Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Dumonts

The Dumonts


Romance, Drama

17,778 words

Copyright (c) 7/24/10

Readers score   7.31

The woman he asked to marry cheated
on him so he went on to find happiness with
another. That is until her death. While traveling
in a foreign country, he is kidnapped by a
woman. By this time the first woman had come
back into his life. He finds happiness with one
of them.

Chapter One

“Dad, you won’t believe what happened to me today? I was called into the principal’s office and was told I couldn’t use my name. I have to use R. David. It seems as if there already is a Roger Dumont in the school. He is a year ahead of me. What’s going on?”

“I have no idea. I’ll go into school tomorrow and get it straightened out. Make sure you tell your sister when she gets home.”

I knew there were several Dumonts around, even a Richard David, which gave him the same initials when I checked the Internet for surnames that matched mine. My father’s name, Damon, of course popped up as did my own of David. My daughter Wendy was there for she was on Face Book. Roger’s name was there for he was on the Internet all the time. He had a little entrepreneurial company where he bought and sold items on E-Bay.

There were just the three of us who had moved here a couple of weeks ago. This was midyear and the kids had been out of school two weeks so they could start after New Year and I could assume my new duties at the company I worked for.

This division had been having trouble with their bottom line and I was here to see what I could do. They gave me two years to bring it into line with the rest of the corporation. If I couldn’t, it would be closed. I well understood that if I couldn’t lift it, I probably would go down with it.

I wasn’t too worried about finances for myself because my wife died a year ago. I was now reasonably well-off. I had spent a week in my new office and I was ready to make changes just as soon as I was sure in what direction I wanted to take this company. It meant I was going to have to terminate a few people. That I dreaded doing, but knew it was necessary.

It was a lonely existence for me. I had loved my wife very much, but was glad in a way when she finally succumbed to the cancer that ate away first her beauty and then left her praying for release from the pain that wracked her. We had a good life together as long as it lasted.

Robin and I met more than seventeen years ago. I was on the rebound from a woman I was all set to marry. This woman, Merriam Styles, had cheated on me just a month before we were to wed. We were engaged and I thought I was set for a wonderful life with her.

Our break up happened on a Wednesday when I was on the other side of town about seven in the evening. Merriam was supposedly visiting a friend for the night that had just had a baby and she was staying over. I saw Merriam’s car drive into a motel parking lot. I followed from a distance and saw her enter the office where shortly she came out and went to a room on the second level. A man got out of a car that was nearer the motel than where I was parked and went up the stairs where she was waiting for him. I knew him--a former boyfriend she went with in high school.

I was crushed and I had to let her know I knew that we had no more future together. Two weeks before this we had been to a county fair. She had won a trinket of pot metal that said, “I Love You.” It was washed with brass color. She gave it to me and I swore I would wear it as long as we were together.

We weren’t together now. I removed it and the chain I had it on from around my neck and snapped it into two pieces, breaking the chain as well. I fished in the glove box and retrieved an envelope. I put these in it and took it to the office. “Five dollars says you put this in room 206’s key slot and make sure she gets this envelope when she returns her key.”

“Make it ten dollars and I will guarantee it. Is there any message?”

“No, she will understand the message when she opens it.”

I had been staying with my folks and it was intended that I would move into Merriam’s apartment. “Dad, if Merriam contacts you, just say I don’t want to hear from her. I’m leaving. There is nothing left for me here except you and Mom and I’ll let you know eventually where I end up.” Mom gave me a big argument about not listening to my fiancée, but I was adamant.

Merriam had stayed all night with her lover and I was out of town before she knew we were not to be married. Three weeks later Robin, my future wife, picked me off a bar stool while slumming. She listened to me cry on her shoulder for three days. Then she put me into her father’s company and proceeded to fall in love with me. Five months later we were married.

I was not looked on by her father with any degree of fondness, even though I was working for him. “Look David, I don’t suppose I have anything against you personally, but Robin is always doing something without thinking it through. You just see that you make her happy and I won’t say anything about my feelings toward you.”

And he didn’t say anything until just before Robin died. “David, I was wrong about you. You two have had a good marriage and I’m so sad it can’t continue. For years I have been waiting for you to implode, but you haven’t. Seeing how you have stood by Robin through this illness of hers makes me ashamed of how I felt about you earlier. I am pleased to call you son and hope you will forgive me.”

“I will, but would you go in and tell Robin how you feel. She needs to know that she wasn’t wrong and that you realize it. You can only do that by telling her.” There were tears in his eyes when he came out of her room and he hugged me. It was only a week later she gave up and went home to the heavenly Father.

My thoughts returned to my son’s problem. It was three in the afternoon before I could get to the school office to see why my son couldn’t use his given name. I had to pass by the sports field from the parking lot which of course was uninhabited because of the snow cover. This only because I had gone in on the wrong side of the complex. I paused to watch the many students exiting the buildings. I could see Roger coming down the steps with a girl on each arm. Puzzled, for I knew he was girl shy.

When the student reached me close enough so I could more readily define his features, I could see that it wasn’t my Roger. It was a different student, but he looked enough like my son to be his twin. I stopped a student and asked directions to the office. I informed the lady at the desk that I needed to speak to the person in charge about not allowing my son to use his given name. She asked me to wait in a side office while she found the principal.

It was more than fifteen minutes before he appeared and shut the door behind him. “Now Mr. Dumont, we have an unusual situation here. We have two students named exactly the same. In fact they look pretty much identical. I have to say that the older student has been here all through high school, so I have determined that his name takes precedent as far as usage is concerned. I really would like to ascertain if the two boys are related.”

“I don’t see how they could be. I know for certain that my wife had no children before we were married. That was seventeen years ago and we lived together all of that time.”

“How about yourself?”

“No I was never married before and I’m sure that I never sired any children.”

“This is a mystery isn’t it. They say every person has a double somewhere in the world. This might be the case. Mr. Dumont, let me impress on you, we aren’t trying to change your son’s name. I just want to adjust things so we can know who we are referring to. I’ve even gone so far as to look at each one’s scholastic records.

“There again, that may be a complication in the spring and fall seasons. Both play baseball and football and both excel in those sports. Roger has the remainder of this year and next and your son has this and two more years. You can see my problem can’t you?”

“Yes I can. Look, my son has had a pretty rough time in the last year. He lost his mother a year ago and then he had to give up all of his friends when I was transferred here. Could you possibly talk to the other boy’s parents to see if he would be the one to give up his name?”

“Well, I will call his mother and see if I can arrange a meeting. I don’t think it will do any good. Mrs. Cummings is a widow and has been for several years. Her husband was someone I knew fairly well. Much older than his wife and a fine gentleman. He doted on the boy even though he was her second husband and not the boy’s father. I believe her first husband was killed in the military.”

“Do see what you can do. If you can’t do anything, maybe I will talk to her. It would have to be in the evening as I’m the only parent that Wendy and Roger have near. Their grandparents live about two hundred miles away.”

“I will call her and get back to you. May I have your phone number? If I can reach Mrs. Cummings this evening I will call. Mr. Dumont, my condolences on the loss of your wife.”

“Thank you.”

Wendy had dinner started when I arrived home. She was a gem and I guess she worried as much about me as I did her. She had been especially close to her mother and even skipped school to be with Robin several times the last few months. It was as if Wendy had been in training to care for me and Roger when Robin wasn’t here to do it herself. Sometimes it was difficult to realize that Wendy was only fourteen.

I wondered if when I eventually found a new mate, would Wendy relinquish her role as homemaker to her father and brother? There was no hurry as it would be a long time before I would think about replacing Robin.

It was eight p.m. when the principal got back to me. “Mr. Dumont, Merry Cummings has requested that she meet with you. She is on her way to your house right now. For some reason my call has upset her and she said only you could resolve this problem. A problem that she didn’t share with me. Would you receive her? I don’t want to cause any problems and I couldn’t see how to deter her from coming to meet you.”

“I’m sure I can handle it. I have no idea why she would be upset either. Thank you for calling ahead of the meeting anyway. I’ll let you know what we have decided on names. Good evening.”

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell chimed. I had warned Wendy and Roger that I was having a Mrs. Cummings visit concerning Roger’s name. I also stated that there seemed some mystery about both the names and the likeness of the two boys named Roger.

When I opened the door the mystery was solved to some extent. Merriam stood there. I was speechless! “May I come in David?”

“Certainly Merriam, come in.” I paused and then proceeded to become a host. “May I take your wrap? Join with me, Roger, and Wendy in the living room. We have a fire going in the fireplace. We lit it before I knew we were to have a visitor.” I was rambling and couldn’t seem to stop. Eighteen years since I had seen this woman. I had left her with hate in my heart and this minute I didn’t know what I felt.

“Roger and Wendy, this is Mrs. Merriam Cummings. Her maiden name was Styles. I think I have just had a revelation. Would you be the one to explain to my children, Merriam?”

“Yes, of course. First Roger, the boy in school with the same name as yours is your half brother. David is father to both of you. You see I was engaged to your father and about a month before we were to be married I was contacted by an old boyfriend who I had a great deal of affection for at one time. Thinking that I would never be found out, I agreed to meet him in a motel one time for an extended good-bye. Your father evidently found out--I still don’t know how.

“In the morning, he had left a token at the front desk for me. I knew at that moment when I saw it that he would never marry me. I didn’t blame him and I have never tried to contact him. This is the first time I have seen or spoken to him since we spoke the afternoon before I went to the motel.”

“Is your Roger really Dad’s son?” This was Wendy asking the question of this woman looking for a definite answer.

“Yes, he is. I was going to tell your father that next night when I got home that I was pregnant. If he really wants to know if I knew he can still find a record of when I went to the doctor for verification. That is if the two Rogers aren’t evidence enough. David, Roger is out in the car. May I have him come in to meet you? I have lied to him all these many years so this is particularly difficult for me, but it must be done.”

“I’ll get him.” No coat or wrap of any sort, Wendy went charging out to the car in the driveway. We could hear her. “Hurry, it’s cold out here. Your Mom wants you in the house.”

While this was happening, I was observing the woman who had almost become my wife many years ago. Merriam hadn’t aged that well. She was heavier and although she had dressed well to meet with me, she needed her hair done. She turned to me when Roger went out to hold the door for his sister and his half brother. “Have you had a good life without me, David?”

I paused for just a minute. “Yes I have. A wonderful one. It has had some heartbreak in it, but I had the love of a fine woman. I would say I had a very good life. And you?”

“The same. It has been good. I have had to bear the guilt though, that you haven’t had, so maybe it hasn’t been as good as yours.”

“We will have to talk about that sometime.”

“You will see me again, then?”

“Yes. I want to get to know my son if he wishes it. I can’t get to know him without seeing you.” The three kids came in. There was a subtle difference in the two boys, but the likeness was striking. Wendy was all atwitter.

Merriam and her Roger were close, I could see that. The boy listened to his mother’s explanations. When she confessed she had kept the truth from him, it didn’t seem to bother him, but maybe he was well able to mask his feelings.

When she finished, I said, “We have discovered that we are related, by blood. That isn’t a problem. We can be close or not, it won’t matter, but what are we going to do about the same names? The school has suggested that my Roger shorten his name and go by R. David. Roger doesn’t think that he likes that very much. Does anyone have any suggestions?”

“I have. The kids in school have a nickname for me. It is Ger or Gerry which is a takeoff on the last part of Roger. If people called me Gerry, I wouldn’t mind at all.” I was liking this boy better and better. “Mom, you even call me Ger sometimes.”

“Yes, I know, but that is a pet name for you when I’m blue and lonely. I suppose I can live with it though. David, do you have the principal’s number? I’ll call him before I change my mind.” In five minutes it was agreed to by the school principal.

Merriam turned to me. “David, you may wonder why I named my son as I did. Remember the time we discussed having children? We thought Roger was a excellent name. Of course at the time he was born, I was still in love with you. I well understood why I was alone. I named him Roger in remembrance and of course gave him your name.”

“And Dumont. Why that?”

“Because he is your blood, I couldn’t do different. I thought you would never know.”

I didn’t say anything for a minute. Then, “I remembered the time we discussed names, as well. Robin knew I liked the name and was agreeable for our son to have it. She knew that it was a name we had chosen together and understood how much I had loved you. It was little things like that about her that finally let me move on and come to love her as deeply as I did.”

“What you had for me is all gone now?”

“Yesterday I would have said yes. Tomorrow when I have had time to think about this, I can’t say.”

I looked away from Merriam. All three young people were watching us. “I guess you will have more explaining to do to your son this evening. If you would call in a few days, we might set up a time to get together. If I’m not here, you may talk to Wendy. She can tell you when that would be possible. I’m very busy spending time both here and at corporate headquarters trying to turn the business around. Wendy always knows my schedule.”

“Thank you, David for seeing me. I’ll try not to bother you too much. It’s just that I would like to talk to you. We will leave now. You do have two beautiful children, but I would expect them to be, with you as their father. Goodnight David.”

I held the door as Merriam and Gerry went down the walk to their car. They didn’t look at the house and I could see them engaged in deep conversation as they drove away. I turned to my own kids.

“Dad, I like my new brother. He is so cute.”

“Wendy, look at Roger. He has almost the same features.”

“I know, but I know him and I don’t know Gerry.”

“Well, I’m sure we will come into contact with him occasionally.”

“We’ll see his mother sometimes too won’t we? She must have really loved you at one time.”

“Maybe, but it wasn’t enough to keep her from hurting me. I thought I had forgotten her. Now she is back and I’ll have to try to forget her all over again.”

“If Mom were alive, she wouldn’t mind if you started seeing her again. I know she wouldn’t. You are still young and Mom didn’t expect you to live without love the rest of your life. She told me so.”

“She told me the same thing. I’m sure she didn’t expect it would be Merriam, though.” I did spend a restless night thinking about her. All the hate I felt toward her at one time came rushing back.

Dammit, I couldn’t think about personal problems. I had to concentrate on making sure my division in the corporation survived. It was difficult having two children, but they were worth every bit of care they took. What was I going to do when I went out of town. I was going to have to travel to South America for two weeks in February. I should be looking around for an adult to stay here with Roger and Wendy. They both could survive on their own unless there was a crisis of some sort.

My mind swung back to Merriam. She had changed. She wasn’t as beautiful as Robin had been and had added a few pounds. I guess you could say she is matronly. Also she never smiled once. Was that because of me or because that is the way she was now?

I did some figuring in my head. Roger--Gerry I mean, must be about seventeen months older than my Roger. He was much like his mother. He didn’t smile at all either. They were not at all like Wendy and Roger, who with all of our sadness tried to find something to smile and joke about.

I suppose with Merriam being an unwed mother and having to cope with a pregnancy alone, it would tend to make a person more serious. I know I hated what she did to me, but I would have supported the child if I had known about it. It might have even drawn me back to her and I might have been able to get beyond her cheating.

I was dragging from sleeplessness when I went into the office in the morning.

“I saw Gerry today when I came out of middle school. He had a bunch of girls talking to him. He recognized me and came over to say hi. He called me Wendy and asked me how I was getting along. We talked about school for a few minutes and when he left he said, bye Sis. He is so much like Roger, it is spooky.”

“That’s nice that he spoke to you. I wondered how he would take all of this. If you see him again, you could invite him over. I’m sure he is curious about you. I know you are curious about him as well.”

“Are you going to invite his mother to visit, Dad?”

“No, not while I am so busy. I would have to have her in for dinner and I just don’t have time now.”

“Dad, you are working seven days a week. Can’t you take a day off? Roger and I get lonely.”

“I know. Maybe in another week I’ll have the weekend. Things are coming together. I’ll have to do something about you two when I go to South America next month.”

“Roger and I will be fine while you’re gone. We don’t need anyone.”

“No, I’ll find a house sitter for you.”

I got a call at work the next afternoon. “David this is Merry Cummings.” I wasn’t used to the shortened version of her name, so it gave me pause.

“Yes Merriam, of course. How are you?”

“I’m fine. I guess I’m kind of sticking my nose in here, but Ger was talking to Wendy yesterday and she said she and Roger are alone everyday for several hours while you are working. Gerry has a car. Would it be possible for the kids to come visit? Ger thinks it great he has a sister and he sees Roger in the hallways. He wants to get to know them.”

“I don’t mind. Sometime you and I will have to talk about your situation. Also, my father and mother are still alive. They were hurt by you almost as much as I was. They would be interested in finding out that you have a son.”

“Would they forgive me?”

“I think so. Look, I’m really busy and I don’t mean to cut you off, but my phone is blinking in two places. I’ll try to get back to you. Thanks for calling and I think it is great about Gerry wanting to know his half siblings.” Merriam said good-bye.

It was eight-thirty before I got home. Wendy had a casserole of macaroni in the oven and put a pork chop on the skillet when she heard me drive in. She sat across from me as I ate. “Boy Dad, have I found out a lot of stuff about your almost-wife. First of all, she was married for about ten years and has been a widow for the last five. Her husband was a high school teacher and died of a heart attack.”

“Did she mention me?”

“Not much. All she said was that she made a serious mistake and used terrible judgment that caused you and her to break up. She did add that she was glad that you found Mom and were happy. I took it that her life has been more a matter of survival than happy. The man she married was much older and their marriage was more of convenience than love.”

“Where does she live?”

“I think it is an older section of town. The houses are not as nice as ours and a lot smaller. Her parents live with her and Gerry in a little apartment on the back of the house. Merry works at home doing something for some book publishers. I think she said editing. FedEx came while I was there and left some papers.”

“What did Gerry and Roger do while you were talking?”

“They went down into the cellar and Ger has some weight equipment. Roger says it isn’t very good. It is something someone gave him. Merry invited Roger and me for dinner, but I didn’t think we should. He brought us home about five because I said I had to make your dinner. It still spooks me out to have two brothers that look so much alike.”

I finished dinner and went into the living room to visit with Roger. “Dad, can we buy some gym stuff. Ger could come over and use it with me. He says it makes you a lot stronger and next fall I want to go out for football.”

“Sure, figure out what you need and we’ll get it. Wendy do you think there would be a possibility that Merriam would look after you while I’m in South America? You can’t really live alone for that time.”

“I’m going over there tomorrow. She was so nice, I asked her to show me how to sew on a button and I can find out at that time. You will pay her won’t you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Wait until I tell Ger I’m getting a bowflex. Dad, can he come here to use it?”

“Sure. Body building is a boring exercise. Maybe you will keep at it until you get really strong if you work together with it.”

The answer to my problem of someone to be there for the kids was of course Merriam. If she was available, should I use her? By using her would I be taking advantage of her? I was so tired all the time. I would think about it when Wendy came home tomorrow.

I had an answer of sorts when I got home the next evening. Wendy had left a message on my voice mail for me to call her at home an hour before I was to arrive. I walked into the house to the smell of pot roast and homemade bread. The table was set for five. “David, I invited myself and Gerry for dinner. In return I helped Wendy make it. I hope you don’t mind?”

Merriam had an apron on. It was tied so that it accentuated her ample bust. It also showed that she was not the svelte woman she was when I knew her. She was tall and wore her extra weight well, but still she had many extra pounds. She saw me appraising her.

“I know David, I’m not the loveliest specimen of womanhood. A lot of it is because I haven’t cared how I look. However in our respective cases, it shouldn’t matter.” She removed the apron as we left the kitchen for the dining room.

Wendy had set the table with Robin’s finest dishes and silverware. Merriam may not have wanted me to care how she looked, but she certainly had dressed for dinner. “You look lovely, Merriam. I’m really pleased you took the trouble for us. We don’t have too many full dinners. I can cook very well, but there never is enough time to prepare one. I’ll freshen up and be right with you. Gerry, did Roger tell you about buying some exercise equipment? It came today and is downstairs off the playroom and is supposed to be all set up. I said this over my shoulder as I headed for the bathroom. The boys rushed down to look at it.

After dinner I asked Merriam, “Would it be possible for me to hire you as a house sitter while I am away in South America? Wendy and Roger can take care of themselves, but I would like someone here in case of a problem. I’m going to be leaving in two weeks and will be gone most of the two after that.

“I could get either of their grandparents, but I hate to disrupt them. You could have your days free, but I would want you here at night. The pay would be $600.00 a week and use the house as your own.”

“David I will stay if you need me. You won’t even have to pay me. My schedule is so loose there will be little I have to adjust.”

“No I insist that I pay you. However, if you would like to stay over next Tuesday night, I will be out of town. That will give you an idea what it will be like. Maybe Wednesday night because I won’t be in until real late. I would expect Gerry to bunk here with Roger. There are twin beds in his room.”

“You won’t mind if I come early and work during the day will you? I’ll be here when the kids get home.”

“That’ll work.” I flew out Tuesday to Boston as planned.

I finished my business earlier than expected and returned home earlier that afternoon. I could see where Merriam had been doing some work on a manuscript. She wasn’t around and I passed through into my bedroom. When I left my coat and briefcase I came out and was passing by the cellar stairs.

Merriam came rushing up the stairs and fell into me, nearly upsetting us both. I grasped her and automatically my arms went around her. Without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed her. She hesitated and then returned the kiss, savoring it just a minute and then pushed me violently away.

“David, let me go! That wasn’t supposed to happen. Let me go!” I backed away looking at her. “I’m all sweaty from running on the treadmill and I stink.”

“Okay, okay. I didn’t mean to upset you. That wasn’t planned and I apologize.” I went down the hall to the living room and sat on one end of the couch. She came into the room and stood there looking at me.

“David, you made a decision years ago and I made one a day later. I think we should hold to those decisions. It is too late to go back.”

“If that is the way you want it, I will abide by it. Truth to tell I think that would be wise. However, I do want to get to know Gerry, so I’m asking you to disregard my advances. I do need you desperately to watch Wendy and Roger when I’m away, which is frequently. I also wish I could get you to come and keep house for us all the time. Would you consider that?”

“Let me think about it. I’ll let you know tomorrow night when you come home from work. I have to talk to my parents and see if my moving out is okay. If you’ll excuse me, I have to get dinner now.”

As Merriam went through to the kitchen, I said after her, “Merriam, you don’t ever stink. Sure, sweat made your scent a little sharper, but I found it quite attractive”

The time I was to leave on my South American trip wound down. I took three days away from work so that Wendy and Roger could visit their grandfather. He doted on them, now that Robin wasn’t with us anymore. Wendy looked much like her mother did when her age. Sometime tears showed in her grandfather’s eyes during our short visit.

When it was explained who Gerry was and how he came to be one I called son, he treated him no different than he did Roger. We spent one night there. Merriam had passed on going with us, but when we turned to my parents, she was anxious to see them again.

My father and mother had liked the woman I had promised to wed so many years ago. Questioned, and to our embarrassment, when we were going to wed now, they were disappointed when we denied it would happen.

I spent one day before my flight preparing Merriam with some paperwork and access to funds while I was out of the country. I gave her my power of attorney to act in any capacity concerning the children. She had both a high balance credit card and debit card for emergencies.

Chapter Two

I took flight on a Tuesday morning before daylight bound for Uruguay. I was to be in Mercedes three days and then I was to fly over the Andes Mountains to Chile, where I had meetings for four days. Then I had five days in Colombia. These were all places where the corporation either had interests in place, or were planning on setting up new ones.

Everything was right on schedule up until my last day in the Southern Hemisphere. The last meeting was half-way between Medellin and Bogotá. Leaving the meeting and seventeen miles out of the western city, we were stopped by what I first thought was a soldier. Then I realized it must be a guerrilla. Suddenly there were several all around us. There were only three vehicles in our convoy and none of us armed. It wouldn’t have done us any good to resist if we had been.

I was taken from the vehicle and my hands bound. I was then pushed up a trail. Before I was out of sound, I could hear the vehicles leaving. There were three rag-tag men in front of me and many more behind me. I was hurried right along for what I figured was nearly five miles. I knew we were generally headed north. Finally we paused to rest and I was given water, some hard bread, and told to sit.

We rested for almost an hour and then I was raised to my feet and urged forward again. We went north for two more hours and then we settled into a camp where there were some permanent looking huts. This had to be a central location for the group to come together. We were to spend the night there. Would I ever get home to my family again?

A woman came over from a cook fire and checked my tied hands. “You American, you hostage. Hold for ransom. Your company pay much money to get you back. Soon you write letter.” I stared back at her and said nothing. I knew it wouldn’t do any good to whine or beg. I turned over and went to sleep right where I was.

I was in fairly good shape and young enough to survive anything if it wasn’t too strenuous. There was nothing I could do, so I determined I would go along with everything I was ordered to do. The quicker the company knew what had happened to me, the quicker I might be freed. It still wasn’t a good situation to be in.

The United States didn’t pay ransom and frowned on American owned corporations doing it either. But a man had to have faith. The corporation I worked for might not spring for much, but Robin’s father wouldn’t want to have his grand-kids without a parent. He was part of a far-flung corporation that just might wield enough power to find a way to get me free.

In the morning I was put on another trail, still heading north. I heard the word Cartagena mentioned several times. Apparently that is where we were headed. The group of guerrillas was much diminished as we traveled. Finally there were only six around me. The woman that had first spoken to me was one of them. She seemed to be the one in charge.

This was the dry season in South America and thankfully the weather wasn’t too severe. What would it have been like if it had been the rainy season. After crossing the river, we started climbing and I surmised this was the northern tip of the Andes mountain range. Oxygen was in short supply as we got higher and our stops were more frequent. This trail was well worn and I wondered if the Spanish Conquerors had traveled it centuries ago with captives the same as was being done to me in the present.

Morning of the third day we reached a highway where there was a truck waiting for us. I was trussed and thrown into the back. I will say that I was being treated gently as there was a mattress for me to lay on. Day and night ran together as we traveled north. I had no idea where I was. I did catch a glimpse of a highway sign marked {25}. Not knowing the country, it meant nothing to me.

I was fed little except water, and we only stopped at some roadside pull-offs so I could relieve myself. We pulled into a sizable village and I was blindfolded before I was trundled into a building. I was led down two flights of stairs to a basement. It wasn’t hidden behind any partition or anything. The far end of the cellar was blocked by bars across the front. Inside the cell there was a cot to lay on. There was a pail with cover for excrement.

Not long after we arrived, a large bowl of a vegetable chowder was passed through an opening near the bottom of the door that was made of bars. I thought this was to be my only food, but soon a half chicken was passed through wrapped in a newspaper. The only utensil was a plastic spoon. In the larger portion of the cellar outside my prison, there were two chairs and a table. The woman who seemed to be still in charge, paid no attention to me and proceeded to eat the same food that was fed me.

Finishing my meal I lay down on the bed. Suddenly I smelled coffee and sat up. The woman stood outside with a bowl the same size as what my stew came in. She motioned for me to push the first bowl out and then she slid the bowl with coffee in. I looked up as I picked it up saying, “Thank you” and smiled. She started to smile and then turned quickly away.

I slept that night. I was comfortable and warm and dry and wasn’t being bounced around in a truck. I wasn’t the cleanest, but I had been handed a basin with warm soapy water to clean up a little. No razor, though. I assumed that was to aid my captors in disguising me, if and when I was let out or moved.

They even handed me a roll of toilet paper. This was embarrassing when I had to use the pail. I put it off as long as I could and then went about it the best I could. They could look at my butt if they were so inclined. I noticed when I finished that the woman wasn’t present, so she must have had some sensibilities.

When I awoke there was a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast waiting for me--and more of that delicious coffee. Shortly after that I was handed a newspaper with my picture in it. “Do you want me to read it to you?” asked the woman.

“Yes.” The story, read in broken English, just related that I had been abducted near Medellin and hadn’t been heard from since. It was supposed that eventually there would be a ransom demand made for my return. The US State Department was doing all they could to locate me. When she finished I reached for the paper.

“No, what good would it do you?”

“Funnies.” The paper was handed over.

The paper was printed in Turbaco and there was much news about Cartagena, so I must be in that area. I looked at the funnies and laid the paper on my bunk with the wrapping that had held the chicken last evening. These both I would read when my guards’ attention was elsewhere. I knew that eventually they would get onto the fact that I could read and understand Spanish. Hopefully, before that, I would know more about where I was and what my situation was.

It was nine a.m. by my watch, when a man of forty-or-so came in and pulled a chair up beside my cell. He looked as if he might be a school teacher. “Mr. Dumont, you must realize you have been kidnapped. I am here to write a note making demands so we can ensure your safe return to your country and your loved ones. Your country already knows you are missing and your loved ones have been notified, I would assume.

“These kidnappings have been done several times and so far, those performed by this group have all been successful. No one has been killed and none of the kidnappers captured. This is the first time that Maria has attempted this, although she has played a minor role in her uncle’s endeavors before. Why don’t you write your company and inform them you can come home when we receive three and a half million dollars. We could demand more, but we want to be sure you get home safely so we aren’t making the terms too onerous.”

“No way will my company come up with that kind of money. I just took over as CEO last month because the company was on its last legs. I was there to turn its slide into oblivion. If I’m not there--well you figure it out.”

“I’m sure someone loves you that much. You are a rich country and so far someone always comes through before we have to terminate the subject.”

“Is Maria the woman who has led my abductors? Will she be the one that has to kill me if my people can’t gather the ransom?”

“That isn’t for me to determine. I’m sure she would find it troubling, but she has sworn to carry through if need be. Now, I will write your demands and then you can add some personal words to your family so that they will know it is really you.”

When the ransom note was finished, I dictated some personal information to my daughter, Wendy. I knew if she saw my remarks she would know that I was near the city of Cartagena.

My bounds were pretty loose as far as my captivity was concerned. I couldn’t see any chance for escaping, though. There was activity in the floors above me and as far as I could determine the stairs were the only exit from the cellar. All of my captors were friendly, especially Maria.

When it was time to change my slop pail, the door had to be opened. I was always directed to stand against the back wall. Two men would be present and Maria opened the door for the exchange. It was she who retrieved the pail. It was a week into my being here when they came to pick it out before I said anything. I directed my gaze toward her. “The fun part of being a captor.”

Her face flushed. “Maybe no, and I have to look at your ugly butt. But then I’m out here and you are in there.” She then flashed me a brilliant smile. It came to me, I couldn’t dislike this woman. I asked for a deck of cards and then asked if she would play double solitaire through the bars with me. The guards were interested in the game and joined me when they were bored. We played for three days and then Maria came down in the morning looking displeased with me.

I read her expression. “You got word back, the company has rejected your demands haven’t they? I could have told you they would. What are you going to do now? I hope you aren’t going to kill me.” I smiled when I said this.

“Don’t joke Daveed. I like you but I may have to kill you even if I don’t want to.” Maria went across the room from my cell as I sat staring at the floor.

I didn’t push it. The next morning I learned a little more. “Your people flatly rejected us. They said they had turned everything over to the FBI. Why would they do that?”

“It is a save-face thing. I would think it wouldn’t be too long before they find me and then all they have to do is free me.”

“How can they find you?”

“Not telling. Maria, I like you. Look, I made the policy in my corporation not to pay off hostage takers so this doesn’t surprise me at all. I would like to go home. Are you going to stop requesting ransom or are you just going to kill me? You might die yourself when the FBI and your government try to free me.”

“No we haven’t given up. You are going to write a letter telling your people you are about to be killed and beg them to pay.”



The next morning I was ordered to back up to the bars and my hands were tied. The door was opened and I was pushed to the back of the cell. Two of Maria’s followers came in with a step ladder and threw a rope over a ceiling pipe. They formed a loop and put it around my neck. Then they made me go up the ladder. The man that had written the first letter came down the stairs with a camera and took several pictures.

I suppose the snaps looked realistic, for I was having a hard time keeping my balance. I wasn’t worried at present, as the other end of the rope was in one of the men’s hands and no way could he hang me. I was heavier than he was. I hoped that this picture wasn’t shown to Wendy as it would crush her.

I guess fax machines were being used for correspondence this time, as a day later Maria said the demands had been rejected again. “I think you better let me go. I won’t tell anyone who you are. You have been treating me very good.”

She hesitated before answering. “I can’t. I can’t admit I failed. My uncle is laughing at me already.”

“Maria, if I promise not to tell anyone who you are, will you let me go? I’d even swear on a Bible.”

“I can’t. I have others I’m responsible for. They need money more than I do.”

“I’m not promising anything, but what would it take to buy my way out of here? I’m not talking millions either.”

“Maybe a quarter million.”

I went across my prison cell and laid down on the bunk, turning my back to the woman standing outside my cell. Three days later when I awoke, blankets had been strung across in front of my cell so I couldn’t see into the other end or the stairs. I heard someone come down and Maria greet a man as uncle. He apparently didn’t want me to see him, but didn’t care if I heard the conversation.

There had been trouble. The man that had written the ransom notes was dead and one of the guards that I had played cards with as well. The fax machine had immediately been identified during the first transmission. The stupid fool had thought the same site would be safe to use again and had sent more than one message from it.

I could hear the uncle declare that Maria was still safe because both of the men had been killed before they could give up the operation. He then started berating her for not being more careful. He was telling her that she was going to have to kill her subject to save herself. “No, not yet. I will get some money out of this yet.”

“Money is no good to you if you are dead, cara mia. I will not come to you again until this is all resolved, foolish one. I trust you are no danger to me, but I can’t take chances. Adios, Maria.”

Maria came and took the blankets down after I heard someone ascend the stairs. She was very subdued. From this I could tell she was dreading having to kill me. I wasn’t much looking forward to dying either. “So, cara mia, it looks as if we both have a problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I don’t think you want to kill me. Look Maria, I read, write and speak Spanish. I have understood everything I have heard since I was abducted. I have read the newspapers you left for me. I am beginning to be a little concerned, which I haven’t been up until now. You have lost two of your helpers. The others must be pretty scared about now. I don’t think you could kill me, but they might.

“The way I see it is you have to save face with your people and you have to make sure no one else gets killed. That would include me. I will make a one-time offer. Trust me, I’m serious about this. If you won’t accept it, I will take my chances on being freed before you kill me. You will have to take your own chances until then”

“I’ll listen.”

I made my proposal. There was going to have to be an unbelievable amount of trust on Maria’s side. From her perspective, she was going to have to trust me not to identify her as my abductor after I gained my freedom. I also promised to send a certain amount of money from my personal accounts as soon as I reached home. Her only alternative was to kill me--or have me killed.

She actually discussed this with me and came to the conclusion if she ordered it done, because she was not up to the doing the deed herself, she never would have any credibility the rest of her life. If she freed me because I made a promise to pay a ransom and actually came through for her, well her credibility would be raised to unbelievable heights.

The noon meal came to me as usual. Shortly afterward Maria and my three guards went up the stairs leaving no one in the basement room and me in my cell alone. This was the first time this had happened. There was no evening meal today. I was getting worried. Was I going to be disposed of? Why feed me if they were going to kill me. By my watch it was nine when I heard Maria coming down the stairs.

She came to the cell and unlocked the door. “Daveed, follow me.” She turned and walked to the stairs. I was still standing in the cell doorway with my mouth open. She paused and then beckoned. “Come Daveed, you are a free man. Would you like to take a shower? I will give you a soft bed to sleep in tonight and we then will give you transport into Cartagena. We have your bags with your clothes. By tonight you will be home with your family.”

I hurried after my captor and up three flights of stairs behind her. I began to think I was a free man. I mean, I was following this lovely young woman and could reach ahead of me and touch her if I so desired. I had watched and looked at this woman for a little more than five weeks. I suspect I knew as much about her as she did her own self.

She led me into a room fronting onto a street where I could have stepped out through the window. She turned and faced me. “The bath is through that door. When you get clean and shaved, I will join you for your late evening meal. The other three men that you have known so well recently don’t trust you as much as I do. They have left the premises.”

I could smell food cooking when Maria opened a door which I assumed led to a kitchen. I took my shower and shaved. I gloried in the hot water running down over my body and the scented soap that was at hand to use. When I returned to the room, I opened my bags and pulled out a robe that was much wrinkled. There was one pair of pajamas that were slightly ripe, but I found a pair that were clean. I put my robe on over these and went to the door that Maria had passed through.

Maria was seated with a young girl in her teens. She indicated for me to sit at a place that had been set. Just then an older woman came in and started serving us. Introductions were made. “This is my sister Pia and this is my mother, Inez, who is graciously serving us.” She smiled, but I don’t think the mother was feeling that gracious. She didn’t look it anyway.

There was wine--a red and I would guess it was local for there was no label on it. The meat was veal. There was a vegetable stew--I had had that before, and there was fresh baked bead. Pia, not realizing I spoke Spanish asked, “He is handsome for an old man. Are you going to sleep with him tonight?”

“Do you think I should?”

“If he was younger I certainly would think about it.”

I spoke in Spanish, not wanting to embarrass the young lady. “Don’t you think experience should count for something, cara mia?”

Pia’s face turned red and she glared at Maria and then both girls laughed. I eased her embarrassment by telling her I had a daughter a little younger than she. I directed her to my bags to get a wallet that I used to carry pictures. There was a picture of Roger and my deceased wife which brought on more explanations about my family. I explained that I also had another son, which I had just discovered recently. So recently, I didn’t have an image of him.

Did I have anyone I was interested in? “Yes. It is the mother of this other son. We were estranged before the boy was born, but now my son is back in my life, I have thought about her a lot. Especially in the last few weeks when I have had time to do some thinking.”

This was a leisurely dinner and it was eleven before I was able to go to bed. I complimented Maria’s mother and told her she was a wonderful cook and had two beautiful daughters. I don’t know which compliment brought forth a smile--maybe both. My being a hostage down in the basement was not touched on at all during the evening.

I slid into a queen-sized bed finally. I was almost asleep when I felt someone slide in beside me. I turned and kissed the woman using my hands to explore this person. She did the same and soon we came together. She was willing to give herself to me totally, but just before I erupted, I withdrew. I wanted no future complication in my life. I made the correct choice as we clung together, I received a whispered, thank you. And then I slept.

It was still dark when I awoke to the smell of coffee. Maria was fully dressed and urged me to do the same. “I will take you into Cartagena where you can catch a plane. I have your ticket and you have your passport. Pia will be traveling with us. We feel it is safer for us to have you traveling with a woman and a girl. Again we are trusting you to not report us.”

“There is no need to worry. Maria, you have directions so you can get the money I am sending you. You have my address. Please write me sometimes. I am interested in your life. Please change your line of work. You have been lucky this time in escaping retribution for your crimes. Thank you for not listening to your uncle. I’m ready now to go home. I shouldn’t for any reason I can think of, but Maria, I’m going to miss you.”

Our trip was silent and I was dropped in front of the airport. Pia said good-bye--nothing from Maria although she looked sad. My passport was in order and my ticket was already paid for. Airport personnel did not catch that I must be a person of interest. That is until I was in the air, when I was asked to speak with one of the captains.

When the flight I was on reached Dallas, Texas, I was met and interviewed for several hours. I denied being able to identify my captors. I described the one that had written the ransom note and claimed I wasn’t aware what happened to him. They had the evidence from the picture that I was blindfolded.

And how did I get to the airport? I was carried out of my cell and down some stairs to where I was told to shower. When I was clean, I was told to go out the door and get in a car with an old lady who would drop me in front of the airport. I didn’t quibble--would you?” None of the people that questioned me could see any difference in the many tellings of my story. They may not have believed me, but_

My father-in-law picked me up in the corporate jet. My mother-in-law was there too. This was a personal flight, but he would reimburse the cost of using it. I arrived home at 8 a.m. in the morning. I had been gone seven weeks, five of those in captivity. I had left in February and it was now early April. I felt like a different man.

None of the kids were in school as they had been informed I would arrive sometime during the day. Both of my parents were at the house when I arrived. There were several reporters and camera vans staked outside when I arrived. I made a statement an hour after greeting my family and asked to be left alone. I repeated the same story as I had to the government officials that had interviewed me. I couldn’t change my story now.

My house looked no different than when I left, but I felt different. For so long where I was, it was so quiet. Here there was noise everywhere. I resented my family in a way, for they thought they were what was needed by talking and asking about my ordeal. I wanted to forget it. I think part of the problem was that I couldn’t tell the truth about my captivity without endangering my abductors and others. Did I want Pia and her mother to come to grief? And Maria? I was close to being in love with her. How would I feel if she was caught and charged with kidnapping?

My mother and father stayed two days, but finally realized that I wanted some space. They had often stayed here with Merriam, Gerry, Roger, and Wendy while I was incarcerated. I was told by them what a wonderful job Merry had done managing my family while I was away. My in-laws saw the same in Merry.

My father-in-law had asked before he left if I was going to be able to carry on in my capacity as division head. “No problem at all. I had a lot of time to think about my work. I have used the thoughts about the corporation as pure escapism. I think now I can go into the office and take over with a more clearly defined goal of what to do. I don’t believe I will have to spend as many hours there either. I think I was cheating Wendy and Roger by denying my presence here at home. I’m going to change that.

“Another thing I thought about, and since I have returned I see no reason not to, I’m going to court Merry Cummings. Robin was a wonderful wife, but our children still need a mother’s influence. I want to give them that and Merry can.”

“Life must go on and as much as I regret not having Robin here, I think you are wise.”

Everyone was gone except those of my household. Wendy curled up on the couch as close as she could to me. Roger and Gerry didn’t have much to say, but I could feel how glad they were that I was home. They went to bed for it was a school day tomorrow. This left Merry and myself alone.

“Merry, you managed very well. I am so pleased.”

“Yes, well you gave me a job to do. Wendy is a princess and Roger is as nice as Gerry. I’m so thankful I was here for them.”

“I noticed there has been some changes in you.”

“You mean that I have lost some weight?”


“You bought that gym equipment for the boys, but I didn’t have that much to do during the day, so I worked out on it. David, I so feared for your life, I used it to keep my mind off what might be happening to you. Was it bad?”

“Not as bad as you would think. I’ll tell the whole story to you someday. My ordeal was so much different than what I have told everyone. I’m going to be asking you to do some things for me to fulfill a vow I have made. To be honest, I did promise some ransom money and even though I could break the promise, I think I will do as I said I would.”

“Of course I will help. You just tell me what you need me to do. This means you are still going to want me living here doesn’t it?”

“Yes, that and more. Merry, the hurt that you gave me so many years ago seems so insignificant now after what I have been through. I’d like to move beyond that and ask if we couldn’t start over.” Would you consider dating me even while we are living in the same house?”

“Of course I will.”

“Good. Not to get too personal, but how much weight have you lost in the last seven weeks?”

“Not telling, but it has been between three and four pounds a week.”

“You look wonderful. This is the first time you and I have had to talk. While I was gone, the kids haven’t given you any trouble have they? They get along okay together.”

“No, not really. The only problem I can see is that Wendy has a terrible crush on Gerry. I have spoken to him about it. Thank God he will be leaving for college in the fall.”

“I have never asked, but do you have enough money to send him on to school?”

“Yes, it is taken care of.”

“Good. For your information, I don’t plan on working so many hours as I did. I will have to talk to Wendy about boys. What she needs is a sister to pal around with. I’m thinking I may have one for her for the summer. We will see. This ties in with my being gone. I’ll know more after I make some phone calls tomorrow. I think I would like to go to bed now. Would you kiss me?”

I did make the calls that I wanted to when I reached my office. I was busy catching up, but these were important too. When I met with my second in command, Richard Haley, I found that in most instances he had managed the division very well. I made the decision that he should have an increase in salary and wouldn’t have to relinquish all the controls I had placed in his hands when I set up for my departure two months ago. He was well pleased with both the money and the increased responsibility. I was home in time for dinner before six.

I reveled in being home with my family around me. I was still getting used to Gerry. As the evening progressed and we became familiar he stated, “Mom has petitioned the court to have the given name of Gerald be added to mine. When it is approved, I will be Gerald Roger David Dumont. I hope you don’t mind.”

I paused to give me time how to answer this development. “No, I think that is great. You did this of your own free will?”


I hugged Gerald and then I walked over to Merry and kissed her. “Kids, you are going to see me kissing Merry quite often. I have got beyond any trust issues that I had years ago. When she took on the task of caring for Wendy and Roger, I was very happy. Then when I was put into a situation where I didn’t know if I was to survive, I had much time to think.

“I asked her last evening if we could date. She said yes, so eventually we will all be one family. Is this okay with everyone?” It was. I was hoping I had made the correct decision. I had just a little doubt in my mind, but quashed it. Was it gratitude that made me want to offer marriage to Merry?

When we came together, would we have the passion that we had before she cheated on me? Maybe before we were married, I could find out. Around Merry, I enjoyed her being close to me. I didn’t feel that I wanted to touch and fondle her every chance I got like I did when I was married. Of course Robin had been a very sexual person. It was she that chose me and taught me to love and want what she had on her plate.

Two days later I received a call in my office from my counterpart in Bogotá, Colombia. “David, I received the package that you sent by UPS. What do you want me to do with it?”

“Open it, Herman. There will be directions in it to call a Maria Gomez in Turbaco. I don’t have her number. You can try Inez, that is the mother’s name. She has a sister Pia, that you can give a message to. Anyway ask Maria to travel to meet you. When she gets there you can hand over the $25,000 that is in the package. She will know what it is for.

“When that is done, would you see if you can find her employment? She has been to University and is quite intelligent. I would prefer she work for you, but I won’t insist on it. While she is in your office and have listened to the instructions, I want her to call me from there. Would you do that?”

“Sure, no problem. Does this have anything to do with the trouble you had while you were in this country?”

“I can’t say, but draw your own conclusions. If you can’t find this woman or she won’t travel to you, call me again and I’ll decide on a different way to contact her.”

“Is she pretty? How old is she? I also assume she isn’t married.”

I answered the questions, said good-bye and went back to work. I fully expected to hear from Herman and maybe Maria in two or three days. There was nothing. A week later Herman called and said he couldn’t locate anyone by that name in Turbaco or even Cartagena. Maria had disappeared along with her mother and sister. I might have tried to contact the uncle, but I had neglected to secure his name from Maria.

Every week I talked to Herman. He had given up trying to locate those I was looking for. Gerald was graduating in June. I was providing him a job in my office for the summer. He had been to work only a few days when I received a message from the receptionist downstairs. “David, there are two women here requesting an audience with you. Maria and Pia Gomez. Would you see them?”

“Yes. Tell them I will be right down.” I called my secretary and told her I was leaving for the day. I also called Gerry’s supervisor and said I needed Ger and we wouldn’t be returning until tomorrow.

Gerry met me before I reached the front desk. “What’s up Dad?”

“I have two people I want you to meet. This goes back to my problems while I was away. I didn’t expect to see them here and I haven’t been able to contact them since I left South America. We will meet them and I want you to keep the young lady who is your age occupied while I talk to the older one. She is Spanish, but I think she knows some English.”

Maria and Pia both rose as we came into the waiting room where the receptionist had placed them. Maria was hesitant until I crossed to her and hugged her. She looked up into my eyes and I bent and kissed her lightly on the lips. Pulling apart from her, I turned and did the same with Pia. I then turned to include Gerald. “Son, this is Maria Gomez and this is Pia Gomez, her sister. Ladies this is my son, Gerald. Let’s go where we can talk.”

There was a taxi that had been waiting. I paid the fare and we all got into my vehicle. I drove to a lounge where I often entertained business associates when in town. When we reached there, I gave Gerry the keys and told him to take Pia to a different restaurant. Come back in an hour and we will go home.”

After drinks were ordered, I said, “I have been searching for you ever since I reached home. I sent a package to Bogotá and my friend was supposed to contact you.”

“Daveed, I trusted you, but remember the FBI was investigating your disappearance. I don’t trust them.”

“Good point. I was questioned several times. What are you doing here?”

“Pia is going to school and is here on a student visa. I have a tourist visa that is good for two weeks and then I have to return home. Did you think about me?”

“Yes, much.” I didn’t continue.

“Daveed, are you married?”

“No, but almost. Please understand, I left my children in the care of this woman while I was gone. She kept their faith up that I would return after they found out I had been abducted. I have been dating her since I came home. She is close to me because Gerald is my son by her from many years ago when I first knew her.”

Tears trickled from her eyes. “You haven’t lied to me then. You have moved forward, is that it?”

“You do understand. Maria you must be terribly disappointed. I’m sorry.”

“Yes well, that’s what I get for messing with your life.”

“Maria, I have tried to live up to my promise to you. There is a package in Bogotá that has $25,000 in it. There is also a request for the CEO of that corporation to hire you or find you a job. It will be a good one, I promise. Do you want more?”

“If what you say is true, no. I’m sorry you couldn’t contact me, but you must understand. A person less than you would have me in prison.”

“I do. Is there anything else I can do?”

“I could wish you would find a place for Pia to live and be a friend to her while she is here in this country.”

“That’s all taken care of as I said. She will be living with me and my family. Here she and Gerry comes now. Merry will have dinner ready. I left a message on the phone we were having company.”

It was a little awkward when I introduced Maria and Pia as friends to Merry. I covered it well when I said I would explain in due time. Pia already had two conquests before dinner was finished. Gerry was in love before they returned to pick me up at the lounge. Within minutes of the introductions, Roger felt the same way as Gerry did. Wendy thought it neat that Pia was going to stay with us and would be sleeping in the same room with her.

Maria was extremely attractive and she was fourteen years younger than Merry and me. She had that glow and vivaciousness that only a woman in her middle twenties can have. It is something that we all lose over time. Merry had regained a measure of it through her exercise, but I could tell she felt she came off second best sitting beside Maria.

Dinner finished and cleaned up, we sat at the kitchen table, while I told Merry how I knew Maria and Pia. I told her the truth about my capture and everything that had happened while I was incarcerated. I did not tell how I spent the first night of my freedom.

Merriam was distant. Did she sense a rival or was it just a woman thing? She started asking questions. “Let me get this straight, you look on what you did to David as a business venture. Is that correct?”

“You could say that. It worked for my uncle and although he didn’t approve, he did give me advice. It didn’t go well, not like his operations. When two men died he said I had two choices, kill Daveed or set him free. The safest thing to do was kill him. By this time though, I found I was attracted to Daveed and I couldn’t bring myself to kill him.”

“Why didn’t you order it done?”

“I couldn’t. I would have lost all respect. Besides you don’t kill a brave man. Not once did my victim beg or plead. Daveed overheard my conversation with my uncle. He came up with the promise of a little money from his personal accounts and the promise of a position with his corporation.

“I trusted him to pay as he said he would and he trusted me not to kill him. I had to trust him not to turn me over to the authorities. Then when he met my sister after I gave him his freedom, he said he would take her into his home while she was here in the states going to school.”

“Did he explain about me and that he had a son with me?”

“Not until this afternoon.”

“What are your plans? I feel I have a right to ask because David and I are dating.”

“I’m returning to Bogotá in two weeks. Daveed has arranged for me to work in his corporation. I am here to get Pia settled. If Pia lives here, you will be like a mother to her. Will that be a problem?”

“No. If David invites her to live with us, I will treat her the same as I do Gerry, Roger and Wendy. I take it that Gerry and she will be going to the same college?”

“Yes, but that is just a coincidence. I wasn’t aware of that until I met with Daveed this afternoon. I was very sad when he told me you two were dating. You are getting a wonderful man. I was hoping that at some later date we would have a future together. I can see that isn’t to be, and I am happy for you.”

“Thank you Maria. If you knew that there was no future together for you when he was in your cell, would you still have freed him?”

“Yes, he is too good a man to die.”

Understand I was listening to all this. Personally I couldn’t see the point of the questions Merry was asking, but with women--well they speak a different language and what I heard might not be what they were saying. I guess this was driven home more when it was decided that Merry and Maria would go to Merry’s old home to spend the night where there were more beds. They picked up shortly and left for there.

The two women were back in time for breakfast and were more friendly than the night before. Gerry and I left for work. On the way in, he asked, “Is Pia really going to be staying with us?”

“Yes, that is the plan. I hadn’t said anything for it was arranged back when I was in Colombia, but even though I tried to confirm it, I couldn’t reach Maria. You will treat her just the same as you do your sister Wendy, won’t you?”

“I’ll try. I don’t know if that is possible.”

“You mean because she is so lovely?”

“Yes. Dad, Pia told me that her sister is in love with you. What are you going to do about Mom? She loves you too.”

“I’ve already told Maria that your Mom and I are dating. She accepted it, so there shouldn’t be a problem. I hope not, because I love your Mom, but I also like Maria very much. Maria will be going back to Colombia in a couple of weeks. That should end her love for me.”

Gerry made a statement. “Love doesn’t die that easily.” When did the kid get so smart?

Chapter Three

I had a barbecue two days before Maria was to leave for home and the city of Bogotá. It was an exceptionally warm day as only a day in Texas can be. I had plans for an in-ground pool, but it hadn’t been installed yet. We had to make due with squirting each other with water hoses. There was more female pulchritude around that day, than I could believe.

Wendy at fifteen was going to take after her mother in beauty. Robin had been a beauty of the first order. Then there was Merry. She was forty and had been working out strenuously for five months, and was pretty damned trim. Pia turned eighteen and was the most petite of all and her dark beauty was a contrast to Merry and Wendy. Of course the prettiest of all was Maria.

I harked back to the one night she and I had made love. This was in the dark and I hadn’t been able to appreciate her nakedness. I did now--well she was almost naked in her bikini. Gerry, Roger and I were overwhelmed with all of this beauty.

An hour into the party, a young girl came to the door. Gerry, embarrassed, introduced her as his girl friend. I quickly looked at Pia. She didn’t seemed bothered by someone that could be a rival and apparently she wasn’t.

The biggest surprise was when a man somewhere around my age, named Conrad came to the barbecue as a guest of Merry. He was someone who worked with her on different manuscripts--editor or something. I watched him and Merry interact. I think he was in love with her. Was I jealous? Not really and that puzzled me.

Merry and I went out once or twice a week. I usually kissed her when we came in. The first time I took her out I expected that we would be intimate when we retired. It wasn’t to be as she made it plain she thought it was too soon. I returned from Colombia the first week of April and it now was within days of July. I still hadn’t been in her bed. I felt I owed her a lot for taking care of Wendy and Roger when I was away so I didn’t push for more.

I had made up my mind this was going to change as soon as Maria left. After all, Merry had gained much from her association with me. I paid her well and she was paying for Gerry’s higher education. When he moved off campus though, I picked up the tab for his quarters. I put it from my mind and started grilling the steak and chicken.

Maria and I had a few minutes alone. “Daveed, I think your Merry is a wonderful person. She has been like a sister to me while I have been here--taking me shopping, out to lunch and showing me the sights. She wouldn’t discuss her present feelings for you at all. She has told me all about when she and you were engaged and about the stupid choice she made.

“I do think she thinks you are a wonderful person, but I don’t know that she wants to marry you. Your dating her is just so convenient. If you married her, your children would all be together. You both would have someone to sleep with. It would be so comfortable. My question is, do you want comfortable?”

“Maria, why are we having this conversation?”

“Daveed, I want you to be happy. That is all.”

“I’m curious. Is that it? We spent five weeks with only a few bars between us. I saw you every single day. There were times when I know you didn’t need to be guarding me in the cellar. I also felt that except for a few minutes, my life was never in danger. We also spent one wonderful night together. Another thing, why did you come here to the states with your sister? A phone call would have sufficed. I know you want me to be happy, but is that the only reason?”

“Let’s just say I wanted to see how you felt now about being kidnapped. That was a stupid move on my part. I guess you could call me a poor little rich girl looking for excitement. I am going to use that money you say is waiting for me in Bogotá to give to the widow of the man that was killed. He is the one who wrote the ransom notes. The other man didn’t have any family.”

“You have money?”

“Not like you, but I don’t really have to work.”

“So the job offer I worked so hard to arrange for you means nothing to you?”

“Daveed, it means a whole lot to me. When I get home, I am going to accept it.” I had my doubts that if she did take the job, she wouldn’t work very hard at it and continue with it for long. Merry was going to drive Maria to the airport the following morning.

“David, Conrad has asked me out to a show this evening. We want to discuss a manuscript over dinner. Gerry and Roger are staying over at the house in Ger’s room. Maria can stay here and sleep in one of the boy’s beds. You don’t mind do you?”

“No. Go and have fun. I’ll say good-bye to Maria in the morning before I go to work. Do you want me to drop her off at your house on the way?”

“Not necessary. I’ll come for her here.” She and her editor left shortly after this conversation. Pia and Wendy suddenly came and asked to do a sleepover at one of Wendy’s friends.

“That was neatly arranged, don’t you think, Daveed?”

“Am I missing something?”

“Oh come on, I know you are smarter than you are pretending to be. I wanted to talk. I haven’t had the chance to be alone with you. We have been playing all day and I need a shower. Would you wash my back, Daveed?”

I looked at this lovely creature with wonder. Speechless, I followed her into the shower. It was sometime later when I led her into my bedroom. I started to question as to who had arranged this, but was answered with, “You would be surprised.”

I was uneasy, knowing that I felt halfway promised to Merry. I could make no promises, although I wanted to. I wanted to declare my love for Maria, but held back. Maria didn’t ask for anything but the physical, and that she gave me all she had.

It was almost two in the morning. Maria was asleep cuddled against me. I had to get up for a bathroom break and I went from there to the refrigerator for iced water. A car pulled into the driveway, and I peered out the window to see who it was. It was Merriam and she stood beside the car kissing Conrad, who had brought her home.

I was sitting at the table when she came in. “Hi David, couldn’t sleep?”

“I did some, but not much. Would you sit for just a minute, please?”

“You want to know about Conrad and me, don’t you?”

“Not necessarily. I would like to know what your expectations for the future concerning me are to be?”

“In just a few words, if you love Maria, there isn’t much of a future for us. If you don’t, there still isn’t much of a future for us either. If you love me enough to ask me to marry you, you are going to have your heart broken again as it was years ago. I’m hoping that isn’t the case. You see, Conrad has come into my life, and I want to see if that will lead us into having a life together.”

“Merry, we will talk about this in more depth some other time. Maria is sleeping in my bed and I have a question I want to ask her before she leaves in the morning. Goodnight.”

Just before I went through the door, “David, I arranged this just for you.” I looked back and with a big smile on her face, Merry blew me a kiss.

Merry and I did talk within the next few days. “You know the years after you broke our engagement were very difficult for me because of the guilt I felt. The time you were away when you were kidnapped, I worked hard to get my body back into shape so you would forgive and love me again. But then you returned. For some reason I could feel you holding back. When Maria came, I knew why. In one way I was disappointed, because I knew I didn’t have a chance to make up for the wrong I had done to you.

“Maria shared all her feelings with me. How she came to love you while she had you in her absolute power. You never whined or showed anything but respect for her. You showed her that even when her uncle declared you should be killed, you accepted it as fate. That was when you, the captured, became you the captor and Maria was in your hands and heart. Oh how she gloried in you when you kept your word just as you said you would.”

Merry explained what she felt now for me. “David, I broke your trust once. I can see that I didn’t live up to the man you are. Conrad has been working with me for years. I knew he loves me, and I have great affection for him. I have always turned his advances away, but I’m not going to anymore. The only thing I ask of you is to be my friend. I think you can trust me that much.”

“Thanks for being so honest with me. I do love Maria. I don’t know if we can ever work out a happy life together, but we both are willing to try. There is the age difference for one thing, and living so far away is going to be difficult. Having you as a friend means so much. In a way you have given me the freedom to pursue my love without feeling guilty about my past relationship with you.” We left it at that.

So started a long distance relationship. I still had to go to South America on occasion for the corporation. I always directed my counterpart to have Maria at whatever meeting I needed to attend. We spent some wonderful nights together. We knew that someday we would be together all of the time. It took two years to arrange for her to come live and work in the States on a work visa.

Being an international corporation, we had many contacts with the state department. Sometimes we were called into a conference for inquiries about vexing problems that occurred between the United States and the South American countries. Of course one of these problems was the kidnappings that took place periodically. Maria’s uncle had an extremely successful run of good luck. No victims were ever killed and even though it might be months before the ransom was paid, they all were resolved successfully. Maybe it was the ineptness of those that tried to capture him.

I would like to take credit for a clandestine meeting that took place one day in June between representatives of the governments and some of the guerrillas. These guerrillas were looked on by some as modern day Robin Hoods because of the injustice that prevailed. Three small groups were offered and accepted amnesty. Maria’s uncle was pardoned and able to rejoin society again in his own country.

My household during this time was about as mixed up as any could be. Merry, with a son living here, kept house for me and I paid her wages. Occasionally we would go out to dinner or a show alone, but she was dating Conrad and if we did go out it was only as friends. She mothered Wendy and Roger the same as she did Gerry. Pia was living here and she was mothered the same way.

Pia was intelligent, cute and the most outgoing of all. She treated everyone the same. You never knew what she was going to do if you were in the same room with her. You might be reading the paper, and suddenly you would find her sitting in your lap, asking what you were reading. This happened to me. Or she might tackle the boys and want to wrestle. Wendy and her were inseparable. When she got a little homesick she might ask to cuddle with Merry just to get past a period of loneliness.

I’m sure she reported to Maria what went on in my life. That was fine with me. Sometimes after she had been talking with her sister, she would come and say, “Maria sends you a kiss.” I would receive a kiss much like when the real Maria was here. I didn’t think it odd at all. If it had been some one other than Pia, I might have.

It took two years to arrange for Maria to arrive and work in the main offices of the same corporation I was CEO of. Merry decided this was the time she and Conrad should marry. I walked her down the aisle and Maria was her matron of honor. Gerry moved out and got his own place his second year of college. Pia spent as much time at his apartment as she did here with me, Roger and Wendy. Roger would be joining him at the same school in the fall. Roger and Gerry were both vying for Pia’s affections, but she treated them the same, saying they were her brothers.

Maria, immediately on arriving, started the process of becoming a citizen. We planned on marrying at Thanksgiving time. It was all arranged for her mother to come for an extended visit. I was now forty-four years old and Maria was thirty. We honeymooned in New York City, wanting to be home for the Christmas holidays that were approaching in a couple of weeks.

Coming off the honeymoon, my schedule at corporate headquarters was full. I had many sixteen hour days until Christmas Eve. The holiday itself was wonderful. The kids were all there to stay overnight and Merry and Conrad joined us for dinner.

Maria was the liaison with our satellite factory in Colombia. The week between Christmas and New Year’s was used to get ready for Maria to travel to South America on business the third day of the new year. I couldn’t go as I had a conference in Washington on the fifth. Maria flew down to our factory in Bogotá on the third. She called me when she arrived. The next day, she was to have conferences all day. I called her in the evening so we could exchange love messages.

On the morning of the fifth, I flew from Dallas to Washington, arriving before noon. My meeting with the staff of the committee went well and the real meeting with the legislative body was to be held the next day. I gave my testimony. I had a sit-down dinner with two house members that evening.

Dessert was just being served when my cell vibrated. I looked at the number and saw it was my assistant at the factory, Richard Haley. “Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen. I have a call and it must be important.”

“David here. What’s up Richard?”

“David, I just got a call from Herman in Bogotá. Marie has been kidnapped. It happened much as you were when you were captured. The only difference is, they let the driver of the car go with the ransom note. What shall I do?”

“Nothing for the moment. I’ll see what I can do from here. I’ll call Herman and I think I know someone that will help get her back. I’ll call you if I need you.”

I excused myself from the meeting after quickly explaining what had happened and I was urged to take care of my problem. I immediately called Herman in Colombia. He basically repeated what the previous call had reported, except for more detail of where the snatching had occurred. “Call me if you are contacted again. I’m going to make some calls myself and see if I can find out who the kidnappers are.”

I called my mother-in-law, Inez. “Mother, can you put me in touch with your brother, Raoul? Maria has been kidnapped and a ransom has been demanded.”

“Oh my God. What goes around comes around. I know where Raoul is tonight. This is his phone number.” Inez was wailing when I disconnected.

“Raoul, this is David Dumont. Maria has been kidnapped somewhere near the same area she kidnapped me. The group has demanded a ransom from the company. Needless to say I’m worried. Also she is traveling under her married name. Whether that would make any difference, I don’t know. Do you have any idea who did this and do you have any way to get her back? I thought you might still have some pull.”

I explained what little I knew. Raoul asked if I was flying down. I said no. If it came to paying a ransom, I wanted to be here to gather the money. I might bring it down myself if I thought it would speed things up.

“David, I will see what I can do. It may take a few days. Don’t for God’s sake say anything to the authorities until I contact you. You be cool. We will get her home safe, I promise.” He hesitated before asking, “You would be willing to pay a ransom for her then?”

“Of course.”

“Some different than when she had you up for ransom. How time changes everything. Well, you hang in there and have faith. As I promised, I will get her back for you.

“Thank you Uncle. I know you will.” I filled him in on where I could be reached. He didn’t want me to try and contact him at all, saying he might be in the middle of negotiations. What he meant by that, I didn’t know. All I could do now was wait. I flew home from Washington as soon as I could arrange it. I wanted to tell Pia myself. The two sisters were that close.

Pia didn’t seem as concerned as I was. “Uncle Raoul knows everyone. The people that took Maria can’t know that she is his niece. He’ll also do everything he can because of you. You convinced the authorities he was deserving of amnesty for him. Also you kept to your agreement when Maria let you go.”

No word came for three days. I was worried and frustrated. I called Herman and he said he hadn’t received any more ransom notes, which surprised him. I came to the decision that I should be as near my wife as possible. I waited two more days and still no word. I made reservations to fly to Colombia. I would stay with Maria’s mother Inez overnight and decide at that time whether to fly on to Bogotá or not.

Gerry was the one that would be taking me to the airport. I had my suitcase packed and Gerry was carrying it out when the phone rang. I picked it up. “Daveed.”

“Maria? Oh God it is good to hear your voice. Where are you?”

“I’m at Mama’s. Uncle found and freed me.” I could hear my wife sob. “Daveed, I wasn’t as strong as you were. I was terrified every minute I was held.”

“How did Uncle get you free?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Herman, at the factory, went to the police and the kidnappers were going to kill me when they heard. They didn’t think it safe to continue asking for the ransom, even when I said I was Uncle Raoul’s niece, they wouldn’t believe me. Uncle reached me just in time. The leader was taking me to his hut to have his way with me before killing me. The kidnapper was someone Uncle knew and Uncle walked right into the camp without being challenged. Uncle just stated, “You took my niece, and then he shot him. The other three kidnappers were killed too. It was awful. I’ll have nightmares the rest of my life.”

“Don’t think about it, Maria, sweet. What happens now? Do you want me to come to you? I have a flight out in an hour.”

“No, cancel it. I’m hoping to get on a plane before the media knows I have been freed. We have to be careful because what Uncle Raoul did breaks his amnesty. Oh, Daveed I love you so much. I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again.”

“I love you too.”

“Daveed.” Maria hesitated for more than a minute. “Daveed, I was going to wait until I was in your arms to tell you something. I can’t wait. Daveed, our honeymoon loving is going to bear fruit. You are going to be a Papa.”

Now it was my time to be speechless. Then, “Maria is your uncle still with you?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Just tell him you are naming our firstborn after him. We can do no less.”

“I will. He will be so happy. What if it is a girl?”

“We’ll let him name it, but I’m positive it will be a boy.”

My former father-in-law, Bill, was quite taken with Maria and she often spent time with my in-laws if I was out of town. I was slowly being given more and more responsibility and knew someday I was to be chairman to replace Bill. After both of us had been kidnapped in South America, Bill proposed that if we were, in South America, we would always have some bodyguards traveling with us. He gave me the chore of finding some organization the corporation could trust to keep our members safe.

I made a call. “Raoul, what are you doing now?”

“Nothing, and I hate it! I might as well die, life is so boring.” Gomez guard services were formed before our conversation ended. I was confident with Uncle’s connections, Maria and I would be safe while traveling. It wasn’t just Maria and myself that were guarded, we extended the service to any of our employees that had to travel to South America. Raoul now had a new direction and thanked me for thinking of him.

Raoul William Dumont was born to a proud mother and father in due course. I had now started a new family at forty-four. I should have been having grand-kids in a few years, but instead I was having a son. That was fine as long as it was Maria I was having children by. She followed it up less than two years later with a girl child. Grandmother, Inez, was now making her home with us. It had taken five years for her to immigrate to the states.

Gerry and Pia, after finishing their four years locally, had moved to the east to take two-year courses at a school for marketing. They had moved into a shared apartment. Within two months of graduating, they showed up at the house. “Hi guys, let’s have a family get-together. We’ll invite Conrad and Merriam. Roger and Wendy have to be here. We only have this weekend and we want to see all of the family.”

The party was arranged. Pia declared it was warm enough to have it out of doors. “Much warmer here than at school.” Roger arrived with a cute girl that he was dating. Wendy was home. I ached when I looked at her because she looked so much like her mother, Robin. Maria understood that I couldn’t have forgotten my first wife, especially when I had an almost perfect copy in and out of the house as often as Wendy was here.

Tables were set up close to the house out of the cool breeze that was blowing. Just before dessert was served, Pia announced, “Gerry and I were married Wednesday. I am now Mrs. Gerald Dumont. I know this may surprise everyone, but when I met him seven years ago, I knew he was the man for me. I’ve waited long enough. You may feel cheated out of not being informed of the ceremony, but we will be home for a month as soon as we graduate. At that time I would love to have a reception where you all could celebrate with us.”

Merriam was upset. Gerry had said nothing about marrying Pia. She liked Pia, but had thought all along they had been living together as brother and sister. “No money for the reception from me. Your father will have to pay for it, because I won’t.”

“Mom, I haven’t asked Dad to pay for our wedding or the reception. That has been taken care of. Pia’s Uncle Raoul and Mother Inez have given us a substantial wedding present, so in essence we are paying for it ourselves.” All eyes turned to Inez, who had been living with Maria and me for almost a year now.

She started rattling off an explanation in rapid Spanish. My Spanish had improved much over the years and I understood every word she said. I translated, “Pia confided to her mother that she and Gerry have been living as husband and wife ever since they went east. They were not as careful in their birth control as they should have been and Pia is pregnant. Inez is fully aware of Pia’s condition and she loves Gerry as a son. She is proud to have him as her son-in-law.”

I turned to look at Maria. She was smiling at me. “Daveed, your son and my sister have been so much in love for so long. It is time they were married. Gerald and Pia are of an age and Gerry has been offered lucrative employment. Pia is within a year of the same age as when I married you. You were married the first time long before you were their age. Be happy for them.”

I knew Maria’s feelings. What about Merriam’s? I could see she wanted to be sure when she asked, “Gerry, you are sure about this?”

“Yes Mom, I am, and you have known Pia for several years. Could you ask for a better daughter-in-law?”

“When you put it that way, no I couldn’t. I know you will both be happy with each other.” Her eyes swung and centered on me. “David, somehow I feel these young people will have the life you and I could have had. No, better actually. What a large family they have around to guide them.”

Just then Roger spoke to his half brother. “Gerry and Pia, you have had this year to be married in. Next year is my year. That is unless Wendy beats me to the altar.” There was a grin from both my children by Robin.

Across the room, Raoul William was running around, while Maria held squirming little Inez, the baby wanting to be nursed. It seemed as if there would always a Dumont somewhere in the future. I can live with that.

The End

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