got the connection almost immediately. “Spangler, you’re related to Judge Spangler?”
“That’s correct.”
“He isn’t practicing any longer.”
“He does sometimes, when he learns of a case where he thinks justice wasn’t served.”
“How in hell was Nora able to get him for an attorney? He used to be the best there was.”
“I introduced them. I drive a wrecker and she smashed her car up and I pulled it into the junk yard. She told me her story, so I had my uncle look into it.”
Just then the intercom broke silence at the desk. “Dan, would you send in Sam Jenkins, and Joe Bracket. If Attorney Roberts is there, have them all come into the courtroom.”
The three men went through the door and the clerk closed it behind them. After forty-five minutes, John was getting worried about the boys out in his car. I offered, “I’ll go sit with them. I won’t be needed for anything here, and you, Trudy, and Nora will be.”
I went out and found the boys. “Hi Jack, What’s happening? Are we going to be able to live with you and Mom?”
“I don’t know yet. Your grandparents and your mother haven’t been in to see the judge yet. These things take time. What are you reading?” Paul was reading a western and Peter had a mystery. They were well supplied with books so I grabbed a western and we settled down.
It was another half hour when John came out to the car. “Peter and Paul, the judge would like to ask you a couple of questions. Jack, you might as well come in too. The judge knows you are the person who Nora is keeping house for. She also knows that I will be working for you. I have to tell you my son hasn’t come off very well in front of this judge, but that’s his problem.”
The four of us went in. Sam Jenkins and Joe, the person who did the photo-shopping, had already left. The judge told the boys to come up front. “Peter and Paul, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions? Would you tell me about when before you were told you couldn’t live with your mother, did she ever have a strange man in your home or a man who stayed overnight?”
Paul answered, “No Your Honor, never. Even when my father wasn’t home she never did.”
“Would you like to go live with her where she is keeping house for Mr. Spangler?”
“Yes, Your Honor that would be neat. Grandma won’t be living very far away from us either and we can visit Grandpa where he works too. It’s a great place to poke around in. There are all kinds of old junk cars there. He has half a car that was bombed by a gang.”
“What kind of car is it?”
“It’s a Pierce Arrow and really old. Jack says we can look around all we want as long we aren’t near any of the machines and equipment.”
“Peter, do you like Mr. Spangler?”
“Yes, Grandpa sold him some books and he paid us to load and unload them.”
“Will you have your own rooms when you go to live with your mother?”
“We could have separate rooms, but Paul and me have always lived in the same room and we want to stay together. We are twins, you know.”
“Yes, I know. I do believe that the best that I can do for now is to have custody of you returned to your mother along with your grandparents with all equally responsible. You may leave now as I want to say a few words to your father.”
“Thank you Your Honor.”
“Peter and Paul, one more question, who told you to address me as Your Honor?”
“Jack did, he said it is respect for the law, not just for the judge.”
“He is correct, but then his uncle was a great judge, so I would expect nothing different.” She waved her hand and the boys tore out of the room.
The judge gave George a warning, “Attorney Roberts, I have to believe that you had nothing to do with the terrible situation your wife found herself in. I do believe that you in no way defended her as you should have and you didn’t think of your sons or how it would impact them.
“I would suggest you give some thought to changing your thinking. I also will direct you to make up the support to your parents that you are behind on as soon as possible. Your parents need this to replace what they have put forth on your behalf. I will be doing a follow-up on this in three months. You may leave.” She waited before saying more until George exited.
She spoke to Uncle Nathan, “Nathan it is always a pleasure to have you presenting a case before me. The facts are there so justice is served.”
“Thank you Judy. I love having you on the bench.”
“Jack Spangler, a little history for you. My father bought parts for my brother from your father years ago. They built a street rod together. Dad still has it and brags about what a great experience it was for both he and my brother. I can’t think of a better environment for two young boys to grow up in. I hope you continue to employ Mrs. Roberts.”
“We are planning on an association that will last for a long time.”
“I wouldn’t wonder. I had that feeling it might. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, you have done remarkably well with Peter and Paul. You must be relieved to have some of the responsibilities lifted from your shoulders knowing the boys are still living close to you. I feel sorry for your son. Some day in the future he will come to realize what a treasure he has given up. Nora, you have your sons back. Your dark days are behind you so make the most of them.”
“I will. I certainly will.” Nora took my hand and the judge smiled when she saw this.
My uncle told us to wait a few minutes outside while he had a few private words with Judge Judy.
When he came out, he suggested we have an early dinner before heading back home. It was nearly two in the afternoon and we had missed lunch. All were hungry and his suggestion was well received. Service was good and we soon had a meal before us. Before ordering dessert, Uncle Nathan recapped what went on in the courtroom. He was the only one who had been present through all of the proceedings.
“I introduced Sam Jenkins and the person who manufactured the photo to the judge which was the main evidence against Nora. It soon became obvious when the person explained what he had done to make up the photograph. He had several copies of the photos he had worked from with him. He explained the process he had to go through to come up with the final image. The image of the torso he worked in for the final picture had a tat on the left breast.
“Then when he described how he had brushed out the tattoo for the final image, it was all over and Nora was exonerated. To make certain, the judge did ask if he had done the same with a scar anywhere on the image. He replied he hadn’t.
“The man who did the photo work told the judge when asked to reveal the name of the man who provided the photos and who paid for the work when it was completed. He admitted it was a cash transaction and he hadn’t billed it. The picture that was used which showed the tattoo that was brushed out was with the head removed. The torso could be anyone’s. I was watching George. He turned white when it was shown. I would swear he could have identified the tattoo, or I’m sure he knew who has a tattoo or one like it on their body and in that particular place.”
I asked, “Were the drugs found in Nora’s car mentioned at all?”
Uncle Nathan answered, “Yes, I asked about that after I made the statement that Nora’s vehicle had most often been left unlocked, both at home and at her place of work. If the photo was now proved false, wasn’t it reasonable to suppose that the drugs were placed there to bolster the fact that Nora was unfit as a mother of her two sons. The judge agreed with me.”
I had been observing John and Trudy Roberts throughout this conversation. I could see they were hurting. George had come off being not at all responsible toward his sons, and it was evident he hadn’t defended Nora when he should have. Nora realized this and she went to Trudy. I was close enough to hear what she said, although Peter and Paul weren’t.
“Mother Roberts … Trudy, the most important thing that has come out of the day is that you, John, and I can now unite to give the boys a good life. George was my husband and he is intelligent. He will soon realize that family is important to happiness. He won’t forget you and I trust some day he will remember his sons. I promise I won’t stand in the way if he wants access to them.”
“Oh, thank you, Nora. I was afraid that it would be the boys who would be harmed in all of this. I do know you have never trashed George in front of them. They have often said that you never put any blame on their father. I am coming to the conclusion that he is at least partly to blame if only by not defending you. It should have been him who saw you were defended adequately.”
“Trudy, it is behind us now. Let’s talk about your new home. It is small, but if you have friends visiting overnight, I’m sure Jack will let them stay with me at his house. He really is a wonderful person.”
“This is leading up to something, isn’t it?”
“I hope so Trudy. Jack has taken more interest in the boys the two or three times he has seen them than their father has in the last few months.”
I was grinning as I said, “That’s enough about me. Trudy, do you need to get more things? You are staying the weekend with Nora. I don’t want to rush, but I think we should break this up. I’ve been watching my uncle and I think it is time we got him home. Nora, would you drive him?”
“No, you drive his car. I’m familiar with yours. I do have to pick up some suitcases from Trudy’s house. I want to be sure the boys have some clean clothes when they come down tomorrow with John.” Uncle Nathan picked up the tab and wouldn’t be denied.
John drove Trudy home while Nora followed me and Uncle Nathan to his home. The boys were of course with their mother in my car. I pulled into my uncle’s garage. Nora didn’t come in, but sat outside waiting for me to come out. Uncle Nathan had a word for me. “Jack, marry the woman. Jamie was a great wife and I think Nora will be as fine. You can raise those two boys. You still have time to have a couple kids of your own, but in the meantime you have these two to practice on.”
“That is my plan.”
“Here Jack, this is Nora’s bill. Give it to her would you?”
“Sure.” I looked at the old man and there was a twinkle in his eye. Unless I misjudged him, there was a “Paid in full” scrawled on it somewhere.
We got to Trudy’s and she was ready to go. Plans had changed. Trudy explained, “John isn’t coming down until Sunday afternoon. The boys and I will come down today with you if it is all right. John wants to start packing up his tools. He has a realtor coming tomorrow to appraise the property. Maybe we can get this move all done this summer and we will be in our own place by ourselves. It will seem good. We love our grandchildren, but it does cramp our style a little.”
The boys burst out laughing. “We know why you want to be alone, Grandma. At least you won’t have to send me and Paul over to a friend’s house.”
“Were we that obvious?”
“Not really, but we figured it out. You and Gramp were always so happy when we returned. We’ll probably be over to visit you at odd times after you move to the cottage. Mom may even suggest we stay over at your house sometimes.” We were all laughing by this time. We were soon on our way. Trudy sat with me in front. Nora was sitting in back with Peter on one side of her and Paul on the other. All looked happy.
Trudy asked me about my family. I told her I had a mother and father still living out in California. They usually came for two weeks in August to stay with me and visit with old friends. Dad spent much of his time at the yard. He had really enjoyed the business, but had sold it to me when I was as hepped up about it as he was. He had the joy of creating the business, and I had done very well with it making more profit year after year.
I felt Trudy was getting a little personal when she asked why my wife and I hadn’t had children. “We found Jamie was incapable of conceiving. We did have a good life together except for that.” I said this in such a way she knew the subject was closed.
Chapter Four
When we arrived in town, Trudy wanted to see the cottage where she and John would be making their home. I drove slowly up to it. Of course the high board fence took away from the esthetics of the area, but it was at some distance and the cottage didn’t directly face it. There were no flowers, but plots could be seen where there had been some planted. The garden spot was overgrown. It was there, though.
Between the house and the woods there were some fruit trees … peaches and plums and apple, two each. There were pecans before you got into the dense grove of woods. I let her into the house. She walked around, even inspecting the closets. “John and I can make a good home here. His work, I take it is close by?”
“The other side of the fence. My wife and I bought this and lived here for a short time. I expected to have to expand the yard this far and would have torn the cottage down.”
“That would be a crime. It is going to be comfortable.”
“If John does what I have hired him for, it will never be necessary because many of the spare parts will be cleaned out of the buildings. Enough of this tonight, let’s get you and the boys settled. Nora will get us a snack unless everyone is really hungry.” No one was.
The boys went upstairs to bed.Trudy asked where her room was. I was carrying her suitcase up for her. “It is down at the end of the hall across from the boys. The bath is opposite the stairwell. There are two bedrooms on this end of the house.”
“That’s where your room is.”
“That’s right, mine and Nora’s on the left and the guest room on the right.”
“Nora sleeps with you?”
“Yes, we find we are the most comfortable that way.”
“I shouldn’t wonder. I suppose I should be shocked, but after learning this week what she has gone through recently I’m okay with it. From what the boys were joking about earlier, they must know.”
“They do. They said as long as their mom was happy they were too. Be assured we will not be flaunting our sleeping together and there will be no untoward display of affection. That might change if our relationship becomes permanent?”
“Good enough for me. Kids are so aware and blasé about sexuality now, we forget how young they are. I think girls are much worse than the boys.”
“I know what you mean.”
Nora was surprised at Trudy’s being okay when I told her she knew we would be sleeping together. It was another night for cuddling.
Saturday morning I had to go into the yard and catch up on things there. Nora and Trudy were going to the cottage and make a list of what was needed to make it livable before moving in.The boys were hanging out with me. Trudy cautioned the boys not to get in my way while I was working.
At eleven o’clock I said I wanted to get my hair cut. Peter and Paul thought they might get trimmed up as well. The barbershop was nearly empty and we didn’t have to wait long. My regular barber was open so I got right into the chair. I had my usual flattop. They boys said they would use the same barber so they waited for him to do me. I walked down to the hardware store for a padlock that I needed. When I returned, I laughed for both boys were supporting flattops just like mine.
“What is your grandmother going to say when she sees you?”
“Not much. She commented after she met you the first time that she wished more kids had short hair like they did when she was a girl. We like the way it feels. We will stand out from the rest of the kids now.” I went to pay the barber, but he said the boys had paid for their own cuts. The boys laughed and said, “Gram can’t blame you if she doesn’t like the way we look.”
I went back to the yard. The boys went through the gate to the cottage. It wasn’t long before Nora came from the cottage and into my office. “Jack, my boys look a lot like you with the haircut they got. If anyone sees you all together, they will think you are family.”
“Do you mind? They got the haircuts on their own.”
“No, and I’m damned proud of them. George never would have taken them to a barbershop with him. He often seemed ashamed that he had kids. He certainly never had anything to do with them. Anyway I think they really like you. Enough of that, let’s all go to Mickey D’s. You can drop me off at home when we finish. I’m planning your favorite dinner tonight.”
Trudy and the boys came into the yard about 4:00 pm. “Trudy, do you know what size pants and shirts John wears? The same for the boys too for that matter? I’m ordering work uniforms. I might as well start wearing them as well. I have been furnishing work clothes for the guys out in the yard. We might as well have a laundry pick up and deliver. I’ll get Nora a couple of sets because when we get settled down, she will be helping out too.”
“Sure, that will be great. Most people work better in clean clothes. With delivery and laundry, it will make it easier on Nora and me.”
When we got home Nora met me at the door. “Jack, do you remember I was on my way to my Aunt Mary’s the day I smashed up the car? I’ve called her a few times with updates of how my life is changing. I called her this afternoon. She is thinking of going into an assisted living facility. Is there one anywhere nearby?”
“There is a nice modern one here on the outskirts of town. Why don’t you and Trudy check it out tomorrow before John gets here?”
“I will.”
This didn’t happen. Trudy received an excited call from John at 9:30 that evening. “Trudy, George has been shot. He is in the hospital, but don’t worry he is going to be okay.” I walked over and put the phone on speaker when I saw how agitated Trudy was.
“What happened?”
“Phyllis, the woman George was going to start a new firm with did it. He went directly there after court and confronted her about the photograph while we were altogether at lunch Friday. He declared he was having nothing more to do with her. He claims it was her body that was used with Nora’s head attached to in the picture. He came over here and stayed with me Friday night and all day today. He was telling me how he realized he had screwed up his life. He wondered if Nora would forgive him and take him back. He wants to have more to do with Peter and Paul, too.”
“Damn it John, tell me how he got shot.”
“Phyllis Burbank came here this afternoon saying she could make him happier than Nora ever could. Nora couldn’t have loved him like she did. He ignored her begging and finally shut the door in her face. She was back at 6:30 again. George opened the door and told her to leave him alone. I was watching and she dug into her handbag and pulled out a pistol.
“Thank God she wasn’t much of a shot. She didn’t hit anything vital and the gun was small caliber. He was grazed in the left arm and a bullet went through his right thigh. There were some people walking by and heard the shooting. One guy stopped her from getting into her car and held her for the police. They’ve been here all evening and just left. George called me from the hospital a few minutes ago and said he was going to be okay.”
“You didn’t go to the hospital with him? Why not, he’s your son?”
“The cops said it wasn’t necessary and the rescue team backed them up. They wanted to find out what was behind it all so they have been talking to me. I would say that woman would be getting some prison time. Maybe she will find out how Nora felt when crap spatters all over her. She will not only face the shooting of George, but what she did to Nora too.”
“You told them about that?”
“Damned right. I’ll be down by noon tomorrow. Have some dinner for me.”
“You aren’t staying with George?”
“No I’m not. The man is thirty-five years old and he got himself into this. He can deal with it on his own. Besides, I start my new job on Monday. I want that job more than I want to babysit my son with all his problems. You can come up if you want to.”
“I will. I’ll drive up after I talk to you tomorrow. Now you find out if George is okay before you leave there, promise?”
“I will dear. Love you. Everything will be okay. Goodnight, Trudy.”
The boys were quiet through all of this. They looked scared, as any sort of violence hadn’t touched them before. They headed for bed. I followed them into their room after a few minutes. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah, but Paul thinks mom will be going back to dad. Do you think she will?”
“No, I don’t, but women are funny creatures. She will be up before you go to sleep. Ask her.”
“We will. We want to stay here with you, Gram, and Gramp. You want Mom to stay here don’t you?”
“Very much. I’ll send her up.”
“Night, Jack.”
“Night, boys.”
Nora and I were married the twenty-third of August while my Dad and Mom were visiting. Dad ran the yard while Nora and I were on our honeymoon. Dad said he wished he was still involved with the business, saying also I was doing much better at managing it than he ever did.
Nora’s Aunt Mary did move into the nearby assisted living home. It was a surprise when Uncle Nathan inquired about living in one. He and Aunt Mary chanced to have rooms side by side and are good friends. Neither one was left alone to live out their lives in solitude with no friends the way many seniors have. Peter and Paul would go over and Uncle Nathan would tell about different cases he had been involved in, both as attorney, and judge. Nora was very fond of her Aunt Mary and all would gather together in one room and listen raptly as he talked.
Phyllis Burbank did time for assault with a weapon. She received a sentence three to seven years and was fined several thousand dollars. She most likely would be out in four years.
George Roberts did pay all his back support to his parents in one lump sum. He had been accumulating money for three years to start a law partnership with Phyllis Burbank. To keep his record clear, he began paying support for the boys to Nora now that they were again under her care.
John, the boys, and I worked months in our spare time that first winter building a Funny Car for parades and such. We took the body of the Pierce Arrow and combined it with the front end of a Volkswagen Super Beetle. We had quite a time putting a Volkswagen motor under the high rear seat of the Arrow. We had to cut out the floor of the Arrow. We used the floor pan and motor of the VW, wrapping the old car body down around it. It is fun to drive, fun to ride in, and funny to see.
George had promised to pay a fair share of the twin’s college expenses. The boys visited him once a month or so. They were never asked to be with him for holidays or vacations. Nora had to push Trudy to have them get together. I suspected it was more of a duty for both the boys and George to visit as father and sons. That is the way things stood for two years.
The boys were early in their seventeenth year when George informed the boys he was getting married. The boys hadn’t met their stepmother to be, or her two children. It was just a short civil ceremony and neither his parents or Peter and Paul were invited. George came down two weeks after the wedding on Sunday to have his new wife meet Trudy and John.
Nora, the boys and I were camping that weekend, so there was no chance of us meeting George and his new wife. All Trudy said to us was that she was a divorced woman, quite pretty and had two daughters who hadn’t come with them. She thought the daughters were somewhere around the same age as Peter and Paul. George left bus fare for the boys to come up the next weekend and he would bring them home Sunday afternoon as they were expected to stay over Saturday night.
Peter and Paul weren’t too thrilled with the idea, but Nora reminded them that in another year George was paying a portion of their advance schooling. “Jack, can’t we drive the VW Thing up and we can come home if father hassles us?” Nora had been adamant that the twins stay connected with their father and I concurred with her.
“No, he sent you money. He evidently wants you to meet his new family. Besides you have two stepsisters you have to get to know.” The boys knew enough not to argue.
I had made sure that both had their driving licenses when they became old enough to drive. I promised them in return that we would fix up a wreck when one came in if there was one they liked. The Volkswagen Thing had intrigued them and it wasn’t damaged too badly.
We had struck a deal early on that if they wanted something they would listen to me and not go against my wishes or suggestions. Nora and I had told them how their mom and I had started out making a business deal on day one of our meeting. It had of course changed immediately to something more after we had fallen in love.
The boys boarded the bus Saturday morning and headed north. Paul called about six that evening, saying they were sleeping on the living room floor in light sleeping bags their new step-mom had furnished. “Mom, I’ve invited Father and Bea for supper tomorrow afternoon. They’ll be six of us, counting the girls.” He hung up leaving their mother holding a disconnected phone in her hand.
Nora looked at me. “Jack, what in hell do you think is going on?”
I was grinning. “I’m guessing, but I’d say our boys have met their two stepsisters. We’ll see them late tomorrow. I would say we will know for sure when George brings the boys home.”
Nora shook her head and grinned back at me. “Good, they said tomorrow afternoon. That means me and Trudy can go for a ride in the morning. We’ll get back at noon and make salads. You and John can marinate some steaks and we’ll have a barbecue.”
“How are you going to act around George? You haven’t spoken to him since that day two years ago in court have you?”
“No, not directly. I deal with him through Trudy. With us having co-custody it has been easy. I don’t know how it will be tomorrow when he shows up here.”
“Don’t worry about it. This is our home, and he would be the interloper. I don’t expect you will bait him. He is the twin’s father.”
“I know. I’ll just stay out of his way. I won’t have to speak to him.”
“Okay. Call Trudy and tell her your plans for a ride in the morning. That’ll clear your mind and you can handle ten ex-husbands by the time you get back.”
Nora started giggling, “Wouldn’t it be a hoot if George was here when we pulled in. He doesn’t know I ride and he damned well doesn’t know his sixty-year-old mother does either.”
Sunday morning Nora got her bike out at 9:00 and headed over to collect Trudy. She promised to be back by 11:00 … noon at the latest. I was puttering around the backyard. I had called John and he came over and was watching me while sipping on a beer. I was expecting Nora and Trudy back soon. Just then Peter and Paul came around the side of the house. They had two beautiful girls with them.
Peter did the introductions, “Jack, these are our two sisters. This is Mickey Grant (Michelle) on my left and Sandy Grant (Sandra) on my right. Girls, you can call my dad, Jack. We do. This is my grandfather, John. We call him Gramp, and you can too. Jack, where are Mom and Grandma?”
“She and your grandmother are out for a ride. They will be here any minute. Where is your father?”
“Out front with our new stepmother, Bea. She is looking at the flowers.”
Paul spoke up, “I’ll get them. I’ll bring out more beer. Father and Bea both like it.” Paul soon came back with his stepmother right on his heels and his father lagging behind. “Bea, this is my dad. You met my grandfather the weekend Mom and Dad took us camping.”
The woman, Bea was large in stature, as tall as George, anyway. She looked as if she could handle anything or anybody. She was wearing nice slacks and a white blouse with a light sweater that was stretched tight across her chest. “So, you’re the person who is married to the twin’s mother. I’ve heard good things about you from them and from George’s parents. I hope you will look on me with favor the same way.” She smiled and then went to John. “I’m pleased to meet you again. How is Trudy?”
“She is good, and she’ll be here shortly. The boys indicated they weren’t coming home until later this afternoon.”
“Yes, well the boys have been telling Mickey and Sandy about something that they called a Volkswagen Thing. They said it was something you could ride in. Is it dangerous?”
“No. It’s just an old vehicle Jack and I helped them fix up. It has been a good experience for them. One of the crew that works for Jack has taught them how to cut and weld. Jack will pick out another junker soon and we’ll fix it up. This one has to be sold to pay us back for teaching them how it is done. Jack is all the time cutting business deals with the boys. It kind of shows them if they want something they have to work for it. That was the deal they made with him.”
“Interesting concept to teach kids their age to have to work for something.” She looked at her daughters. “I’ll have to try it.”
The girls said, “Oh, no! Now see what you have done. We’ll be slaving away for the rest of our lives.” The two broke into giggles at this.
All of this time George was standing there with a sour look on his face. I spoke, “Paul, you forgot the beer.” John got up instead and went after the beer. He handed George one and me another one when he came back. He looked at Bea and she nodded yes. The four kids were waiting impatiently. I let them go. “You kids can take off in the Thing. Be back here in an hour.”
“Okay. Come on, Peter is driving.” The four kids went out behind the big four-car garage and we soon heard the sound of a Volkswagen motor start. Peter came around the corner fairly fast, but knew he wasn’t to push it. They hit the street and we heard it speed up.
“Where are they going?” This was George asking.
“They’ll take a trip through the woods in back of your father’s cottage. Your mother even takes the Thing up there. When I said an hour I was telling them where to go. They’ll probably go by the yard on the way back.”
“What do you do talk to them in code?”
“No, I don’t have to. We just know each other really well.” I listened a minute. “Your mother and Nora are back.” I went over to the garage and opened one of the doors.
Trudy was leading. She came buzzing around the house in a 300cc Road Runner Trike. She pulled in front of the open door and started backing it into the garage. She goosed it as she shut it down. Nora was waiting until that happened. She had her feet down on the ground bracing the 250cc cruiser bike she had been riding. She pushed herself backward in beside the three wheeler.
Both women got down and started taking off their leathers. Both had darkened face shields on their helmets. Bea and George could now see for sure that it was Trudy and Nora. We watched as they peeled down to slacks and tee shirts. Both were smiling as they came toward us.
I asked, “Good ride?”
“Perfect. We would have been back twenty minutes ago, but Mom had to make a pit stop. It takes a long time to get in and out of leather for a woman.” Then she laughed. I made the introduction to Bea. Nora acknowledged George, just saying hello.
“Come on in Bea, and help me make salads and we’ll compare kids. Trudy told me you have two girls. I didn’t expect you this soon or I would have been here to meet you.” She turned to Trudy, “Entertain George, Trudy, I’ll get to know Bea. We saw the kids head into the cottage drive when we came by. They’ll be back in an hour.”
I heard George ask his mother snidely, if she was running with a gang. “You could say that. There are eleven of us women who ride together. It’s great fun. We only take day trips and are always home at night. I have a little trailer that goes on the rear of my machine, so we can pack stuff for a picnic.”
“Mother, what’s got into you? You never did anything like this before.”
“I guess it comes from your father having a good job. He is paid well, has insurance, and loves what he is doing. Nora is doing a fine job raising the twins and Jack is a hell of a lot better daddy to them than you ever were. You have a chance to make up for it with them two girls that belong to the woman you just married. You better give it some serious thought.” She turned and went into the house.
“Guess I had better.” George flicked a glance at me. He didn’t look happy. George wanted to change the subject so he asked his father why he had let Trudy ride a motorcycle.
“I didn’t have much say about it. She got friendly with the wife of one of Jack’s workers. The woman rode a bike. Your mother was afraid she couldn’t manage that, but when she saw her first trike, we figured she could handle it. That was last winter. In the spring she told me she wanted to have some fun this summer and so we got one for her. The boys and Nora all ride and Jack got three cruisers just alike. Jack has always ridden and has a Honda Gold Wing. If we go anywhere as a family, I usually drive the Thing loaded with camping gear. It’s a way for us to relax.”
I left them talking and went off to the side to fire up the grill. I’d be putting steaks and chicken halves on it shortly. I looked at my watch and went inside for the meat. Nora had wrapped potatoes to bake and I put them on immediately. The chicken had been parboiled so it would be cooked through after just a browning. There were hotdogs too if anyone wanted them.
The boys came around the corner of the house. They had left the Thing at the yard and Paul was driving the Funny Car. The four kids were laughing, the girls especially. When Mickey and Sandy got out of it they were wearing lettered short sleeved work shirts lettered “Spangler Wrecking” across their backs. The boys got them from the stockroom at the yard. They had brought one for Bea and George. Bea put hers on immediately. George wasn’t going to until Bea told him to.
George was interested in the Funny Car and walked around looking it over. This was the first time he had seemed interested in anything. Peter and Paul explained how big the problem had been putting the Pierce Arrow body together with a Volkswagen front end, pan and motor. The pan had to be lengthened enough to enclose the motor in the rear. This of course meant the wiring and controls were all too short and had to be redone as well. Both boys explained in detail some of the work they had specifically done themselves on project.
As we ate, I found Bea talkative about herself and her life. She was a long time widow before marrying George. I learned she owned and managed an insurance agency and George worked as an attorney out of her office. I wondered how he liked being second banana. While married to Nora he gave the orders from the time they met until they were divorced. It looked to me as if he was the one taking orders now.
It came out that Mickey was nineteen and Sandy was the same age as the twins. Mickey was working in her mother’s office for now, taking a year off before going on to college next year. Bea asked, “What are you boys going to be doing after high school?”
“Not sure yet. It will be something to be of help in Dad’s business. If we can find a trade school or community college close by that has something useful. We’re beginning to look at courses now. No four-year schools for us that is for sure.”
George burst out with, “Thank God for that.”
Bea spoke up, “Peter and Paul, if you decide to go four years don’t hesitate to apply. I will see that your father comes up with the money. He is going to be living up to his responsibilities.”
This could be an awkward moment, so I said, “Everybody, get yourself a plate. Steaks are done.”
I sat down beside Bea. It had taken only one sentence to make me sure I was going to like her. She started the conversation with, “So, Jack, you run a junk yard. What kind of stuff do you process?”
“Mostly cars and trucks, some farm equipment, and junk appliances. It has taken me a little more than two years to get as organized as the yard is right now. Nora got me going by telling me the place looked like a junk yard and that wasn’t acceptable. Then a few weeks later, John sold me some old catalogs that had the part’s numbers for way back to the beginning of the auto industry.
“Nora had worked in hardware and John in auto parts so they are familiar with what I was asking of them. They started matching numbers and parts and organized everything. Trudy does a lot of the paperwork, making up inventory lists. She sends these out all over the country so we do a lot of used parts sales. The boys have been right in there pitching from day one. That three-wheel-bike that Trudy rode in on was purchased from the hub caps and wheel covers she matched up and put on the lists for sale.”
“What parts do you save to resell?”
“Everything if it is good. When a car comes in, the men grab their screwdrivers and wrenches to remove tail lights, chrome headlight rings, shifting knobs, rear view mirrors and sometimes even the bucket seats, also batteries, and windshield wiper motors. They help tag everything and help to put it in one of the buildings with like parts. The coming baby boomers grew up driving many of the cars I’m junking now. They have made their money and now want to spend it on recreating their memories.”
“Where do you get your wrecks?”
“I buy them when they are brought in by people who want a few bucks from cars they want off their property. I have pickers scouring the countryside, and of course some come from insurance companies after something is totaled by the claims adjusters.”
“That’s interesting. Do you need more raw inventory?”
“Good, sometimes we have to park wrecks in different yards and they sit there running up fees until the claims are settled. When that happens, we own them and like to unload them as fast as possible.”
“Well, get word to me. I’ll take a look at them.”
Bea looked around and saw that we were sitting alone with no one within hearing. “Question, Jack. I know how George treated Nora. I’m working on getting him to be a father to the boys more than he has been. Are you going to let him, and more importantly, will you be civil to him while he tries to?”
I thought before answering. “Yes, I can be civil and I’ll make sure Peter and Paul will treat him with respect.”
“You didn’t mention Nora.”
“No I didn’t. Nora will say hello and goodbye to him, but don’t expect anymore from her. Don’t ask her to ever forgive George, because she won’t and I don’t wish her to. Do you know all about what caused them to split up?”
“I think so. I’ve known George for several years and I suppose I’ve always had a feeling for him. He does have a little going for him. He is a decent attorney. He certainly is a handsome devil, but his outlook about family life has been terrible up until now. He wasn’t much better to his father and mother than he was to Peter and Paul so I can’t blame Nora.
“When that Burbank woman shot him and went to jail, he was a basket case. She was a piece of work. I never knew her, but George had fallen hard for her and it was love on his part. When he found out what she had done to Nora, it left him a hollow shell. He was ashamed that he was so gullible and it has been difficult for him to connect with those he has hurt. It hasn’t been too bad for me because I came along after the fact.”
“That may be, but he wasn’t a very good husband to Nora before he met Phyllis. Worse yet, he was a terrible father to the boys before and after Phyllis. He left Peter and Paul to his parents and kept Nora working so she couldn’t mother them the way she should have been able to.”
“Yes, I know. He laid his past life bare before me soon after we began to get into a relationship. That is what makes me feel he is honest about wanting back into the lives of Peter and Paul. He does slip sometimes. You heard him when he commented about having to pay for their higher education. Forgive him for that, he will have four kids in college at the same time and that will make it tight for us, but we can do it.”
I changed the subject. We had discussed George all that I wanted to for the minute. “The four kids seem to get along great, don’t they?”
“Yes they do. The girls have brothers now and the boys have sisters. You should have heard them last night. The four of them had George and me laughing until bedtime. It makes me believe George eventually will make a good father. By the time all the kid’s marry and have children of their own he’ll be a good grandfather. All of them are dating and sometimes it is good to just hang out with someone your own age where there is no pressure where they have to fight the opposite sex off. That is what Mickey and Sandy have told me anyway.”
“That’s good to hear. Nora and I have talked to the boys and explained to them that the girls were their sisters now and to be treated as family. They can all go and have all kinds of fun without any sexual tensions.”
“Good advice. Now if their hormones will stay under control they should enjoy their times together. I mean this weekend was kind of a get to know each other for all of us.”
“Do the girls drive?”
“Of course, what teenager doesn’t?”
“Well the boys have to work until noon every Saturday at the yard. That’s the deal. They could go up to the city every other Saturday if they want.”
“Would it be okay if the girls stayed here on the opposite weekend?”
“That was my thought. We’ll let the kids work out the schedule as the boys both have girlfriends.
“Have the boys bring their girlfriends with them. We have room. My girls both have boyfriends.”
“We could make room for them if they all come down as well. How will George handle this? He never cared for being around his boys.
“He’ll be able to handle it okay and I’ll make sure of that. Jack, don’t give up on George. He is improving.”
“Good, but it must be you who is making him change.” I was sick of talking about Nora’s ex-husband. Bea was stuck on George that was for sure. Then I thought … she should be since she was married to him. I eased out of the conversation by saying, “George will be through paying child support in eleven more months. That should help with your finances considerably.”
“Yes it will, but Nora can still come to George for anything the boys need. God knows what my husband put her through and he has a lot to make up for.” There was nothing I needed to say to this.
Bea got up and announced that it was time to head north. The three women and the two girls rushed around picking up. George came to me.
“Jack, I’m glad you and Nora are together. You’ve made a good home for the twins. I’ll be seeing you occasionally. I’ll be staying at my mother’s place when I come down. I wouldn’t feel right coming here. It looks like my boys and Bea’s two girls are going to be friendly. That’s good. I’m hoping the boys will come up more often than they have been. You know, I realize how badly I screwed up my first marriage and I’m not screwing up this one.”
“Bea and I were talking about that. You will see more of the boys. I’ve invited the girls down and they can stay here. Trudy’s house is a little small.”
“That’s kind of you. I appreciate it.” I shook George’s hand as they were loading up. Bea and the two girls hugged me as they did Nora, Trudy, and John. The two boys and the two girls stood looking at each other. Mickey broke the stalemate. “I guess I can hug my brothers.” All four had red faces when they broke apart.
Nora stood still when George approached her. He made no move to close on her and kept the space between them so he wasn’t crowding. “Nora, I commend you on what you have done with Peter and Paul. Between you, Mom, Dad, and Jack, they are becoming fine young men.”
Nora stood there not knowing how to answer him, finally saying, “Thank you, George. They are two young men I’m very proud of.” The implication that he had nothing to do with what they had become was there. George quickly turned to his mother and hugged her. He shook his father’s hand and did the same to the boys.
He asked as he shook their hands, “Peter and Paul, I hope you will be coming up to see us next weekend?”
“The girls want us to, but Paul’s girl had something planned.”
“Bring her with you. You don’t have a girlfriend, Peter?”
“I do, but I don’t know as if her parents will let her go that far away.”
“Well, ask her anyway. Have her parents call Bea so they will know she will have a chaperone.”
“Okay, I’ll do that.”
Trudy and John left a few minutes later. The boys took the Funny Car back to the yard and to drive the Thing home. While they were gone, Nora and I sat and talked about the visit. “You liked Bea, didn’t you Jack? You talked to her enough.”
I looked at Nora and I could see she was a bit jealous. “Yes I did. I’ll tell you why. First you should know that George told her all about what an asshole he was while he was married to you. Also how he never gave his boys a thought and not much either to John and Trudy.
“He was totally devastated when he realized Phyllis was behind all the trouble that led to your divorce. He was ashamed when Bea pointed out that he couldn’t have treated you very well before he met her either. She has showed him he has a chance for a do-over with a new wife and two different kids. I think it is all working and it is because of her.”
“I agree that she is good for him, but I hope she doesn’t expect me to forgive him.”
“She doesn’t and he doesn’t either. We won’t see much of him because he will be staying with Trudy and John if he comes down. You did really well today and I’m proud of you.”
“I guess I can go as far as I did today, but I still don’t like him.”
“Being civil is going far enough.”
There was to be a multitude of changes in the next few years in our lives. Peter went to a trade school learning how to manage a business. He is back as co-manager of Spangler’s now with me. I dropped the Wrecking from the business name, but that still is a large part of what I do. Peter will be married this fall to his long time girlfriend. They have been living together since he finished his business courses.
Paul was more interested in the mechanical part of my business so he went on to learn how to be a mechanic. A few months after he started school, Bea asked him to go talk to her daughter, Sandy. They always got along together so very well. It was reported that Sandy was picking up some wild habits at the university and not paying attention to what she was there for. Her grades were below passing and she was hanging out with some older men and skipping classes. He was to find out what was going on.
Paul went to see her one Friday after classes and spent part of the weekend with her, calling me before noon on Sunday. “Dad and Mom, would you call Bea and Father for a meeting this evening. I’m bringing Sandy home with me.”
“What is this all about?”
“I’ll explain when I get home.” Nora made a great dinner for us all and it was understood that the meeting was to be after we ate.
Paul started out by talking directly to me, “Sandy and I have come to an agreement. I’m to convince Bea and Father to let Sandy leave school. She wants to take up a different line of work. It is much like what I’m going to be doing as a mechanic in the future.”
Bea asked what that would be. “I’ll explain. Sandy wants into the auto industry the same as me. We came up with the same solution yesterday. Dad, there is that closed down building next to the wrecking yard. When I finish school I want us to buy it and expand it into an auto shop with both mechanical and auto body repair. Instead of sending what work you do out to another shop, we would do it under the Spangler business umbrella.
“Sandy has been spending her time in a paint shop learning how to paint cars instead of going to school. She has been learning how to handle a paint gun and is just starting to learn how to air brush themes and scenes. She has always been artistic and she wants to capitalize on it in a big way. I saw a bus that she had worked on yesterday. It was beautiful and I think she has a calling for this.”
I was somewhat noncommittal. After all, this was George and Bea’s problem, not mine. I was curious as to why it was Paul who was doing the speaking. I found out when Sandy spoke. “Nora, do you remember you telling me one time that you cut a business deal with Jack and it turned out to be the best deal you ever made?”
“Yes, I do remember, but what has that to do with you?”
“Paul claimed he could convince our parents to let us do this. That is why he has been telling you about what he found out about me and what we want for the future.”
“Sandy, I get the feeling this is only one side of the deal. Where do you come in?”
“I come in with Paul. We have always had a thing for each other. He gets a place for us to work together and I get Paul.” Sandy stopped there and looked at each of us to see our reaction. She continued, “I gave up my dorm room and I’m moving in with Paul on Tuesday, while he is at school. The school is near where I’m learning painting and it is in the same area of the city.”
Bea spoke up, “Does Mickey know about this?”
“Of course, she is my sister and we share everything. Well, except Paul … I’m not sharing him with anyone.” She giggled.
Bea said, “Sandy, we were worried about you when we heard you were not studying. You are an adult and if you are with Paul, then I guess I’m okay with this. How about you, George?” He shrugged. This was usual for him when he was in the same room with Nora as he seldom spoke in her presence. He never addressed her directly and Nora only would say hello to him.
I looked at Nora and she was smiling as well. “Jack and I are both on board. Why don’t you go tell Trudy and John your plans? I think they will be okay with this, but they should know.”
“We’re going over there now.”
“Good. Paul, before you leave, Jack and I have some news we would like to share with you. In about six months you are going to have a sister or brother. I’ve had my first full checkup since it was confirmed. Another thing, you will be seeing Peter before Jack and I will. Please tell him about the baby. Sandy, when you talk to Mickey, let her know as well.”
“Mom and Jack, that’s wonderful.” Sandy came and hugged Nora and Bea did the same immediately.
George shook my hand and then spoke to Nora. “Congratulations. I’m sure with you as its mother, this child will turn out to be as fine as Peter and Paul.”
“Thank you, George. You’ve been a good father to them since you married Bea and I think you have done great with Sandy and Mickey. Love certainly brings out the best in everyone.” These were the first kind words Nora had said to George in ever so long. He was surprised she answered him, but didn’t say anything. I think he was afraid to spoil the mood.
Later, Nora answered me when I asked if her feelings were thawing toward George, her ex-husband. “No, not really, but I know that I can’t dwell on the past like I have for years now. Thinking back when George and I were first a couple, he promised to cherish me for the rest of my life. It was a deal we made to each other. The thing is he didn’t live up to his part of the deal.”
That conversation happened years ago. I have Chelsea ten, and a seven-year-old girl, Cindy running around the house and yes they own me. I’m slave to two other children as well. Peter and his girl married and they have a little boy. Paul and Sandy have a girl. When George and Bea come to visit we all sit and dote on the little ones as they crawl over and around us.
Mickey works with her mother and dates several men on a regular basis. “Some day when I meet the right man, I’ll settle down. I’ll know when it is time to commit just like Jack and Nora did. Mom did almost as well with George. In the meantime, I’m just having fun and I’m not making any lifetime deals until I’m certain.
I was sitting in my recliner thinking about my life. My ten-year-old daughter Chelsea was cuddled up on the couch with a book. Nora was out in the kitchen cleaning up much like my first wife Jamie used to do after dinner. At that time it was just she and me living here. We had always been happy together, but then sickness took her away. Jamie had urged me to find another mate. I agreed, but in my mind hadn’t thought it possible to love another like I loved her.
Then one day I was called to pick up a wrecked vehicle on the highway. The woman owner of the car was sitting in it. Her life was as much of a wreck as her car. I made a deal and salvaged part of one and all of the other. No one could be rewarded more than I have been.
The telephone rang and I heard Nora answer it. Soon she came in. “That was Bea. George reserved several spots in a campground for our annual family get together. Are you okay with that?”
“I guess.”
“Good. Paul wants to drive the bus with all the camping stuff and show off Sandy’s latest artistic talent. All the little kids can ride in that and Sandy will look after them. This will give the rest of us the chance to ride our bikes. I hate it since George bought his Harley and calls us his Gang. Why do you let him get away with it? Everyone knows but him, that we are really Jack Spangler’s Gang.”
“Nora, who cares?”
“I care. You’re so much more of a man than he ever could be.”
“You’re sure?”
“Damned sure! I’ve made deals with both of you. George made me want to die, and with you, you gave me life.”
Nora looked at me as serious as she could be. Then she broke into smiles. “Okay I agree. Who cares? George is George. He changed from what he was and you never had to change. I must admit he has come further along than I ever expected. That was Bea and her love for him that moved him in the right direction.” Suddenly I had Nora in my lap, kissing me.
Chelsea looked disgusted at us and headed upstairs to her bedroom, saying as she left, “You guys are as bad as Peter and Paul. I’m the only one in the family that isn’t diseased. The last time I was with Gram and Gramp they were doing the same thing. Dad, remember this is going to cost you.”
“What did she mean by that?”
“Chelsea made a deal with me when I refused to increase her allowance. She gets a dollar every time you get amorous with me in front of her.”
“It would have been cheaper to increase her allowance.”
“I know. I’m finding that out.”
The End
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