Summer School
21,593 Words
Readers score 7.83
Hank, a teacher, has students for the summer.
With company coming, he needs his house cleaned.
He hires a homeless woman for the job.
They find they work well together.
He, the woman and the students draw close.
I was coming out of the store with a few groceries and other items. Most of the other things were cleaning supplies, as my sister and my two nephews were due for their annual visit. I’ll admit that this year I wasn’t looking forward to her coming. I had been divorced for two months now. My wife had moved out several months ago and I was now living alone.
The house was in terrible shape. The curtains were just as my wife had left them. I swept when I started tripping over things. The windows had their winter grime on them. The kitchen stove was a mess, but I did keep the counters clean. The dining room table was cleared off, as that is where I worked. About the only things that I kept anywhere near clean were the toilet bowl and the tub/shower enclosure. The second bath, I suppose I should clean that too as that is the one Sis would be using. At least I had two weeks to get it ready.
My brother-in-law wasn’t going to be with them. He had been activated and although he wouldn’t be going overseas, he was to be away most of the summer training other soldiers. It was a good thing for he was more particular than my sister about keeping things clean. As I pulled up to the stoplight before entering the main drag, I saw a young woman in cast-off clothes standing by a hand lettered sign that said she would do most anything for minimum wage. “Need food.”
She was dirty and dressed in a ragged pair of jeans, but she had a bright look on her face. The top she had on was just a heavy sweater, equally as dirty. I studied her as I was waiting in line three cars back. Something about her made me think I had seen her before. Making a snap decision, I pulled up beside her and spoke out the rolled-down passenger side window. “Do you do housecleaning?”
“My specialty. Don’t ask for anything personal though.”
“You’re safe with me. I don’t trust women much anymore. I do need my house cleaned, that’s all. Get in. Do you want to inform anyone where you are?”
“Nope, no one to tell. Mister, if I’m cleaning your house can I use your washing machine to wash some clothes?”
“I guess so. Where’s your stuff?”
“Down under the bridge at the interstate overpass. I have two garbage bags. I just hope no one has run off with them.”
“We’ll swing by. I have just one more stop to make myself. I live about five miles from here over by the school on the edge of town. By the way, my name is Hank Rawlings.”
“You can call me Angie.” No last name or nothing. I guess maybe there was more that needed washing than some clothes. There was a distinct unwashed odor about my passenger. She must have known it for she cracked the window and sat as far away from me as possible.
The town supported a large dollar store and I pulled into the parking lot. “Do you need anything?”
“Maybe a candy bar. You can take it out of my wages.” I nodded as I got out of my truck.
I went in and went down the aisle that held women’s underwear and socks. I even found a bra that was one-size-fits-all. There were some shimmery things that I guessed were worn over the bra, and I grabbed a couple of those as well.
I almost forgot the candy bar as there were some women whispering to each other as I was checking out with the unmentionables. As I left the counter, face red, I asked of them, “Do dollar store clothes feel good on a man? I have never shopped in one before.” That might give the whispering bitches something to think about.
When I climbed into my truck Angie said, “I thought you didn’t trust women. You left the keys in the ignition. I could have driven away and sold the truck.”
“You didn’t though. So I know one more thing about you in addition to your name. You’re honest. Actually it is my heart not my mind that doesn’t trust women anymore.” I found the bridge and Angie scrambled out just as another homeless person was opening her garbage bag.
Angie screamed at him and the guy ran off as I got out of the truck. There was a mattress there, but Angie said it wasn’t hers although she had been sleeping on it--ugg! We threw the two bags in the back and in five minutes we were on the way to my home. I handed her the candy bar which was a Snickers and she nibbled at it until the final large bite which she popped into her mouth. “That was heavenly. Thank you.”
My house was a modest three bedroom. There was a two car garage with a loft that was empty over it.
“Would you show me where the washing machine is? My clothes are filthy.”
“Wouldn’t you like to take a shower or bath first?”
“I would, but I don’t have anything clean to put on.”
“I think there is still a house dress in the kitchen cupboard that my wife used and didn’t take with her. Would that do?”
“That would be great.”
“Good, I’ll dig it out and put it in the bedroom. There are towels and soap and even some shampoo of hers that is left. The scent reminds me of her, but I can stand it for today. What size shoe do you wear? Your sneakers are about shot. There is a box of odds and ends of shoes out in the garage. I’ll bring it in and you can look through it.”
“You are being awful good to me. Are you expecting more than just cleaning?”
“No. You appear to be having a tough time at the moment. I just want you to be comfortable while cleaning my house. Everything I’m giving you would be tossed sooner or later. I’m glad someone can use it.”
“Thank you, I’ll accept.”
I gathered up the house dress, found the box of shoes and laid the stuff from the dollar store out on the bed as promised. It was only ten a.m. but I surmised that Angie would be hungry, probably from missing breakfast. I mixed up some pancake batter and put bacon and sausage in the skillet. I waited a half-hour and I was putting the meat on a plate and had just turned the pancakes over when she came out of the bedroom.
She was eyeing the one place I had set. “Where do you want me to start while you are eating your breakfast?”
“I’ve had my breakfast. I suspect you missed yours. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll put this on your plate. I have morning coffee, but it is pretty strong.”
“I’ll drink it. Coffee is my weakness. I’m still wondering what all this is going to cost me, but--oh hell, I’ll worry about that later.” Angie was a dainty eater and savored every bite. Every once in awhile she smiled at me. Finally as the last pancake disappeared she sat back with the last of the coffee as well.
“Okay, I’m full now and I’m clean and I am going to have clean clothes to wear. By the way, how did you know what size to get me?”
“You are about the same size as my former wife. I was married to her for seven years. What I got you was cheap stuff, but I didn’t think you would mind.”
“Mind? They are much better than what I have been wearing. Would you tell me why your wife and you are divorced? After that I’ll tell you the story of my life. I know I’m supposed to be working, but I’ll work doubly hard this afternoon to make up for it. You know I’m not going to get all this done today?”
“I know. Would you stay until it is finished? I need it completed by the time my sister and her two kids arrive. That is in about two weeks. You can use the bedroom where you changed earlier. I sleep upstairs.”
“Of course I will stay. I haven’t had it this good since my parents asked me to leave. I’ll get to that later, but it is your turn.”
“Short version. My wife was cheating on me. She was cheating with someone who I thought was a good friend. I discovered this had been going on for more than a year. I still gave her a choice of staying with me and not cheating or our being divorced. They are living together at the present. The last I knew he hadn’t asked her to marry him which upsets her. She was crying on my shoulder about it the last time we spoke. I think she wanted me to ask her to come back. I waved the final divorce papers I had in my hand at the time in her face and walked away.”
“And how do you feel about that? Are you sorry for making that decision?”
“No, but I have a pretty lonely existence.”
“Not dating?”
“No, not yet. Someday maybe. I’m twenty-eight and I would still like a family. It has to be with someone that won’t cheat. How can I tell? I can’t, so I’ve been putting it off. Your turn. How can a woman as young as you and obviously well educated, be homeless?”
“Made some wrong decisions and assumptions, that is how. I’m twenty-four and I graduated from a teachers college last year. I met a black man while in school and I fell in love. My parents hated him. Maybe not so much the man, but the thought of me giving myself to a black person. They kicked me out and I went to live with him.
“I was hoping for marriage and assumed we would tie the knot. I became pregnant, which upset him, and we started fighting. I fell down some stairs and he walked out after telling me he didn’t want anything more to do with me. This happened when I was laying at the foot of the stairs. Ten hours later I miscarried the fetus because of the fall. We were living half-way across the country from here and I was alone without friends with no one to turn to.
“So as they say, I hit the road and have been slowly working my way to home with my head up. If they had seen me as I was when you picked me up, they wouldn’t even open the door.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Have you had any contact with them since you left? They may feel they have made the wrong decision by kicking you out.”
“Don’t bet on it. They are pretty prejudiced. I’m totally tainted. I do want to contact them to find out though, just to have things settled between us. I’ll call them before I leave if I may.”
“Do you have your teaching certificate?”
“Yes, not in hand, but I can get it before the fall semester.”
“Most of the teachers have contracts by this time. You may have trouble finding work.”
“There is always a teacher shortage.”
“Sure in the inner city or out in the boonies somewhere. Is either one of those what you are looking for?”
“Well maybe you will get lucky and be able to work steadily as a substitute. Angie, would you tell me your last name, seeing as how you are working for me?”
“It is Watkins. Angie Watkins. You aren’t going to take tax out on me are you?”
“No, no tax.” I was shocked. I knew Angie looked familiar when I first saw her and now I knew why. Her mother’s name is Helen and her father’s name is Frank. Well they would be happy to know she was alive. I was thankful I was the one to pick her up this morning. I had met the Watkins’ at a teachers convention four years ago and every year since then, my wife and I made sure we had adjoining rooms. We always went down to dinner together and went out afterward for the evening.
Last year wasn’t as joyful as usual for any of us. Shirley, my wife, had just left me and I was alone. Before the convention was over I learned that Frank and Helen were having problems of their own concerning their daughter. I was a little more liberal in my thinking so I couldn’t quite agree with them about how they felt when they found their daughter was in love with a black man.
“So what has happened to your man? Did you ever hear from him again?”
“No and I made the decision he wasn’t for me. Before I left the city this all happened in, I heard he was looking for me. I guess you can say I ran away. You know it isn’t easy being with someone of a different race. My people hate him for being with a white woman. The blacks have the feeling that a white woman is with a black man for just one thing. He was a charming bastard and that is why I thought I was in love with him. We were just too different and it wouldn’t have worked even if he was white. I guess you can say I have lost everything.”
I looked at Angie. There were tears in her eyes. I wanted to give her a hug, but I knew instinctively she would push me away. I changed the subject. “I think I’d better show you what I need done. You probably know what is needed more than I do. When we get to the outside windows, I have to remove the storms. We will have to do that in the mornings. In the afternoons I have three students I tutor in math.”
“You’re a teacher? My father is a teacher too. I think that is why he is so disappointed in me. For awhile he thought I would apply to the same school where he works. Maybe I can watch you a little this afternoon and see how you teach.”
“Sure. The students arrive after lunch at one o’clock.”
I put Angie to work upstairs sweeping, dusting and eventually washing the inside of the windows. I had my usual lunch of cold cereal, just saying I would put together something for dinner after the students left. The students were from disadvantaged families and the city had a program and a grant from the state to give them help if they would promise to return to school in the fall. They were all old enough to legally leave school, and all would be seniors this coming year. The school board knew that if they did leave without completing the last year, they wouldn’t be of much use to society. So I volunteered this summer since I didn’t have a wife to worry about.
When the session was half over I looked up and Angie had come in and unobtrusively sat in the corner of the dining room where I had the students around the table. “Hey guys, this is Miss Watkins. She is planning on teaching somewhere this fall. Right now I have hired her to do some housework for me. Angie, meet Gail, Debra and Pete. Get to know each other while I get us a snack.”
I went out and brought back a coffee ring with a bottle of orange soda. I had plastic cups and I poured all of us a drink and split the ring into five pieces, placing them on a napkin. Gail spoke to Angie, “You have beautiful blonde hair. It is such a pretty shade of gold. It is almost bronze.”
“Thank you, I’ve often thought about cutting it short, but my last boyfriend liked it long.”
“You have a boyfriend? Tell us about him.”
“No use, we aren’t together anymore. Do you have someone you like Gail?”
“I have a someone I like, but he doesn’t even know I’m alive.” She blushed red. “I’m fat and have zits so I’d die if he knew my feelings. It would embarrass me so.”
“Mr. Rawlings isn’t helping you much by feeding you cake and soda pop.”
“I know, but this is my lunch. Days I don’t come for a lesson, I don’t have anything.”
“I know how it is to be hungry. You are just glad to have something.”
Debra picked up on Angie calling me Mr. Rawlings. “How come you don’t call Hank, Hank? We do.”
“This is my first day here and he hasn’t said I could.”
I settled that. “Well, I’m saying you can as of right now. Okay guys, break is over. You can stick around if you want Angie.”
“No Hank, I just came down for a minute. Thanks for the snack. Bye guys. I may see you again.”
Debra hit me with, “She is beautiful. Even under that faded house dress you can tell she has a nice figure. Look at me, I’ll never have half of what she has. Pete you can put your tongue back in your head now. You were positively drooling.”
“Shut up Deb.”
When the students left for the day I went into the kitchen and raided the freezer for something to feed Angie and me for dinner. I had a small chuck roast, but knew I didn’t have time to pot roast it. I ended up slicing it thin when it was half thawed and pounding it with a meat mallet. I mashed it until it almost fell apart. I made a macaroni and cheese casserole and put that in the oven to bake.
I took a few leaves off a head of lettuce and made a bed for a salad in two cereal bowls. I sliced off two thick slices of tomato and put them one each on top of the lettuce. I then quartered an apple and lined the bowl with thin slices and a few thin bits of sliced onion. A big spoonful of cottage cheese in the center with a few raisins around the cheese and then a few sprinkles of Italian dressing on the onion and apples finished it off. I needed a cucumber to make it right, but we would have to make do.
When I knew the casserole was almost done I double dipped the meat in an egg and milk mixture and rolled it in flour. Before I dropped the slices into deep fat, I asked Angie to get ready for dinner. I drained the meat as it came out of the fryer onto some paper towels and put it on a platter. Placing the macaroni and cheese on the table I said, “Let’s eat.”
“Do you say grace? I want to thank someone for this.” I shook my head no.
“Well you will have to do then until I meet God. Thank you. Oh goody, a salad. You know, if you are feeding those kids, you should give them something like this salad. Maybe you should put a cucumber in it though.”
I was silent with a smile on my face until she looked at me. “I’m sorry Hank, I was thinking out loud. Tell me to shut up anytime.”
“I was smiling for I didn’t have a cucumber and knew the salad called for one. That is all. The meat may be tough for I didn’t have the right cut although it is flavorful as you chew it and the taste comes through.”
“Pure ambrosia. What’s the cheese in the macaroni?”
“Extra sharp cheddar and a small amount of goat cheese. I sprinkled in some minced onion and put just a bit of garlic powder in it too.”
“You should have been a chef. This is so good. Better than the Twinkie I had last night.”
“I have some frozen strawberries for dessert. If you want we can wait to have them later. I didn’t make coffee because it keeps me awake and then I can’t keep my mind off what has transpired this past year.”
“I don’t blame you and I know just what you mean. Your mind goes round and round and you end up in the morning more tired than ever. Hank, not to get personal, but do the sheets on your bed need washing? I can run them through and make your bed up fresh. Tomorrow, I’ll take stock and see what I can do to make the whole place better for you.”
“That would be nice. Angie, it is nice having a woman in the house again and I’m glad it is you.”
“Thank you Hank. How was I so lucky to have you stop for me this morning? To tell the truth I was about at ropes end. My own clothes were stolen three weeks ago and somehow whoever it was found what little money I had hidden. What I have in those garbage bags are just some cast-offs from some homeless people that didn’t have much either and took pity on me. They do cover me and now they are clean. At least I haven’t had to put out to get something to eat or wear, but it has been suggested sometimes.”
She was silent before continuing. “I made up my mind this morning that I was going to tonight if I had to, just to get a good meal. When you get so far down, I suppose you don’t care.” Again she was struggling to say something. “Hank if you want me, I’ll go to bed with you.”
I contemplated her. “Angie, I thank you for the offer. Really though, I hired you to clean my house and that was the agreement when you got in my truck. I think we should stick to that agreement.”
Angie giggled, and then laughed. “I knew it. I know now why one of your students is in love with you. You’re a nice, nice person. I can tell by your face you didn’t know how Gail felt did you? I bet all the girls in your classes are in love with you.”
“You could be wrong about me being nice. Why did my wife leave me for another man then? Tell me that.”
“It’s nothing wrong with you, I’ll bet. It has to be her fault from what I’ve seen so far. Okay, I’m off to make you a comfortable bed to sleep in--alone.” Angie went giggling up the stairs.
I decided I would go back to the grocery store and stock up with food if I was going to be feeding my cleaning lady. She said I needed cucumber, so cucumber she would get. I went into the garage and got another box of stuff my wife had left and carried it into Angie’s bedroom. Her clean clothes were folded on the bed. I thumbed through them. They ran from size seven to sixteen. And I knew Angie must be a ten.
I shouted up the stairs. “Angie, I put a box of stuff my wife left that was in the garage in your room. I think they are your size. I’m going to the store. I’ll be back after awhile.”
When I got away from the house I called Frank Watkins on my cell phone. “Hey Frank, I was thinking of you the other day. Thought I’d give you a call. How are you and Helen doing?”
“Not good. We have never heard from Angie. It has been months. Hank, we made a mistake in pushing her away. What were we thinking? I mean she is an adult and we had no control over her. We are just so disappointed in the choices she made. You know that black man she claims to have loved showed up looking for her about a month ago. He claims she left him. He also said she was pregnant at the time.
“Helen is about crazy with grief thinking our daughter is out there somewhere pregnant and alone. According to her man she would be about five months along now. I still don’t like the son-of-a-bitch, but the kid needs a father and she needs someone. I’ve got his address if she ever contacts us. Oh well, enough of our problems. How are you doing? Are you divorced yet?”
“Yeah, two months now. I’m kind of lonely. I feel like seven years of my life has been wasted. I’ve just hired a housekeeper. She laughs at me. I’m doing some tutoring this summer. Anyway, my housekeeper says my female students are all in love with me. If I can attract girls that young, maybe I can find someone my age to love again.”
“I’ll bet you can too. How come the housekeeper? Shirley bragged about how much help you were around the house.”
“I’ve let things go lately. My sister is coming in a couple of weeks for the usual two. I thought I’d shine the place up for her. Frank, don’t give up on your daughter just yet. I feel she will contact you someday and you can resolve any differences you may have. Hey, we will have to get together before school starts in the fall. Call me sometime in August and I’ll take a break from my students and come up. Give my love to Helen.”
“Thanks for calling, Hank. You start dating and find that good woman you deserve. I’ll be talking to you. Bye.”
I went along to the store and got what I needed to fill my housekeeper up on all the meals she had missed. When I got home Angie met me at the door in slacks and a white blouse. “Hank are you sure your wife won’t be coming for these clothes? They fit me perfectly and some of these things are really beautiful.”
“No, she told me to trash everything she left. She came in and I let her take everything she wanted. Her boyfriend makes more money than I ever did so I’m sure he replaced her wardrobe first thing. I have no idea what she left. I just emptied out her bureau drawers and stripped the hangers into some boxes. There are a few more out in the garage.”
“I don’t think I would like your wife very much if I met her. I think you were lucky to get free of her.”
“I think so most of the time, but then I remember the good times we had too.”
“I’m sorry, Hank. It isn’t my place to pass judgment on her. I apologize.”
“Okay. How about a beer or a glass of wine? I stocked up at the store.”
“Beer would be fine.” My favorite comedy was on and shortly after it was over, I went up the stairs to bed. Following me up was a “Goodnight Hank. Thank you for everything.” I slept without dreams. Maybe it was the freshly made bed or maybe it was having someone to talk to and share a beer with.
Morning found Angie positively glowing. “I slept in a bed last night. First time since I got robbed. I slept like a baby. Hank you read the paper while I get breakfast. I can cook you know. Mom insisted that I learn.” Angie went silent remembering her mother.
“You should call her. She must be worried about you. I know I would be if I was your mother.”
“I’ll think about it. They hurt me terribly when they wouldn’t listen to me.”
“Maybe they didn’t know how deeply you cared for this person. Did they know you were pregnant at the time?”
“No, I wasn’t pregnant until later.”
“You should tell your mom about that then. Tell her how you felt when you lost the baby. From what I have seen of you, you must have felt bad.”
“Worse than I did when I lost Sam. It was a terrible time for me. All behind me now. No Sam and no baby.” Angie turned so I couldn’t see the tears glistening in her eyes.
“Call your mother soon. I think you need her.”
“This morning when I take a break. What do you have planned? I think we should do the windows outside. You said you would remove the storms for me.”
“Okay boss.” Angie came out in shorts and a halter. I had seen them before on my wife, but either I forgot or Angie looked better in them than Shirley for I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.
She caught me staring. “I’m sorry Hank. I shouldn’t have worn these. I didn’t think that it might bring back memories.” Little did she realize that I wasn’t looking at the clothes. Helen had knobby knees and Angie’s legs were perfection. I couldn’t even describe her butt--I would have to think about it to describe it. Her breasts bounced every step she took on the ladder going up and coming down. My phone rang--thank God.
I went inside to answer it. “Mr. Rawlings. You have three students you are tutoring. One of our tutors has had to leave the program. Would you be willing to take on three more? These students are younger and need help in English grammar mostly. They won’t be starting until the day after the Fourth of July.”
“Can I think it over for a day and call you back?”
“Yes. We are really in a bind. We have already accepted them into the program and find we don’t have a teacher to help them. Be sure to call.”
“I will by tomorrow at ten. I may have a solution for you. Thanks for thinking of me. I know this program is really making a difference.” I went back outside. “Angie, what are you planning to teach when you get a position?”
“English grammar and composition, why?”
“Would you like to have three kids to tutor after the Fourth of July if I can arrange it for you? It is a paid position. Probably about the same as cleaning houses.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“But I don’t have a place like you have, or do I go to the kids’ homes?”
“You can use some of the space here. I can find out more if you are interested.”
“Hank, I don’t know. You are doing too much for me. I feel obligated to pay in some way.”
“No you won’t. I’ll give you the same deal we have on the housework. No sex. I’ll even put it in writing.”
“Why? I mean why are you doing this? You must have an ulterior motive.”
“I do, but I promise it won’t harm you in anyway. I will tell you this, you are helping me get over the divorce from my wife by just being here. Maybe I’m helping in the same way with what happened to you in the last few months. I would like to think so. You will be moving on when you find permanent work. You may even go home to your parents. In fact why don’t you call them before you decide for the summer?”
“Okay, I will. I will call my mom right now.”
It was more than an hour later before she came out with tears of happiness in her eyes. “I didn’t tell her all of my problems and I didn’t tell her where I was living. I just said I was staying with a friend and was working part time. I said I hoped to get a job teaching during the summer. I told her I would see her before school started in the fall.”
“There’s more. You talked for an hour.”
“Yes, Sam is looking for me. He has the same address. I’m going to write him and tell him I won’t go back to him. I told Mom about losing the baby and how it happened. She cried when I told her. I forgave her for sending me away. I apologized for causing them so much pain.”
“How come you aren’t heading home right now?”
“I said I couldn’t because I had promised the person I’m staying with I would help him. That’s you. If the tutoring job doesn’t pan out I will at least go visit and then maybe come back and teach in the same school as you if I can get a contract.”
“I’m not holding you to our agreement about cleaning the house. My sister can screech all she wants to. She will still love me.”
“No, I want to do it this way. Mom knows I’m safe. That was what was worrying them.”
I called the program manager an hour later and after telling him about Angie, I said I would bring her in for an interview tomorrow morning. We finished the outside windows by noon. She joined me in cold cereal for lunch. When the students came she was busily working. Break time she brought in a salad and some raisins. She also had a bowl of peanuts. Tomorrow I stated that we would have the salad before we started in on the daily work. For break we would have an apple and raisins and peanuts would be available.
That is the way it went for the rest of the week. Saturday morning I said it was pay day. Big argument! She ended up finally accepting a hundred dollars from me. She said she was overpaid even then as the board and room I was providing was worth much more. She had put Shirley’s clothes in order and back in the closet and bureau from whence I had taken them. Saturday night I took Angie to dinner and a movie afterward.
This was almost a date. Angie was intelligent and interesting to talk to. She told me of some of the slights she encountered by being with a black man. “People are so mean. He was no different than you. I don’t mean that exactly. You are nicer than he was. Alone when we were together he was mostly nice. When we were out with his black friends I was looked down on. I guess it is a cultural difference. Maybe it was only a perception and I can’t really explain it. I didn’t feel like I am less than an equal when we went out tonight. With him I always had my guard up.”
“I think you explained it very well. How much do you miss him?”
“Not so much right now. You know, I worked so hard to get beyond the way my folks felt. I thought I could change the world. My friends all told me I was letting myself in for a lot of heartbreak and I laughed at them. But then when he and I lived together for awhile, everything they said came true. So it was me that was wrong and not the people around me.”
“It takes a big person to admit something like that. What was the thing that you were fighting about that suddenly changed you?”
“It wasn’t a thing, it was what he called me. He said I was his white slut. This was when I was on the floor hurting from falling down the stairs. I have to admit he didn’t push me. I swung at him and lost my balance, but he came down and stood over me. He walked out and then I called 911 with cramps. Three days later I went back to where we were living and I packed up. Everything went into a big suitcase and an hour later I was in a car that stopped for me on the entrance ramp to a freeway.”
“Angie, I think you are a very brave person in several ways.”
She cocked her head and looked at me. “No sage words of advice?”
“Not this time. None needed.”
I waited outside the program office while Angie was interviewed. When she came out she said, “I think I’m in. All they need now is my scholastic records. He said also that if I decided to stay in the area, to contact him and he would help me get placed. Hank, you are my good luck charm. Take me home. I have a house to clean.”
My sister was coming in on Sunday afternoon. The house shone--I mean it was spotless. Angie and I worked so well together. Not only that she always came in for a half hour to see how I taught my students. They started coming early and we did institute the salad lunch. While eating she told them about college life and how she coped with the change from high school and home to living alone.
Friday afternoon I announced that Angie was going to be their teacher some of the time in the next two weeks as I had company coming. They seemed thrilled with the idea. I moved the study area up into the loft over the garage and said that is where we would be holding classes for the rest of the summer. I even installed a small air conditioner in case it got too warm.
I also put a cot up there for myself to sleep on while my sister was here. Angie objected strongly saying that she should be the one to move out of the house. I grinned at her reminding her that I was the boss. She went away shaking her head. Sis was the typical Army wife and could cope with whatever was asked of her. I suppose she had to be, with Gus away so much. My two nephews paid no attention to her and were kind of brats, but I loved them.
When Mary and the kids arrived, we hugged all around. Angie stood back until introduced as my housekeeper. I didn’t let it lie there. “Angie has just graduated from college. She is staying here with me doing my housework until she finds a job teaching. In the meantime she is taking on students next month who need tutoring. I have three and she will have three. I’ve converted the loft to a room to study in.”
The first thing Mary said when we were alone was, “She had on Shirley’s slacks and blouse. I know, for they were a Christmas present I picked out especially for her.”
“Yes, well Shirley didn’t want them when she left. Angie’s wardrobe is pretty skimpy and I gave her all the things that Shirley didn’t want.”
“They certainly look better on your housekeeper than they did on your wife. Are there any other benefits she provides you with besides looking good?”
“No Sis. Actually I know her parents very well and I wouldn’t want to cross a line by coming on to her. Don’t say anything about it please.”
The two women got along famously. It wasn’t long before my sister became Angie’s confidant and was told about her troubles. Mary couldn’t keep quiet about my wife Shirley either and so Angie knew all about my love life as well. I spent all of my free time entertaining my nephews. Angie took over my tutoring position in the afternoons with my part-time guidance.
The Fourth of July was on a Monday. I announced Friday to my pupils that if they would like to go camping for the holiday I would take them up to a camp on a lake I reserved yearly on the Fourth. We would leave Saturday morning, stay over two nights and come back Monday evening late. Sis and my nephews would be leaving for home on Wednesday.
None of the students had ever been camping before and were overjoyed at the chance to go. Mary and the kids had been there of course and knew the area well. Angie pawed through Shirley’s things and found bikinis for her and Debra. There was nothing that would fit Gail, so I sent Sis down to the clothing outlet with her to get something she would look good in.
Pete had a pair of cut-offs he was going to wear. While Sis was gone, Angie said, “No matter what Gail looks like, you tell her she looks nice. She has lost seven pounds in the last three weeks. If she keeps it up all summer, she is not going to look like the same person. You know, you are teaching these kids more than just math. I hope I’m as good when I get my own three students.”
“You will be. These kids have all had it tough in one way or another. I can’t see any harm in showing them a little about life besides what they are here for, and they have been studying hard. Some of this was your idea by pointing out what was needed. Let’s plan what we need for food. I think we better stick to the basics of hamburg and dogs with plenty of salads.”
“No chicken? Cooking out means chicken to me.”
“Okay chicken. We’ll get a watermelon too. If we want something sweeter, there is a creamie stand not too far away. I’m going down to the car rental and get a van for most of us to ride in. I’ll put the boat on top of that. Sis can drive her car, but the boys will want to ride with me. Hey I think this is going to be fun!”
When Gail and Sis returned I asked Gail if she had found anything. “Mary did buy me a suit, but I look terrible in it. I’m so fat I look like a tub.”
“It can’t be that bad. I noticed you have lost some weight in the last couple of weeks and your complexion is clearing up. If you keep on losing I’ll buy you another suit next month because the one you bought today won’t fit. Look at Angie. She had the same shape as you have when she was your age. One day she looked in the mirror and decided to change her image. She almost went too far for awhile and lost too much and made herself sick. Look for someone to advise you just as Angie has been doing. You are going to be a lovely young woman.”
“Do you really think so, Hank?”
“I do Gail.” I happened to glance at Angie and that made me think of what I had just said. She was staring at me. Unconsciously I had repeated what Helen had told me about Angie’s teenage years and how she had corrected herself. “Pete, let’s go get the van and let these ladies talk bathing suits if they want to. Oh ladies, one other thing. I’ll pump up the air mattresses for tonight and all of us men can sleep in the loft. We’ll leave the house to the women. You kids get permission to stay over. Tell your parents there are three adults here so they won’t worry. Come on boys, you’re part of this.”
We took off for the camp about ten in the morning. I guess the women had a slumber party in the house, as Pete and I heard music and laughter coming all the way to the loft. In fact I went to sleep with it in my ears. Sis knew the way, so she took Debra and my two nephews and left early while I stopped and got groceries. Angie sat next to me in the van. “Okay Mister, how did you know I was a fat little kid and starved myself sick getting thin?”
“I didn’t, but you said to build up Gail’s self-esteem and that seemed a way to do it. Why, were you a fat little kid?”
“Yes I was. You said it like you knew it for fact, though. It was like you knew me when I was that age.”
“Well I didn’t. I never saw you before in my life. You sure turned out pretty good now that I know you were a chubby little girl.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“Take it any way you want to. So how bad does Gail look in her suit?”
“Not bad at all considering. I think you hit the nail on the head and she will try to live up to what you said she was going to look like. She was asking me all kinds of questions. I still wonder how you knew to use me as an example though.”
Sis had the camp open and some of the supplies stored out of the way. The refrigerator was full of food. It looked like a lot, but out in the open like this, you were always hungry. Pete and I got the boat down off the van and into the water. It was aluminum so it wasn’t heavy. Angie said it was big enough for three adults, so she took Gail and Pete out and showed them how to row. I had a little two person tent I put up for my two nephews.
I built a fire with the wood I had purchased on the way here. I had a gas grill for the important stuff like coffee and breakfast. The camp had two rooms and a small porch with a railing around it. The facilities were common ones with showers quite away back from the lake. This wasn’t camping in the wild, but enough different so you knew you weren’t home.
There was another camp not far away across the path and an elderly couple stayed there all summer long, returning each year. I knew them well and Sis did too. We went over and I introduced my students and Angie. Lunch out of the way, I said I was going to crash in the bedroom on the lowest bunk. Pete and Gail blew up an air mattress and put it in the first room on the floor and plunked down on that. Angie and Debra took the two kids and went out in the boat.
Sis was sitting on the porch when I went in, saying she was going across the way later to visit. I guess I had been asleep an hour when I heard a commotion in the outer room. “Hey Tubby where is that asshole, Hank?”
Shit, that was my former friend’s voice, the one who had taken my wife from me. I rolled off the bunk and started toward the door. Pete was up and telling Lyman he couldn’t talk to his girlfriend that way. “What are you going to do about it, Punk?” Pete launched a blow at Lyman and he was viciously backhanded for his efforts.
I had never raised a hand to the man who stole my wife before this, for I deduced Shirley was more than willing to be taken. Lyman’s back was to me and I ran at him as hard as I could. I took him out of the room, across the porch and through the railing which almost stopped us. It didn’t and he landed on the ground three feet down. He made a loud “umph” sound when I landed on top of him. Then I really started beating on him. I guess all of the pain, heartache and anger from the humiliation I felt came to the fore. I wouldn’t be stopped.
When I had my hands around his throat, Angie, Sis and Shirley pulled me away. Lyman just lay there groaning. Shirley shouted at me. “Hank, you tried to kill him. What is the matter with you?”
“I tried to kill him. He hit one of my students. I saw him. Get Lyman’s ass in your car and get him out of here.”
“Well let me clean him up, he’s bleeding.”
I looked then at what I had done. Lyman had landed on his face in the graveled yard. He had little sharp stones sticking out of his flesh. One eyebrow was peeled away from his forehead. “Tough, do it and then get out.” I looked at Sis and Angie. “Go ahead and help her if you want to. The sooner the two of them leave the better.”
It took awhile before he was able to leave. The neighboring campers had called 911 and of course the police came with them. I guess the only thing that saved me was Pete’s eye that was red and soon to be discolored. The rescue squad determined that Lyman not only had his face rearranged but had at least three ribs broken when we broke through the railing. Shirley stayed far in the background.
When it got sorted out, Shirley admitted to the police that Lyman knew I would be here and that he had been drinking. Also neither he nor my ex-wife had been invited. The police had called Debra’s mom and yes, she had permission to be at the camp with her teacher and other students and she knew the other parents were aware also. Lyman, still unconscious, was transported in an ambulance. I walked my ex-wife to her car. “Lyme was up here to twist your tail about me. I warned him. You know most all of our mutual friends have dumped him, me along with him. Hank, I don’t think I’ll be living with him much longer. Things aren’t working out like we thought they would. He isn’t like he used to be and has changed.”
“Maybe he hasn’t changed that much. Maybe you are just getting to know him. I would have dumped him as a friend earlier if I hadn’t grown up with him.”
“Hank, are you happy over the way things are turning out for me? The mess I have made of my life, I mean.”
“Not happy and not all that surprised. You broke some vows. Those around you won’t forget it and you won’t forget it yourself either. I do miss you sometimes and I wish you hadn’t done what you did, but I can’t take you back.”
“No, I know that. By the way, who is that adorable woman that has on my old bikini? She is lovely. Is she your new love interest?”
“No, she is my housekeeper. She cleaned my sty of a house before Mary came. Also the teaching program was looking for another tutor for the summer and she is qualified. She and I have made a schoolroom out of the loft. That is our only association.”
“Somehow I feel it is more or soon will be. Look I have to go. I never should have let Lyman come up here. He got the worst of it and I guess I’m not sorry about that. I’ll see you again sometime. Take care.” I wandered back to the cabin. Everyone was looking at me.
“I’m sorry about all this guys. I never expected my ex-wife although she has been here every year before this since we married. Shall we stay and see if we can salvage the weekend or do you want to leave? Personally I would like to stay.” Everyone opted to stay. I was quiet for the evening thinking back over the day’s events.
Angie came up and sat next to me on the porch. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, but I have never lost my temper like that before and it scares me a little. I wouldn’t have let anyone see me like that intentionally.”
“We all know that and aren’t blaming you a bit.” She giggled. “You do know you aren’t Gail’s main love interest anymore don’t you? All the love she had for you has been transferred to her hero. Pete defended her and you are out.”
“Well something good has come out of today anyway. By the way my wife thinks you are lovely in her bikini. She recognized it immediately.”
“Nice of her to say so.”
“So tell me, what was your impression of her?”
“First of all, I think I should tell you about some impressions I have of you. You want people to like you and you go out of your way to gain their likes. The thing is, you are genuine in this. What I mean is, you know you have to earn their respect and that is how you get everyone to like you.
“Your wife now, was so used to having you treat her like that, she felt she could do anything and you would still love her. Tell me about how you found out she was cheating on you. That would have a bearing on my impression of her.”
“Typical scenario I’ve heard. I came home early when the school was closed due to a heating plant malfunction. Shirley, I assumed, would be working and I was surprised to find Lyman’s Mercedes in the yard. I walked in on them and they tried to convince me that since he and I were friends, Shirley would keep us both happy. I didn’t raise my voice and I told Lyman to leave.
“I sat down with my wife after he had gone and we discussed what she did. She admitted she was thrilled with the attention Lyman was giving her. I asked if she had a choice, who would she prefer to be married to. Lyman is quite well to do, and I guess he leads a more exciting life. I’m just a teacher. I moved to a motel and told her I would be back for her decision in a week.
“The divorce papers were on the kitchen table when I came back. The terms were agreeable so I signed them and called her. She had taken some of her things and I suggested that she come and get everything she wanted, for she wouldn’t be welcomed in the house after that one time. I did make out pretty well so I have heard. She didn’t try for the house, my pension, or what money my folks had left me. The rest was split down the middle. This being a no fault state helped a lot.
“I run into her every now and again. The day before the divorce was final she called and asked if I wanted to drop the divorce and I said no. I don’t think she is happy. I think I’m happier now without her than I would be if I took her back, although I do miss her.
“I guess I felt humiliated by the whole mess, but have never tried for any revenge. I think that is why Lyman was here today. He wanted to humiliate me just a little more. Unplanned, today was pay back for a lot of things. It was a big wheel and it came around to me finally. Right now I feel as if I can respect myself again. I think from what Shirley said, she isn’t that happy with Lyman anymore.”
“Will she be trying to win you back?”
“No she won’t try. She respects me too much after today to ask.”
“I’m glad for you. Just talking to you tonight, I don’t feel the bitterness I felt you had when you first hired me. We do have a problem I see coming up. One of your students was safe but now I don’t know that she is.”
“Who and what do you mean?”
“Gail. Gail had a crush on you and she was safe because you wouldn’t act on her willingness to give you whatever you wish. Now that she has transferred all of that love to Pete, he may take what she has to offer. I think you should talk to them and give them some advice.”
“I don’t think that would be appropriate or my place. Male teacher talking about sex to his young female student. No way! That would be more in line for a woman like you to do.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Well, let me think on it and maybe I can come up with something by next weekend when we have more time. Would you like a beer? We are on holiday and so far it hasn’t felt like it.”
Sunday was a fun day. We swam, played volley ball, cooked outside and ate more than we should. I surreptitiously watched Gail. She and Pete were always together. I didn’t know but what they would have sex before Angie and I had the chance to talk to them. She was Pete’s for the taking for what he had done for her yesterday.
Somehow Debra ended up on the porch with me while everyone else was down to the lake swimming or out in the boat. “Debra, tell me about yourself? You seem more mature than the other two students.”
“You aren’t propositioning me are you?”
“Umm, I just had the feeling that you had done some experimenting, that is all. I suspect Gail still is a virgin. The way she feels about Pete, she is going to offer herself to him. I don’t think that would be wise at this time. I’m afraid she will be hurt and that would drive her esteem even lower than it is right now.”
“It probably would. Me, it didn’t bother me a bit. I have tried it a few times. I haven’t had much satisfaction out of it yet. I have been very selective though and only do it with someone that I think I like enough. I would even do it with you if you want. I’m smart enough to know you wouldn’t fall in love with me and that would be it.”
“I wish Gail was smart like that. Angie thinks I should talk to her.”
“You should. I can’t or she would think I was jealous or something. She probably would feel the same way about Angie. She isn’t very smart and wouldn’t see that we were trying to help her sort it out. She trusts you more than anyone except her mother, maybe more than her even. Hank, you haven’t said no to my proposition yet. It might be fun.”
“I’m sure it would be, but I guess I’ll pass. Thanks for the offer. You just raised my esteem about twenty notches.” I got a smile as Debra sauntered down the steps and headed toward the lake. She went about twenty steps and turned to see if I was watching her. I was and received a blinding smile when she saw that she held my attention. Women's wiles, old as time.
I could see that everyone was occupied, so I gave Frank and Helen a call. Helen was ecstatic. Angie had called her and promised to get together with her mom before the summer was out. “Helen, you told me one time that your daughter was chubby when she was a teenager. You also said she had low self-esteem. How did you handle it? I’m asking because one of my students is similar and I remembered what you said about your daughter.”
“Angie was very chubby. She also was promiscuous. When she woke up and decided to lose some weight, she gave up messing around. It was a rough time for all of us. Things were fine until she took up with that black man. We met him and still don’t like him at all. I don’t think it was so much him being black, but more the way he talked about Angie. He came off as being insensitive.
“I gave Angie his address. I hope she terminates all contact with him, but we didn’t say much. Not after almost losing her by driving her away as we did.”
“Don’t beat yourself up. If she called and you talked about it, I would say most of the rift has healed. When is she coming home?”
“Soon she said. She has made some commitments for the summer. She is applying for a teaching position. I’m hoping she will come back and stay with us.”
“That may be too much to ask for. Don’t pressure her, just let her know she is welcome. Hey, I have company coming. It was great talking to you. By the way I saw Shirley yesterday. I think I’m getting over her. Now I can start looking for someone else to love. We have to get together next month before school starts.”
“We will. Maybe Angie will be with us. You’d be good together. Call again, Hank. For some reason I always feel better after talking to you. Bye.” Now why didn’t I tell Helen as she said good-bye? Angie was coming up from the lake in a tiny little bikini and she was a vision. I convinced myself it was too soon to become involved.
It was a dark night and we all sat around the campfire. I had marshmallows and I had cubed some little bits of chicken to toast over the fire. Some that had been marinating for a couple of hours and were delicious. It was buggy though, and the fire didn’t keep them all away. The two boys had enough of the insects. They decided they didn’t want to sleep in the tent, but instead inside the camp. They soon went to bed. Sis went to bed with them. I sat there with Angie, Debra, Gail and Pete. Someone was going to have to sleep in the tent. Normally it would be me.
“Gail and Pete. Would you two like to sleep together in the tent?” This brought a smile to Debra’s face. She silently got up and went into the camp before the two could answer. Angie started to ask a question, but then she went into the cabin behind Debra.
Neither answered me, just staring at me. “Look kids, I know you both are attracted to each other and probably are looking for a chance to have sex. I’m not going to allow that up here while we are camping. It just wouldn’t be right. After saying that, I would trust you to be alone in the tent if you would promise me that you wouldn’t do more than hold each other.
“I would suggest that you first become friends before you take your attraction to the next level. When we have time to talk I will explain what I mean more fully. I’m giving you a chance to be close to each other. No more than that though. I’d like to talk to you in depth, and it isn’t possible until we have time this coming weekend. Can you two hold off from doing anymore until after we talk? I feel responsible and that is why I’m asking.”
“I can Hank.” I didn’t know what thoughts were going through Pete’s mind.
“What will the others say? Mary or Angie? They will think I’m a bad girl.”
“No they won’t. I’ll explain before you get up in the morning. You two go on up to the restroom and come back and tell me your decision. All I want is a promise, that’s all.” The way was dimly lit and I watched as they held hands talking all the way. I turned around and Angie and Debra came out on the porch.
Angie was smiling. “Boy you have got a lot of faith. Two horny teenagers and all that is holding them from making love is a promise to a teacher.”
“They’ll promise. They respect Hank. That is what this is all about. Hank wants Gail to be safe without losing what little self-esteem she has. I think he has figured out a way to do it. I’d like to listen to what he has to say when he talks to them. It is too late for me in one way, but maybe I can learn something as well.”
“You can be there when I explain. I just don’t want Gail to be hurt. She is vulnerable right now and I’m afraid if she is hurt, she might go overboard and become promiscuous and never gain any respect for herself.” I heard a sharp intake of breath from Angie and smiled to myself. “When they come back, I’ll walk you both up to the restroom before we go in to bed.”
We saw them coming back. I was walking between Angie and Debra when we met the two. Pete spoke first. “I promise what you said.”
“I do too. You can trust us. Would it be okay if I hugged you?”
“Sure. Goodnight, you two.” When we got back to the cabin, we could hear whispering in the tent. I went in and crawled over on the far side of the air mattress. Both Debra and Angie were to sleep on it as well as me. I didn’t turn over as someone laid down next to me. It didn’t matter for I was soon asleep. I awoke once in the night and got up to go up the trail. There was an arm over me with someone snuggled up to me.
I got up and made my way out. I grabbed a flashlight and when I came back I saw that it was Debra that had been laying next to me. She had moved and taken up the spot I had vacated. I nudged Angie and she moved over as I slid in next to her. I smiled as I thought how I liked to keep everything equal. This when I turned over and felt another arm go over me.
In the morning we went into the nearest town and watched a parade. The guard unit in the town had contributed much to the parade with three tanks, various trucks and some jeeps. This excited my nephews no end and I promised them we would return next year. We stayed at the cabin as long as we could and it was dark when we returned home.
I took Gail, Pete and Debra home. They all thanked me for a great time.
When I came down from the loft in the morning, Sis was packing up. “Hank, you have six students coming this afternoon. You and Angie need to concentrate on them. We are going home today. We have had a wonderful time. I must say you are doing great with the three students that were with us for the weekend. I wish I had a teacher as nice as you when I went to school. Angie feels the same way. I think she will be a good teacher too. Don’t let her slip away. She would be a great woman to replace Shirley.”
“Okay Sis, I like her, but I don’t know how settled she is yet. I’ll let you know if anything develops.” After she left, Angie and I went over to the program headquarters and picked up the material she would need to teach her three students.
When we got back we had time for a coffee before we set about getting ready. Angie was nervous. “I don’t know if I can do this. My three are younger than Pete and the girls. Two of them are boys and need this summer to catch up so they can play sports in the fall. What if they are too dumb for me to teach anything?”
“Just do your best. You must see how I struggle with Gail. You just have to find a way to motivate them. I have no idea what today will be like after what I did in letting Pete and her sleep in the tent together. If you have too much trouble, I’ll turn Debra loose on your boys.”
“What do you mean? How would that help?”
“I’m halfway kidding, but Debra is experienced and two younger boys would be right up her alley. She could work it so they would do anything for her if she asked.”
“How experienced is she?”
“She told me she has had several sexual encounters and it doesn’t mean too much to her. I’m sure she could tease them a little. You know like a carrot before the horse, or a rabbit in front of a dog.”
“God, you’re devious. How do you know she has had sex?”
“I asked her when I was trying to figure out what to do about Gail and Pete and she told me. She ... ” I didn’t finish what I was going to say.
“Hank, damn you, don’t leave it there. Tell me.”
I explained and said I thought Debra had her feet solidly on the ground and when it came time to pick a mate, she would pick one for the rest of her life. In the meantime she won’t be celibate and would enjoy herself while waiting for the love of her life.
“She is too young to be thinking like that.”
“No she isn’t, she is quite the young adult. I suspect she has had to grow up fast. She is smart and now that she has applied herself to this class and sees how necessary math is, she doesn’t even have to attend once she has the basics. I suggest that we work this tutoring together to make things more interesting for all of us.”
“I’m willing, but I’m still nervous.”
“You don’t need to be. Look how you coped with my three students for the last two weeks. You taught them math when you admitted it wasn’t your strong suit. You’ll ace teaching your own subject.”
“You are a great motivator yourself. To change the subject, something is bothering me. When Debra and I were talking with you about how vulnerable Gail is, you said you were afraid she might become promiscuous if she was hurt and her esteem was driven lower. Why did you say that?”
“It could happen. I was thinking of the worst thing I could think of. It has happened to other people.”
“It sure has. The bad thing is the reputation that comes with it. That is what hurts more than anything. It is an endless downhill slide. You think you have put it all behind you. Then you find someone to love and you confess so your new love doesn’t find out unexpectedly. You soon find out he can’t handle it and he dumps you.” Tears were running down Angie’s face and she was being wracked with sobs.
“Damn it Hank, you’ve made me do it again. I have no secrets from you at all now. You know I was a fat kid with low self-esteem. You know I was a teenage whore. You know the only man I could go out with was a black man because everyone knew what I was. Even he dumped me when I tried to bind him to me through having his baby. What’s left for me?”
“What’s left? You still have maybe sixty years of life left. So you have made some mistakes, but it can’t be all bad. You have found out your parents still love you. Even the man you conceived a baby with is looking for you. He must have some feelings for you to come searching for you. You may hate all those boys you had sex with, but I’ll bet there is one or two you look back on with fondness. Also you are now experienced and when you find the right person, he may welcome that.
“Really, I see you as intelligent and I see you as a friendly person and people are drawn to you. My sister saw you the same as I do. The kids we are teaching look up to you. So you can’t travel in the same circles as you did when you were growing up. There is nothing that says you have to live there. Your parents will willingly come to visit you anywhere you are. I don’t see you as too bad off.”
“You make it sound so simple and easy. What if I run into someone that throws it in my face. Who is going to see that I have changed?”
“Just find me and I’ll read to them from the good book. Remember I’m the one that knows everything about you.” As I finished saying this and before Angie could answer, there was a knock on the door.
“Hank Rawlings, I’m Pete’s father. I let him go camping with you over the weekend and he came home with a black eye. Do you want to tell me about it? He said the cops were called and had to come straighten things out. I thought he was safe with you.”
“Sure. First of all I didn’t expect any trouble and Pete didn’t do anything wrong. My ex-wife came to the cabin with her boyfriend who had been drinking. He insulted one of the female students that was with us. I was proud when Pete stuck up for her. Before I could reach them from the next room, this guy backhanded Pete giving him the black eye. I took over from there. At no time was Pete in any real danger. I can put you in touch with the police if you wish.”
“Pete took up for someone?”
“Yes he did.”
“And you say he did the right thing?”
“I didn’t know he had it in him to do something like that. Maybe I have a good kid after all.”
“I think you have. There might be a little problem, though, that is connected to what he did for the girl. She is a nice enough kid, but sheltered. She may decide to reward him if he asks her for something. I would like to give both some information and warnings about becoming sexually active so they can understand that there are long-term pitfalls that go along with short-term pleasure. Understand I’m not advocating that they become sexually active. It is just something that might happen. May I have your permission to speak to him about it?”
“This might keep him from getting the girl in trouble. Is that what you are saying?”
“Yes. That is the whole point.”
“I guess that would be okay. Yes, you have my permission.”
“Where is Pete? Class starts in a half hour.”
“He is walking with some girl and I assume she is the one you are talking about. He says it is good exercise. They’ll be along by the time he is supposed to be here. How is he doing in his studies?”
“He is definitely catching up. He will be totally up to speed when his class resumes in the fall.”
“That’s great. It has been a pleasure to meet you.”
“For me too.” Pete’s father closed the door and I turned to Angie. “Wow, I never saw that coming. He must love his kid to check up on him like that.”
It wasn’t five minutes later when Debra came in followed by the three new students who had asked her if this was the correct house. I sat them around the dining room table after announcing I was serving a light lunch. While Angie was passing out the food, Pete and Gail came in.
“Good we are all here. Just as soon as we finish here, we will go up to the loft. We will get acquainted then.” I looked over our new students. Andy was a tall angular kid and said he played basketball. Pat was a guard for the football team. Betty was a cheerleader, tiny, cute and a flirt with her eyes going from one to the other of the three boys. Gail noticed and hated her immediately.
When we reached the loft, I pulled the curtain that I had constructed to divide the two sections. Angie immediately started evaluating her charges while I took up where we had left off the week before. I felt having my three students for the weekend had been a good move on my part. There was a bit more respect for me and they seriously wanted to please me by giving me their full attention.
Twice I heard Angie ask Betty to pay attention. At two-thirty when we usually took a break, I told my students to go in and mix with Angie’s while Angie and I went down for snacks. When we returned, Gail and Pete were holding hands, sitting where I had left them. Debra was in the other section with Angie’s students. She had pulled the curtain and it was very quiet behind it.
I peeled the curtain all the way back and had the boys push the tables together. I handed a cup of yogurt to each student and poured each a glass a kool-aid. “Okay Betty, Andy and Pat, tell us a little about yourselves. Gail, Debra, and Pete have been here a month and they will share a little about themselves at the same time. We are going to be together for another six weeks. This program ends the middle of August so you can have some vacation time before school starts.”
It came out that Andy was pressured by school officials to play basketball because he was so tall. He was over six feet and only fifteen. Pat’s father had played football in college and was living his life over again through his son. Betty claimed she was going to have a modeling career one way or another. Angie took it that her home life wasn’t too stable.
When I finished talking with them, Debra spoke up. “I signed up for this class because I didn’t have anything else to do and I’m kind of lazy. Hank impressed on me that as long as I was here, I might as well learn what I was here for. I found I am interested and I catch on pretty quickly. Besides he is a nice guy and I don’t want to let him down. School was never as much fun for me before this. I’m sorry that I will be senior this year and won’t be coming back next summer.”
I was surprised when Gail shared some things I wasn’t aware of. “I live with my mom and I’m not the brightest bulb in the flashlight. My father left my mom and I don’t remember him at all. Being in this class is the best thing that ever happened to me. Angie and Hank have helped me a lot and not just in class either.”
“Yeah, they try hard to teach us something and stick with us until we do learn. They look out for us too. The guy that gave me this black eye got the crap beat out of him for hitting me. You treat him and Angie right and you will learn everything you are supposed to.”
As class was letting out, I said to Debra, “Would you give me a minute, Debra?”
“Sure Hank, what’s up?”
“This is a bit awkward, but you said that you wanted to be present when I talked to Gail and Pete on Saturday about things sexual. I’ve got permission from Pete’s father. My question is, do I need permission from your father?”
“No, not at all. We are able to talk about sex pretty openly since he and Mom got divorced. He knows I’m not a virgin. I’m sure if you get stuck with what to say, I can help out.”
“I hope that won’t be necessary, but thank you anyway.” Debra went bouncing down the stairs laughing. Now if I could talk to Gail’s mom and get permission, I would be relieved.
I was coming from the store Thursday evening and I saw Pete and Gail walking toward the little park in their neighborhood. I had Gail’s address and thought this was a good chance to talk to her mother. I went to see her.
“Mrs. Rockwood, I’m Hank Rawlings, Gail’s teacher.”
“Oh God, she isn’t flunking summer school too is she?”
“No, this is about something that started at camp last weekend. A student that was there did something for Gail that she is very grateful for. I’m afraid she might become sexually active because of it.”
I went on to explain. What I had done to slow things down, how I had a promise from them to refrain until I talked to them and that I would like her permission to continue to give Gail advice. I said I wanted to be able to tell her to come to her mother to talk about birth control. I also said a female teacher would be present so Gail wouldn’t be too embarrassed.
“You certainly have my permission. I wish one of my teachers had taken the trouble to advise me, but then I wouldn’t have Gail, would I?”
Angie had some trouble with Betty all week. Betty had somewhat of an attitude, flying just under what Angie could call her on. And she tried to disrupt the class by surreptitiously flashing Andy and Pat. Friday when the class was almost over, I reminded Pete, Gail and Debra that I would be talking to them in the morning. As they went down the stairs I asked, “Betty, could you stay over for a few minutes?”
I received a brazen smile. I watched out the window as everyone went home or in the case of Angie, went into the house. “Betty, you know you aren’t making it easy for Angie. She is trying so hard to teach you something. I don’t care about you so much, but Andy and Pat need this class so they can play sports.”
“I’m just flirting a little. All girls my age do.”
“Okay, that may be, but this isn’t the place for it.”
“Why, are you jealous because I don’t flirt with you?” Betty twitched herself around the room.
I didn’t answer her question. Instead I said, “Let me paint you a picture. Take a very pretty young girl that likes to flirt. She flirts with two of her classmates. The boys get sick of it because they know she is just teasing. She laughs at them and then they get serious. They corner her and start pawing and feeling her up and when she tells them to stop they won’t. Things happen and this cute little girl is raped.
“Okay, the two guys are feeling very guilty and to protect themselves they start telling all their buddies that this sweet young thing puts out. It isn’t long before she is bombarded by boys wanting only one thing. She has lost her good name and the protection of innocence because no one will believe her because of her past actions.
“So there goes her dream of becoming a model. She has lost all of her friends because they don’t want to associate with the little whore. The only thing left for her while she is in school is to become the plaything of the football and basketball teams. She hates it so she drops out of school and you must realize what life is without an education. Worst case she might even have got knocked up with all of her unwanted sexual activities.
“Let me ask you, is that what you want for yourself?” Tears were running down Betty’s cheeks and her head was down and she wouldn’t look at me. She shook her head no in answer to my question. “Another question. Are you serious about wanting a modeling career? Will your mother support you in this?”
“Yes, Mom will although she doesn’t think it is possible.”
“Okay to be honest, you are getting a little old to break into the field. Do you have a portfolio to show?”
“Would you like to have me help you put one together? I think I can.”
“I’ll send you to someone that does work in this area. She has been doing it for years now and she might even have some contacts. Now remember you may never become a top model, but you might be able to sign on with some company that does catalogs, etc. You might never become rich, but it would give you a charge to see your picture in different catalogs. If you become a regular it would give you some extra income.”
“Why would you do that for me?”
“Mostly because I think someday Angie will be a good teacher and if she fails before she gets started, she won’t be able to become one. Right now you are a big distraction for her. Another word of advice. If you want to become sexually active, don’t spread your flirting around. Concentrate on finding a serious-minded boy that will treat you with respect if and when you become intimate. Does all that make sense?”
“Yes. I appreciate you talking about all of this and being concerned for me. I wish you were my father. Mom never was married and sometimes I’m afraid that I’ll be just like her. I will take it to heart and I’ll be good in class from now on. I promise.”
“Good, I trust that you will. Let me call someone about getting a portfolio for you.” I picked up my cell phone. “Shirley, it’s Hank. How is Lyman?” I listened as my ex-wife explained that Lyman became conscious in the hospital and mystified as to what had happened to him. She said he would be reminded of his action now every time he looked in the mirror. He would have a beautiful scar above one eye.
When she finished, I said, “Hey, I have a young student here that thinks she wants to become a model. She has long hair and she is small and very cute. She needs a portfolio. Would you meet her if I send her to you?”
Shirley objected, but capitulated when I said, “After last weekend, you owe me. This kid needs to know what modeling is all about. Even if you don’t work with her, you can explain what a modeling career entails.” Before I hung up, I had arranged an appointment for Betty on Monday morning. Her mother also would be going with her to meet with Shirley.
We came down out of the loft and I said that I would give her a ride home. “Hank, may I hug you and thank you? You have opened my eyes to how stupid I have been.” We hugged and I looked toward the house to see Angie watching. I ignored the displeased look on her face and Betty and I got in the vehicle and left.
Betty took me in to meet her mother. The mother was an older version of Betty and I knew immediately why Betty flirted. She was just emulating her parent. Before I left, Betty’s mom thanked me profusely for the heart to heart talk I had had with her daughter and not to be afraid to talk to her again if I thought it would help her daughter grow up.
When I went into the house at home, I was met by Angie. “Tell me about it. You must have got on well with the little tease. I saw you two hugging.”
“Do you want the short version or the long one?”
“The short version will do.”
“Betty and I talked. I explained some things. I got her promise not to disrupt your class. I took her home and met her mother. Her mother flirts and that is where Betty learned how. Now all we have to do is see if she holds to her promise. I have faith that she will.”
“That’s it?”
“Pretty much. What are we having for supper?”
“Pizza. It will be here in a few minutes.” Angie couldn’t let it go. “How come you hugged her?”
“It just seemed as if it was the thing to do when she asked for one. If anyone is brave enough to ask for a hug, I feel they should have one. Does that make sense?”
“I suppose.” Just then the pizza came and we sat down to eat without returning to the subject again.
I was up and made a great breakfast for Angie. Over coffee I stated, “I think from what the program director said you might be able to receive a teaching contract. What you are doing with me this summer qualifies you. He has your scholastic record already. I would like to know what your plans are going to be. You may have noticed, I’m a great one for planning ahead.”
“To be honest Hank, I haven’t made any plans. My life has been in such turmoil lately. It seems as though every plan I make gets sidetracked. Not from someone else fault, but my own.”
“That happens. I planned on having a wife for the rest of my life. Here seven, almost eight years later and I’m single again. Was that poor planning? I just don’t know. I’ll never know so I’ll just accept it and move on. So, I’m advising you to make some plans even if they don’t work out. Let’s clean up and get ready for Gail and Pete. I wanted to meet with them this morning. Gail is just too vulnerable at this point and maybe a few words from me will help her.”
It was five after nine and I was beginning to wonder if the two students were going to show for their nine o’clock meeting. The doorbell rang and instead of just Pete and Gail, Debra with Betty in tow, was with them. I remembered then that Debra was interested in what I was going to say to Gail.
“Hank, I saw Betty on my way here and thought she could use more words of wisdom from our favorite teacher. When Gail and Pete came along, Betty told us all what you are doing for her about maybe getting her modeling career started. Wow, you are some kind of guy!”
Angie looked mystified so I had to explain a little to her. “Betty needs a portfolio to be able to pursue a modeling career. That is what my ex-wife does so I called her and set up a meeting on Monday morning. Betty is to go talk to her. Nothing may come of it, but then again, something might. It is worth a shot anyway. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes.” Angie said this in such a way that I knew she really didn’t. I left that for another discussion at another time.
I put everyone into comfortable seats in the living room. “Okay what I have to say may bore you to tears. I’m not going to get too specific about any feelings you have for each other. You know how you feel and I can only speculate. That said, let’s go back to the beginning when the species Human, came onto earth. We’ll say God made man and woman and he wanted them to multiply to cover the earth with those in his image.
“Man, he gave the ability to plant his seed in woman. It didn’t matter which woman so he decided any woman or many for that matter. Woman, as the receiver, he gave a slightly different role. She could take in any man, but God wanted her to make strong progeny to survive, so her role was to attract the best man for the vision he set out to fulfill his plan. He also gave each some subtle tools to see that this was carried out. He made some men handsome and some women attractive to the eye. He used other things like pheromones which, although not obvious, reinforce the attraction through the sense of smell.
“Pheromones are something that play on the senses. You have all heard about a dog being able to smell your fear. That is a pheromone that you give off. Here we are talking about a sexual pheromone that is used by both to attract the opposite sex.
“Anyway, this worked great for awhile as man went forth and multiplied and covered the earth. But God also gave man a brain and man in his way started making laws to govern which woman could mate with which man. The weaker men that were being passed over banded together and made laws so that the strongest man, who is classified as alpha, didn’t end up with all of the women. Of course God had to complicate matters even more by throwing in feelings as well. Feelings like lust, jealousy and emotion. He never took away the pheromones and the basics from his original plan which in turn cause many of the problems of today.
“Now I suppose God is out of it and the earth is ruled by laws that man has made. Man says that humans should remain monogamous, but most humans rarely are. Some are, but only a percentage and many of those definitely are not in their minds. So we have laws by man to promote monogamy as in marriage. Just think if you are married at eighteen, you may be with the same partner for sixty years. How many people in this life span are going to remain faithful? Okay, say fifty percent do and follow the law, but of those how many hark back to the beginning of time and God’s original plan if only in their mind?
“I’ll try to tie all of that into present day situations. I’ll give you an example in my own life. I’m divorced as some of you are aware. My wife left me for another man and I divorced her. The question is, did she leave me because he was a stronger, more virile alpha man and one to carry on God’s plan that was instilled in woman? Does that make me weak and not fit to carry on and populate the earth? I don’t know.
“I do know, what she did is very painful to me. It wasn’t so much that she left me, but because she broke man’s law and her vow to me personally. Did she hark back to the original premise to find a more suitable man to mate with? Who knows? I do know I have lost respect for her because she broke her vow to me to remain faithful. I believe firmly that if I accepted her back as I have had some indication she wishes, she would not respect me and I would not respect myself and I would become even less of a man.
“This is where I say something about maturity. My first instinct was to go out and kill both her and the man who took her away from me. That wouldn’t work, for then they would be dead and I would be very soon under man’s law. I’m old enough and wise enough to accept that I didn’t win and lost something. Just maybe though I can be the alpha male to a different woman and she is waiting out there for our mutual attraction. Be assured that she will be unattached for there are alpha males out there that might not be as mature as I am.
“Moving on to you young people which is why we are here today. Pete did something by defending Gail which showed strength and made him the alpha man in her eyes. So we go back to the origin of man and God’s plan again. That was what God intended for woman, meaning Gail. Pete, meaning man, on the other hand has been programmed to plant his seed in any receptacle.
“One fault in this situation is that they are young and although their bodies can perform, their minds are not developed enough to handle all the ramifications that could happen. Gail could become pregnant which would be devastating to both of their futures. Pete could suddenly look across the room and see someone that attracts him and he could walk away from Gail.
“That would be devastating to her, and yes somewhat to Pete, for he might feel some guilt for leaving the one that allowed him to become close to her.
“The one thing that God didn’t plan on and what he should have kept out of the mix if his plan had been perfect is--sex feels good. In fact it feels wonderful. It feels good even when sometimes you don’t want it to or know you shouldn’t indulge. Two people that hate each other can have sex and it can be great.
“Let me reassess. Pete and Gail are by law too young to have sex. Their bodies are ready and what they feel they might think they are ready. But down the road, are they ready to face those things that would bring trouble down on them? Maybe yes, maybe no. At least they should be forewarned.
“First Gail should start birth control immediately so if she decides to continue, or God forbid, is forced, she will be protected. Now if they promise to live for each other at this age, that can possibly lead to trouble as well. Remember their minds aren’t ready for a commitment yet for the years to eternity, although their hearts might be. In the future their hopes and dreams may diverge. One of them may mature faster than the other and where they are compatible now they soon might not be.”
I paused and asked, “Is everyone with me up until this point?”
Debra was the one that answered. “I think I am, but what is the answer?”
“My advice is to become real strong friends. You should like each other and if you move to become intimate, do it in such a way as to not destroy the friendship. Glory in seeing each other mature. At the same time when you become intimate, know that it isn’t the end of the world later if you may go separate ways. In the meantime you have each other to enjoy.”
It was Angie that spoke this time. “Are you advocating them having sex?”
“Not my place to say. It would be perfect if they had parents to advise them. I’m just passing on a little information about what is behind the feelings that wash over them in certain situations. It can be wonderful with the right person or it can leave you with the question of why did I do this? They should approach this as friends, not as committed lovers. I drew this from something Debra said to me out at the cabin last weekend.”
“I remember what I said. That was when we talked about me being sexually active and my take on it.”
“Good. Sometime would you talk to Gail about how you feel about having sex? It would give her an honest and true insight into what and how you feel toward your partner after it happens. This might keep Gail from getting bogged down in low self-esteem and hurt too bad if Pete at some later time has intercourse with another girl.”
Betty spoke up. “Hank, this woman you are sending me to. Isn’t she your ex-wife? You say you were hurt pretty badly when she left you. I don’t understand something. You called her and I heard everything you said. You didn’t sound angry or hurt.”
“I was hurt and angry at the time of the break-up, but it wasn’t so much her leaving me for another man, it was the vow she broke when she did it behind my back. That was being disrespectful of the worst kind. I think if she had come to me and said in so many words that she was leaving because she was attracted to another--that she wanted to explore and expand on those feelings, we could have divorced and moved on without so much pain.
“These are the feelings I was talking about that you have to be mature enough to handle. It is hard enough at my age, but think how devastated I would have been if I was at the age that Gail and Pete are now.”
“So Hank, are you saying that it is okay for me to dip my wick in Gail?” This brought a round of mirth from everyone including Gail.
When it subsided I said, “When Gail is protected from becoming pregnant, it would be her decision, but until you are eighteen, remember it is against the law. That can bring its own problems. These are decisions you have to make on your own. If you are friends of each other first and it is something that you both want to do.” I grinned before ending with, “We all know what the male of the species wants don’t we? That is why I began this conversation with all the stuff, even as dry and uninteresting as it is.”
“What if my Mom won’t let me go on birth control? She and I have never talked about sex before. She probably felt there wasn’t any need because no one would want me looking as I do.”
“I can’t help you much there. Hopefully she will guide you. If she won’t, I am sure you can go into the local planned parenthood office and talk to someone to advise you. If you need someone to go with you either at the agency or when you talk to your mother, maybe Angie could fill in. Now are there any more questions or comments? If not we have some of the weekend left and I’ll see you all on Monday in class.”
“Is soup and sandwich for lunch okay Angie? I’ll take you out for dinner tonight.”
“Sure, fine. Hank was what you said about the first man and woman true or just bullshit? I never heard any of that before.”
“It is a theory of course, but many studies have backed it up. Do you disagree with it?”
“No and I think it makes sense. You didn’t mention love at all. That has to enter into it.”
“Love is an emotion. Today’s meeting wasn’t about emotion. I was trying to point out that you don’t necessarily have to have love at their age to have a relationship. I would like to think love comes more at our age than at theirs. They are just too immature.”
“You should have told them that.”
“No I don’t think so. It would have mixed them up too much. Angie, honestly, have you ever been in love? Love that the poets and great authors write about? I know when I was twenty-one I thought I was in love when I married Shirley, but now I don’t know that I was. I think it was sexual attraction and look where I am now.”
“You sound bitter, but with your criteria I guess I haven’t been in love either. Tell me, didn’t you have some wonderful lovely times with Shirley? I know I did with Sam. It could have been love, but not deep enough to sustain a life-long relationship.”
“Same feeling I get about Shirley. I do know there isn’t any love left between us. I talked to her yesterday. I wanted her expertise in what I needed to help Betty. Other than that she is just someone that I know and that is sad when you think about it.”
“Tell me about Lyman, her lover.”
“He is someone I grew up with. His parents always had money, not like my folks who had to struggle some. Especially when they sent me on to school. You saw him. He is a handsome devil and used to getting his way. I did enjoy being around him, but sometimes I didn’t like the way he treated people--girls especially. He has been married before, but it only lasted a year before she divorced him. He always said it was because his wife cheated on him, but I have wondered about it since he took Shirley away from me.”
“You say you have no feelings left for Shirley, but you must have something.”
“I suppose. A little bit of pity, anyway. He promised marriage, or so she has said. That hasn’t happened. Maybe I’m a little pleased that things haven’t turned out that great for her. That’s mean and I don’t want to be like that. Enough of this. Oh, did you write to Sam?”
“Yes, right after I received his address from Mom. I told him I didn’t want to see him, so that part of my life is over. I did tell him I lost the baby and how and I did ask him to send me some personal papers and my grandmother’s ring. I left them behind when I packed. He should send them to Mom. I agree with one thing. Enough of this. Let’s go walk around the park this afternoon. It should be quiet.”
“Okay by me.” That evening we went out for dinner and we stopped at a club for drinks and dancing. I found Angie an accomplished dancer so we had fun.
When we returned home, I drove the car into the garage as Angie opened the door to the house. She was standing just inside when I came in. “Hank, you are the only man I know right at the present. Going back to what you told the kids, I think I would like to have sex tonight. You didn’t discuss love this afternoon, but you did talk about maturity. I know I’m mature enough to handle sex without love. The first thing I bought with the first check you gave me was birth control pills. Would you oblige me? We can return to our original agreement tomorrow morning.”
I didn’t know whose fiddle was playing the sweetest, but we did make beautiful music together.
Angie and my students were doing wonderfully well. Andy and Pat missed Betty flirting with them but she reminded them emphatically she was here to study, not to fool around. Angie informed me that all three girls were now on birth control with the blessings of all of their parents. Pete and Gail were always together. Whether they were intimate, I’m sure no one would ever know. Gail really was becoming attractive and Angie was the one guiding her in her diet.
Debra and I had a special bond for some reason. I think if we had been nearer of an age there would have been something between us. This went back to our earliest conversation at the cabin. She often lingered after class with either Angie or me and sometimes both of us. Anyway, she became our friend.
Betty came one noon early to class. She had a package wrapped in brown paper. “Hank, this is for you. It is a thank you for all you have done for me. I had my first photo session yesterday and Shirley is putting together a panel to be viewed by one of the stores on Main Street. I’m supposedly a new bride buying items in a kitchenware boutique. I’m fifteen and I look twenty. Open this.”
The photo was of Betty in a stylish dress that Shirley had her wear for her shoot. She was beautiful and so mature. “I told Shirley I wanted this mounted so I could give it to you. She was glad to do it for me and she said I was going to be her best model very soon. Do you like it? Look, I even signed it Bee Fleure. That’s my model name. Thank you, thank you.”
The first of August, the program director asked if he could come and watch Angie in her classroom. He came in and listened to her manage her students from behind the curtain. She never even knew she had been evaluated and was surprised when she received a copy of a contract spelling out conditions if she wanted to teach in this school system. There was a contract for her to sign if she wanted to stay in the city. She immediately made an appointment to sign the contract. It wasn’t for the same school I taught in, but actually closer to where I lived.
Our life had been moving apace as well. Saturday evenings we went out for dinner, a couple of drinks and then dancing. Returning home we spent the night together in each others arms. The rest of the nights were spent alone in our own beds, but knowing Saturday evening would come again.
“Hank, I would like to ask someone to join us on our Saturday night outing. Debra has been your most stable student. I think she has been the inspiration behind what has made this summer a success. If she goes with us, she will be able to have you hold her in your arms while you dance with her. I think you should.”
“Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
“Definitely, but she is like you in a lot of respects. She would never cross the line.”
“May I ask her myself? It might mean more to her.”
“My thought exactly.”
“Debra, would you stay a minute after class this afternoon?”
“Sure Hank.” I was nervous wondering if I was doing the right thing. When all the students had left except Debra, she asked, “What’s up Hank? Aren’t I going to pass? Only one more week of school so it is too late now if I’m failing.”
“No you are not failing. In fact you are the one that has inspired all of our students to excel this summer. As a thank you for keeping the classes on track, I would like to invite you to go out with Angie and me for dinner Saturday night. We will be going dancing afterward which might be fun for all of us. Would you like to go?”
Debra stood searching my face. “Angie will be there?”
“Yes, otherwise I couldn’t invite you. It was her idea originally, but I want you to go, just for me.”
“Hank, this is a dream come true. Oh dear, I don’t have a thing to wear. No I had better not go.”
“Angie is waiting down in the house to see what she can do about that part of our night out. Debra, I have to ask. This won’t be too painful for you will it? Your heart, I mean?”
“No, and I know what you mean. Someday I will find someone as nice as you have been to me. That man better look out for he will be mine. Until then I’ll have you to dream about and a ‘what if.’ I’ll be ready for you Saturday night. See you.”
I stayed in the loft until I saw Angie drive Debra home. There were several of Shirley’s dresses hanging on the door when I came in. Two were laying on the bed when I looked into Angie’s room. A blue number of Shirley’s that had been my favorite and a black one that Angie had mentioned she liked. Maybe the two women were going to surprise me, so I closed the door.
When Angie came back she said that I had made Debra the happiest anyone could be. “Do I have to worry about you and her? I mean there is only eleven years difference in your ages.”
“No you don’t have to worry about Debra. I have my eye on someone else. It is too soon to declare myself though. I’m thinking that can be resolved in a couple of weeks.”
“That person is going to be on pins and needles until you do declare yourself.”
“Not to worry Miss Angie. Just like all the women today, that person wants instant gratification. Let’s eat, I’m hungry.”
Angie was tied up most of the day getting Debra ready for her dinner date with us in the evening. They were out and it was almost six when Angie called and asked me to go into my room and not come out until they were dressed. I wasn’t even supposed to see them when they came in. I complied with her wish.
“Hank, you can come down now. I have corsages for you to pin on us.” I came down the stairs to two of the most beautiful women I had ever had the good luck to meet. I was surprised as Angie was in blue and Debra was in black. I knew it was going to be a rough night for me when Angie said, “Debra looks sexy in the black and this is her night. Look and see if you don’t think so.”
It got worse for me. As I pinned the corsage on Angie, she reached and hugged me and then tongue kissed me. When I went to pin the one on Debra she did the same. Her face was flaming red. I knew Angie had put Debra up to this. “I’m sorry ladies, I have decided not to go out for the evening.”
Angie sobered. “Okay Hank, we’ll stop. You are so serious all the time. We just had to get you going. This night isn’t just for Debra to remember, but for you as well. Now take us out and show us what a fine gentleman you can be. We both wish you were our man.”
“Promise? No more of what just went on?” Both promised, knowing they had pushed me as far as I would go. The dinner went fine. Debra was nervous, but covered it well. When she didn’t know something she leaned to Angie with a question. For dancing I took them to a club that I had been to occasionally with Shirley. They didn’t play as many fast numbers and I thought this would be better for Debra.
We ordered drinks. Both girls ordered ginger ale with a twist and I had a beer to nurse. I danced with Angie the first time I was on the floor. Just for the first dance and then I took Debra into my arms to finish the set. She was extremely nervous and it took a few minutes for her to relax and enjoy herself. From then on she and I were on the floor two sets out of three. Angie was asked to dance by other patrons. The fourth set we were back in the corner dancing a slow waltz.
“Hank, that is you. I told Lyman I thought it was, but you have stayed over here in the corner most of the evening so far. Introduce me to your partner and then I’ll go back to my table.”
“Shirley, this is Debra Huntley. Debra, this is my ex-wife Shirley Rawlings.”
“You must be the one that is helping my friend Betty become a model. You have made her look so beautiful. I’m pleased to meet you.”
“You know Betty?”
“Yes she is a student with me. I saw you at the cabin over the Fourth, but we didn’t get a chance to speak.”
“Oh.” I could see that Shirley was puzzled. What would I be doing out with one of my students? I didn’t give her a chance to ask questions.
“Lyman is here with you? Is he apt to cause any trouble?”
“No he isn’t. In fact he would like to apologize to you for being such an ass. I don’t suppose you could join us could you?”
“No, but you could join me. I have another teacher here with me and I don’t want to leave her alone.”
“We would be glad to. We’ll be over in a few minutes.” It was the end of the set and I said as I escorted Debra back to our table, “I’m sorry for the interruption. I think he needs to mend some fences. I’ll make sure they don’t stay long.” I received a smile.
Lyman and Shirley appeared just as Angie and Debra were heading to the restroom. When they were out of hearing distance, I said to my ex-wife, “Shirley, Angie’s last name is Watkins. Her parents are Helen and Frank. Now don’t you let on that we know them. She was troubled when I met her and she is just getting things straightened out. Part of this is my keeping the secret that I know her parents. Can you do that for me? I’ll explain someday.”
“I can Hank. Oh, Lyman and I have some news. You tell him Lyman.”
“Hank, I’ve asked Shirley to be my wife. I’ve been an ass in keeping her waiting so long. I also want to apologize to you for being such a drunken fool over the weekend of the Fourth. It cost me a lot of pain and kind of rearranged my looks. Shirley threatened to leave if I didn’t straighten up. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I took her away from you because I wanted her. I still want her and I will do about anything to keep her. So we will be getting married very soon.”
Debra and Angie returned as I was congratulating them both, which led to the explanation of why we all were happy. Angie looked especially happy at this news. Not so much when Shirley asked if she could steal me for one dance.
I took her out on the floor. “Hank, marry one of those women you are with tonight. The young one adores you. How old is she?”
“Only seventeen. Not old enough for me. I plan to propose to Helen’s daughter. She is a teacher like me and we get along great. Most of her troubles are all behind her now. If they come up again we will face them together. Debra was my star student, so I’m giving her a night out as a reward. How is one of my other students, Betty, doing?”
“She is doing great and is a natural. She thinks you are God because you were instrumental in connecting us up.”
“She is a nice kid. I’m glad you could help her. She gave me one of her pictures. That is some of your finest work. You are a great photographer.”
“Thank you Hank. Dance me back to your table and I’ll leave you alone with your dates. I think they both love you. I even still love you a little.”
When we got to the table Shirley hugged me and promised she and Lyman would send me an invitation to the wedding. I danced with Angie and for once she didn’t seem jealous of my ex-wife. When we finished and returned to our table, Debra was out on the floor. “That’s a classmate of hers. She pointed him out to me earlier. I guess you are stuck with me for awhile.”
“I don’t mind a bit. I miss having you all to myself.”
The evening wound down. I had the last dance with Debra. When it ended we were again in the far corner and the lights were totally down. Debra put her arms around me and hugged me as tight as she could. It was with feeling and we both knew that we would remember each other with fondness the rest of our lives. It ended just as the lights came on. As I was escorting her back to the table, she asked if I was going to marry Angie. I admitted I was if she would have me. All I heard was a “Duh.”
As we were driving her home, Debra asked if she could skip the last week of school and I said she could as it was only recap. The tests were completed already. Both of us received a peck on the cheek and I led her to her door. When it opened, she smiled at me and turned and went inside. I was going to miss her, that was sure.
The tenth and last week of summer school was pretty loose. We had a barbecue in the back yard. I invited the parents of the students and most of them came. Debra came back for the day bringing her father. All the parents extolled how much their kids had matured over the summer. Pat and Andy had even taken an interest in learning something besides their sport. Gail had lost twenty-two pounds and done it without starving it off. She and Pete were walking miles every day.
Betty’s mother came and didn’t flirt like the first time I met her. We had a nice conversation about Betty’s new career. “You know Mr. Rawlings, summer school was the best thing for my daughter. Me too for that matter. She shared with me everything you said to her. I’m now dating a nice gentleman at work. He was turned off by flirtatious actions previously, but I have hopes.”
The program director made a short speech about how Angie and I had the most success of all the teachers this summer. He hoped we would volunteer as tutors again next year. We might just do that, but I doubted we would ever have as much success or enjoy our students as much as we had this year.
I called Helen and Frank and asked if I could come and visit. I would be arriving about eight Sunday morning in time for breakfast. I would have my housekeeper with me. I told Angie I had a friend I wanted to see Sunday morning before I would be taking her to her parents Sunday afternoon. Angie had called and told her parents she would see them sometime after lunch. A teacher friend was driving her and they might want to stay overnight.
We left about four a.m. Sunday morning for the four hour drive. Angie went to sleep about six and was still asleep as I pulled in front of her parents’ house. Helen and Frank came out to greet me just as she was waking up. I stood back and watched the reunion. Helen squealed and Frank had tears in his eyes. They suddenly turned on me. “This is your housekeeper?”
“Yes. Isn’t she sweet?”
“Come in, come in. Did you know she was our daughter?”
“Just as soon as she said her last name. She looks too much like Helen to be otherwise. I’ll let her tell you all about our summer. When she finishes, I’ll fill in the rest.”
As we were finishing up breakfast, I looked at Angie. “Angelina Watkins, I would very much like to marry you. Would you be my wife?” I had a ring beside my plate when I said this. She couldn’t speak, just nodding yes. She then got up and came around the table and kissed me as I slid the ring on her finger. “Are you okay with this, Helen and Frank?”
“God, yes. We’ve known you forever. Do you know everything about each other?”
“I believe so. All of the important things anyway. Oh by the way Helen, Shirley sends her love.”
“Hank, don’t tell me your ex-wife knows who I am?” Angie was looking shocked.
“Yes she does. I told her at the dance the other night and I also told her I was going to ask you to marry me. Secrets were kept, Sweet, but only for a short while.”
“Okay, but I hope you don’t hide anything more from me.”
I could see that Helen was uneasy about something. “Angie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your man Sam is coming by to see you this evening. He called right after you did yesterday and I said you would be here.”
“That’s alright, Mom, I will have to face him sometime. At least it will be here with you and Dad--you too, Hank.”
“You aren’t worried he will cause some trouble are you Angie?”
“I don’t think so. He shouldn’t, unless he has some of his friends with him. If he has, he’ll try to show off by being possessive of me.”
This left a pall over what should have been a joyous day for all of us. I instinctively knew that if Angie was insulted, I would fight. Pete did it for Gail and I could do no less for my future wife. Well I used to be able to hold my own. Hell, I grew up in a rough neighborhood and had an occasional set to. It had been a long while though since I had needed to demand respect through a conquest. We would see.
I had a minute alone and Angie cornered me. “Hank, you’re damned sneaky you know. Every time you wanted to know something about me you called Mom and found out what kind of kid I was. I don’t think that was fair. I never would have told you I was a fat kid and had low esteem. You even know I screwed around when I was young.”
“I know, but wouldn’t you always have been fearful that I would find out after we marry? You just don’t have to worry about it now.”
“I suppose, but it was pretty sneaky. You wait, I’m going to find out something about your younger days you don’t want me to know. Maybe I’ll talk to your sister, or even Lyman. He knows all about you especially way back when.”
“Do your best. My life is an open book.” I grinned and then pulled her into my lap and kissed her.
Angie was getting more and more nervous and watching out the window as six o’clock drew near. I tried to appear calm. I was so glad I had already asked Angie to marry me. I honestly felt I had the best of it, even though she hadn’t really had the chance yet to tell me how much she loved me.
“He is here. Damn! He has two of his buddies with him. Jamal is one of them. He always throws his weight around. Hank, you stay in the house and I’ll talk to him alone. This is my business. That way there won’t be any trouble.”
I didn’t say anything, but when she tried to close the door in front of me, I had my foot in it. I stepped out behind her onto the steps and stayed there as Angie went forward to meet her former lover. When he grabbed her and tried to kiss her, she pulled away and started talking. It was about twenty steps to the curb. I was half-way there by this time. Another black man opened the car door and got out and came around Sam and Angie. He faced me and I walked right through him.
I remembered that backhand that Lyman hit Pete with. That was a move that he and I had perfected when we came up against other kids in a street fight. The only difference from what Lyman did to Pete, his hand was open and it was more of a slap. My fist was closed and the back of my knuckles caught this brother right on the side of the chin. Jamal, if that was his name, went down. When he started up, I just pointed and said, “Stay.” He stayed.
“Are you okay, Dear?”
“Yes, I am Hank.”
I looked at the man on the ground. “Get back in the car and stay there. Sam and Angie had a relationship. Let them talk it out. It’s not our business.” I turned and walked back to the steps. When I could see that Angie was calm enough with the situation, I went up the steps and into the house. I sat down in the living room.
Frank asked me if I wasn’t worried I would lose her. “Sam is begging her to leave with him.”
“Frank, I am going to win. If Angie comes back in and I believe she will, I know I have won her heart. We’ll know in a little bit.”
It was almost an hour later when the door opened and Angie came in and fell into my arms. She was crying with relief. “Hank, I’m glad that is over. Thank you for coming out and thank you for trusting me to handle it. I know just how Gail felt when Pete stood up for her. I’m all yours and the past is now behind me. Mom, I know Hank and I aren’t married yet, but I will be sleeping with him tonight.”
It had been a great summer and the fall promised to be good as well.
The conclusion is presented in "Summer School--The Sequel," with many of the same characters. Watch for it.
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